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OP remembered Yamada!


Is she autistic?

she makes me kek hard literally every time she comes on screen

I like it. I watched up to Lord of the Takanashi. Why is the most recent season called "WWW.?"


It's a spin-off. It's not nearly as good as the original series but worth checking out.

My understanding is that WWW is based off the author's older web manga, which Working!! is a refinement of. It's rougher all around, and it being adapted last with lower production values doesn't do it any favors, but it's decent enough in its own right.

its literally the same





>adult only
>she's clearly a kid
That's fake news you've got there.

You dwarf tree, spoil me!

the bongo lady


what the FUCK was his problem

It's just banter.


Yamada is shit. She brings a 10/10 series to 9/10.



picked up


why is her voice so funny



Inami best girl

Is yamada the most well done autistic genki character ever?

no that's kyoko

why would anyone call his own daughter POPURA?

for fucks sake , i actually forgot her name



She's named after the poplar tree because they wished her to be tall.

you looking to get your lights punched out?

Literally confirmed for worst.

Walking turd.


Shut the fuck up Yamada and go buy some Shambalileh

I want to break Yamada's lip

so why did she have the sword

Working was one of those series that kept me going, it's so good. WWW.Working was also a treasure.

WWW had the best girl of the series in it.

They're all best, but some of them are more best than others

>even Asanagi couldn't do anything to Yamada

God she's amazing

watch your mouth user


I want to spoil Yamada until she left me for another sugar daddy.

best aho

how is www.working related to working?

They take place in the same city at different restaurants of the same chain.

>She's named after the poplar tree because they wished her to be tall.
lol when will they learn

She's young, she can still make it.

Yamada wants to adopt you as her father!


except poplar, she's adorable

I accept

I adopt her as a pet.

>no revelation Yamada was actually an extremely youthful-looking cake, and was trolling the troll the entire time


Why was this show so fantastic? and other than WWW(though not in my opinion) would you guys say is just as good of a show?

well written characters and has character archs unlike blend s, which may be funnier but the story doesn't go anywhere there

yes the best autist

Ah right, Blend-S. Maybe I should continue that. Well if that was your suggestion then thanks anyway user

>doesn't like WWW.
Take your shit taste and ask for spoonfeeding elsewhere, dipshit

I didnt say I didnt like it. I just dont think its ass good as the other show

www. is fine but it's not as good as working

a) wrong
b) ignoring the spoonfeeding

Well, looks like I do have something to do this evening after all. Never made past the Popura doujins.
>tfw not enough Kyouko or Yachiyo doujins
Also, Inami a shiiiit


Being best boy by a country mile

I could never fap to Popura, it just ain't right.

>Inami a shit. She brings a 10/10 series to 6/10



Can you not?

>Why was this show so fantastic?
Because it has a bunch of weirdoes who all have good chemistry with each other.

If busting to the doujin where Popura is tied up in the bathroom and used as a public onajole is wrong, I don't ever wanna be right


I hate you for putting that image in my head, I really do.


>liking WWW
How do you live everyday with this level of retardation?


Alright how about no SEIZURE GIFs

well if it's just a 便器 it's not really human so i guess you're good

can she go any faster

Couldn't get in to www

Quickly realised that the main reason I was watching was for yamada, manager shenanigans and the poplar/satou bullying

Best girl actually won for a change.

>no JUSTICE Yamada

was expecting them to hug t b h

That would've still been too stimulating to Inami and would make her faint. In time she'll learn how to hug and do other things.

We got what we wanted by the end.

ye but I felt that just a hand holding is nothing much, since they kinda already did that before

It doesn't count if it's with the magic hand.

I mean after she punched the masochist he held her hands

I think the worst thing in WWW was that the two MCs fell for each other. it would have been way better if they just stayed friend.

The worst part was how they fell for each other, through literal deus ex machina because the author couldn't think of a way to make it work naturally.

I thought it was quite fitting.

it was being developed since the first seasons are you dumb?