Still no subs.
Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan S2
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Remember to always take care of your farm equipment in a timely manner.
Did tracktor-kun crash his tractor?
Tractor-kun is hopefully not transported to a farming simulator rpg isekai
John Deere best girl
Apparently he nearly ran over some retarded Sup Forumsnon and the kid had a heart attack, so he's stuck giving statement and shit.
Did that Sup Forumsnon travel to isekai?
I am dying of waiting and my subs aren’t out yet? Moreover, why is Sup Forums subbing if there are other sub groups who can do it faster?
My sources say yes.
Oh no.
Because fansubbers are too busy dealing with things that are already being subbed for some reason.
I bet tractor-kun was into little girls.
Can't Saiki just depressure the super volcano by manually triggering an early explosion?
He could take off the things on his head and just take it back in time enough so that it's not a problem.
That's what he's currently doing. he's been looking for a more permanent solution.
The same thing can be said about scanlating manga. 2 of manga that I look forqard to is scanlated by Sup Forums. Nobody likes Kimetsu and some shitty ESL scanlates 5 Brides. What the fuck
S1 is still hasn't been added on Crunchy for some reason.
It seems like Davinci can only do it if they have a simulcast rip, which happened in S1.
there's a bunch of them in nyaa though
They used to just edit the original script and can't get all of the dialogue, so it is needed a subbed one.
Seems? Is this an assumption or did you ask him/them?
Checked their Discord, and it is what they said. Sorry for the word, I'm retarded. I'm just not sure if they can sub without a rip, but almost certain that they can't.
The guy isn't a translator himself. I really hope Funi gets their shit together. They speak too fast, watching it raw would be a nightmare.
I tried, and I uderstood 95% of what they said.
They're using simple vocabulary, I could understand it and I never seriously studied japanese (but I've been watching subs for around 10 years, so I can speak anime) .
I've been watching anime for the same amount of time but i'm not weeb enough to remember words besides "baka" and "YAMETEEEE".
The words and their meaning are there, you just don't realise it.
Try watching the first episode of Saiki S2 and you'll see.
Today's the day, user. Today the subs will appear.
In truck-user we trust.
Netflix Japan rips where?
he wouldn't let us down, would he?
If nobody translates it after 2 weeks, I'll be providing aproximative translation for it, some user will have to typeset that shit.
>2 weeks
I honestly doubt Funi will completely abandon it. They have the license.
Inb4 Netflix somehow actually has license for S2 like what happened with Amazon and Bahamut S2 despite Funi has S1.
Russian dub was done earlier than eng sub, lol
For real? See you later plebs! Xaxaxaxaxa
I'm kinda worried with all the homerotic fanart used on the new season.
Nothing wrong with this.
It's kind of sad, I was really looking forward to watch it, I'll go learn nip real quick cya in a few minutes.
>russians get subs before us
Сука Блять
read it again. if you only knew how shit russian fandubs are
the suspension of my tractor didn't work. had to stop halfway with the subbing. i'll deliver as slow as a tractor
It is to help disillusion people.
Ganbare, Tractor-kun.
Eagerly waiting.
>Russian dub
Is this when a guy drunk on vodka voices over all the characters? Those are hilarious.
What does S2 schedule look like? If it's the same as season 1 I imagine they'll only translate the compilation episode.
>His tractor did break
Holy shit anons shut the fuck up please
I can wait.
Poor tractor-chan.
New episodes every Tuesdays and no daily episodes.
It looks like nothing because we won't be able to see it anyways. Tractor kun died in the field of overheat. His tractor was never found.
At this point I'm more worried about tractor-kun and his tractor than subs.
Did he died?
just watch it raw, it's not that difficult to understand
fuck off weeb
user lied
maybe post this stupid reply in a place that's not fucking Sup Forums
Tractor user is going around in his tractor singing "Country road" and laughing his ass off at the fact that we thought he'd deliver.
That's a shame, I liked having a little slice of Saiki every day.
more than 2 days?
Same, it was so comfy.
The tractor just has to believe in itself
even without the subs, this whole situation is probably going to spawn some niche memes if tractor user delivers.
i'll probably try doing it anyway later today if no one's done it by midnight, but if someone uploads a timed .ass here i could easily do it.
A timed what?
I have no idea how subbing works
Who would win in a fight between truck-kun and tractor-chan?
I don't know, but adaption when?
We're gonna need a tractor subs logo.
>Bringing you your favorite shows at the speed of a tractor.
user, to do this thing one would need to actually be able to understand moonrunes, wouldn't you say?
i watched without subs and understand most jokes. it has easy japanese
user stop shilling and samefagging.
We get it, you know japanese:
We don't.
We wait for subs.
Tractor-kun, I even designed a new tractor for you! Now you can spend all your time on subs.
Good god
Where the fuck is the sub? I'm getting crazy!
Don't remind me
Not bad. You should get into coloring h-manga pages.
Will wait for Tractor-kun one more day, if not I'll deliver the subs.
Thanks, Truck-kun!
Make those subs bigger, son
Can you make them piss yellow?
Only when Nendou is speaking
Use Comic Sans pls.
Only when Nendou is speaking
Yellow subs + make it bigger please.
Those subs are tiny user, what're you doing
Make the subs bigger.
Then, make them yellow, comic sans and color code them as badly as possible.
Look, Tractor user!
I made a logo for you!
Please deliver!
Magical things are happening.
If you end up delivering, you should go ahead and just use Tractorsubs for the release.
Wew, this is pretty good.
As big as you can~!
Tractoro? I like it.
[I Like You intensifies]
I was kind of hoping that pocky faggotry had died, but I wasn't about to go into a mado thread to find out.
Add "I'm forced to stay at home to take care of my broken tractor and subbing is my only source of income, if you can please donate to my patreon so that I can fix it" Or something like that.
>tfw the show is SO poor they have to steal old Gintama footage