Chapter is up. I'm not going to post the pages, feel free to do it yourselves.
Lilian best girl
Chapter is up. I'm not going to post the pages, feel free to do it yourselves.
Lilian best girl
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>bestdad saves the world by breeding with a bombshell waifu.
New world with best genes.
>its a world gets repopulated by nips and slavs story
Oh well, I have some time, why not.
No wonder Kohaku and Ruri are so cute, they're the descendants of Senku's dad and Lillian.
I think this manga slightly blows in anything but art
is it just me
things are forced, and not just in the usual battle shonen way, but as if it was another layer on top.
I don't hate it and it's really well drawn but I still have a strong distaste for it.
Lillian Weinberg - European I guess
Byakuya Ishigami - Japanese
Shamil Vilkov - Probably Russian
C. Lee (black haired girl) - ??
Yakov - It's a Jewish name
Yakov's wife - ??
rip black people, but the kingdom of science will revive anyone regardless of ethnicity
So there are three guys and three girls aboard the international space station? Morals aside, with these numbers, what would the most effective way to repopulate humanity?
>blond guy with a Dagestanian name and a Russian surename
Not impossible but extremely weird
>C. Lee (black haired girl) - ??
Either Chink or Gook.
>Yakov - It's a Jewish name
Probably also Russian, it's a popular name here.
All in all, Byakuya fucked a fine piece of ass.
what a sexy BITCH
a true BITCH
>6 peoples left for maintaining civilization and populating, including 5 scientists
So there're already moving people around since the beginning of the modern stone age. How they failed to maintain the technology is beyond me, especially with literally everything else including infrastructures remained intact.
That shockwave looks like it should have caused tsunamis that would kill the vast majority of humanity. Even if they're already stone.
Diva Lilian a cute.
>is beyond me
Not surprising. They lack manpower and in reality being a "scientist" doesn't mean you have all the knowledge required to rebuild human civiliztion.
That's what people were wondering about after last chapter too. Thankfully it seems we are getting ~2 more chapters of this flashback and hopefully this will be explained
it's pretty unlikely that a group of people whose mean IQ is 85 would have many applicants with the educational pre-requisites. they'd simply be much rarer relative to their population size than white or east asian people.
Really good chapter.
My fucking dick
yeah, especially since they would be able to find textbooks and have the same language.
With books and maybe internet if they could maintain the necessary tools, I think they could easily make up with the disadvantages. But then there seems to be more in the flashback so I will remain skeptical.
Spoilers said DS will be on break next week, but I don't see a notice here...
Which is why I didn't mention it.
There is some gap there, because think about this: it's been 4700 years between this and Senkuu waking up, no? Yet Ishigami's village only has like 2 or 3 generations of people, and no more than 50 villagers or something, so I'll just assume the village is in no way older than 500 years or so.
Something happened that stopped them from advancing.
Senku x Kohaku is a bad idea. The villagers are already inbred as fuck and Senku's genes are not going to help.
me x Kohaku, on the other hand...
Are you kidding me? You need more than 10 people with a bunch of specialized knowledge just to run one factory/hospital/any other kind of facility. No matter how much info you have, there's clearly not enough people to have enough knowledge and manpower to keep it all working. And not only that, there's literally no guarantee that they'll manage to transfer even their own knowledge to their kids intact.
Is this the reporter from last chapter?
After so many generations e probablt doesn't have that much in common with them genetically, and all the problems of inbreeding were already solved via natural selection, judging by how normal the people in the village look.
Every male just should reproduce couple times with every female. If male would make even two babies with each female, it would give other males 6 new (50% of the babies) females to reproduce with when they grow old enough to reproduce safely with their current available tech.
From the offspring (without originals reproducing with them) there is 18 pairs to reproduce without genetic overlap (again if children would get truly 50/50 boys and girl), and more if originals would get to work. After that I'm too lazy to make any more math on that (and I might have fucked up even these simple steps). It is just if these people can keep the babies even safe and alive.
Of course this is purely without inbreeding, it would not most likely benefit their survival in the long run. But after couple of generations it might be fine to screw your cousin. They just have to really keep books on those things.
H-holy shit. The artist can actually make a good looking girl
>Average 85 IQ
Don't bring up this IQ bullshit, you'll just invite the retards over at Sup Forums.
I think it was 3700 years, not that it's that big of a difference.
There are plenty of things that could have happened which could have stopped them in their tracks and forced them into immediate survival mode. I mean, they are in the immediate vicinity of Mt. Fuji, which is an active volcano.
But even then, all you need to do is look in our own history to see the slow, slow, slow gains that people made when they were in a neolithic stage of development like the village was when Senku first found them. Thousands of years for population to double, even longer between tech advances, etc.
loosing technology happened often
just look at the ancient zivilisations
even bronze age civs were technologically superior than the civs in for example the migration age
other examples: ancient china, indus river civs, persia, assyria, egypt, aksum, west rome, khmer etc
Yeah, good luck with that.
6 people maintaining the entire infrastructure of earth.
You just need one bad generation and things will return to the stoneage. Probably what happened.
Probably what will happen to our civilisation as well.
I am new to this. Did those ancient people faced the decline due to factors that cause the drastic drop of population?
Lots of factors, though depopulation was a major one. For example the city of Rome at its (ancient) peak had over a million inhabitants, but during the medieval period it bottomed out under 100 thousand. You simply cannot maintain certain structures without numbers and you get less people to specialize in something.
Other civilization-breaking disasters would be famines (like major periods of Ancient Egypt), plagues (native populations of the Americas), suffering a major invasion (end of islamic golden age)...
She looks like Ginrou desu.
By 'structures', I've meant mostly social hierarchies and political organization. But infrastructure falls under that, too.
I fucking loved this chapter
Lillian is cute! CUTE!
I audibly exclaimed at this part, the lead up was excellent
Really good chapter
Christ I know where her descendants got all that fucking booty from.
You need hundreds of people to maintain and operate a single factory, 6 people are not enough to keep the current civilization going
Look up the bronze age collapse.
For another example, in the Americas, there were a fair number of native american groups that formed early towns and cities (albiet, relatively primitive ones) (The Mississippians being the best example of this, pic related) but "regressed" to more nomadic, hunter gatheerer ways due to a variety of reasons: Resouces being depleted, changes in climate, instability from warring, etc often made reverting back more feasible or fruitful in the fooreseeable future. The other big think was when europeans arrived, dieases devasted the entire contitient, by the time european explorers even reached the midwest or western US, there were giant population collapses that led to the abandonemnt of tons of settlements and mass deaths.
There were no Great Plain Indians before those deases, they only got there because dieases put pressure on them to change their way of life.
Obviously, Latin america, despite having actual full blown civilizations + political states with large urban cities (People underestimate how advanced these actually were: It's not just the Aztec, Maya, and Inca, there were hundreds of cty-states, kingdoms, and empires, on par with bronze/iron age cultures from europe in most regards, more advanced then those in quite a few) and stuff was utterly crippled by dieases too, and that was a huge reason of why Spain was able to conquer Mesoamerica and the Andes.
Human advancement works like evolution: There's technically not really anything as "advamcenet" , it's more like evolution: A roach isn't "less evolved" then a human being and roaches thrive despite lacking intellegience or other traits, because they are just well adapted to their envoirment. If a culture is doing fine just being small tribal groups and doing hunter gather stuff, and has plenty of resources for that, then there's no impetus to actually develop larger urban communities and complex social structures when that has a higher up front cost.
So was the blast centered somewhere? It seems like the explosion thing (and the light that everyone on earth saw) originated on some point on the earth, if I understand the image correctly. Suspicious
user, you are making a big mistake
None of these members are at the level of Senkuu, who for all his "were not gods or geniuses" speech is a fucking once-in-a-generation level savant.
None of them could have composed this map for instance
It looks like it's from North Pole.
>meanwhile in origin
>Shamil Vilkov
Wtf is this shit, fucking dagestani churkas are not allowed to go to space in russia, how unrealistic!
Also, to continue from , it took tens of thousands of years from when humans first arrived in the middle east and asia to first develop agriculture in those places, then a few thousand more years to first develop actual civilizations. For Mesoamerica and the Andes, they developed agriculture way faster relative to when they got there, but iit still took both thousands of yuears to then develop agriculture and then civilizations respectively.
Only 6 or so places in the world actually independently made civilizations, even less writing: Potentially litterally only two places/people, the Mesopotamians and Mesoamericans; and you have similarly small numbers of indepedent invention of other stuff as well, the VAST majority of "advamcent" comes from the spread of a technology or idea from who made it to other civilizations and cultures and them adding to it and so on.
This is a big part of why the Americas were so "behind" europe and asia technologically, they were isolated: Contact wasn't even really feasible between the Mesoamericans (Aztec etc) and Andeans (Inca etc) because of geographic conditions. (that and they really weren't even behind: As mentioned, they were on par with bronze and iron age cultures for the most part, and civilizations started to pop up in those locations around 2000-2500 years before europeans arrived, which is about the time period between when you had the first civilizations in Mesopotamia and the late bronze age/early iron age in europe (The Andes had a early city comparable to a lot of earlier mespotamian ones in the same time period but AFAIK it was an outlier; but I'm in general much less knowedable about the andes then I am mesoamerica)
It's entirely possible that even after 4000+ years in dr.stone humanity is still in a stone age state, especiially since there were so few.
>None of them could have composed this map for instance
>astronauts don't know chemistry
Astronauts are just glorified technicians dude, they are not superhumans embedded with knowledge about everything.
I bet that one of the astronauts pulls a Tsukasa and decides that living like cavemen is better.
I'm just wondering how the fuck there are still seemingly healthy people still around when they're all descended from only 6 people. All that inbreeding should have killed them long ago.
My money on Shamil
There are villagers that look like the other five but I didn't notice anyone similiar to Shamil (I may be wrong)
>Only one Japanese man is on the space station
>All humans left speak Japanese instead of English, which is the language you would think they would all have in common
There's definitely infighting after this. Just as the villagers believe that those outside are criminals.
This manga is actually pro incest propaganda
The Japanese goverment is desperate
What about Savage?
What if Senku's Dad settled there with the diva while everyone else settled somewhere else? I would imagine they would all want to return to their home countries, and Russia is just a boat ride away.
>based dad finds senku and pits him in the cave
I knew it
Yeah, I predict that that's what gonna happen too. Would also make it less of a coincidence.
Especially as we see know that senku was just on the street when it happened
But books would still be around, if they don't know something, they can just look it up. The internet will probably keep working for a few more days too.
Mechanical engineers in fact do not know chemistry.
Yeah, but like user said they could just go to libraries and book stores that contain all of humanity's knowledge.
I'm more concerned that this is in Japan, where there are a lot of nuclear power plants. Those fuckers melt down fast if not under constant maintenance and surveilance.
Jokes on you, he is a retard from Sup Forums
Do you really think that reading a book is enough to gain a thorough understanding of something? Having access to information is not the same as understanding it
Of course, they would actually have to study that information in order to understand it. As scientists, they should be able to handle the basics they need to rebuild civilization.
How did bestdad go from seeling his car to pay for Senku's stuff to astronaut?
What happened to thing like Nuclear plant, in flight plane and vehicle, and other things that need human's supervision before it's going haywire?
>IQ bullshit
But it's not bullshit
You need a solid understanding of physics, chemistry, and biology to enjoy this manga. It's understandable that YOU only enjoy its art.
The Japanese sure love wanking ramen.
So, how do astronauts return to Earth without any aid from Ground control?
Nice reference to the ramen making chapter
Sometimes I keep thinking how different the world would be if civilizations on the americas didn't get wiped out and were allowed to continually grow
Good use of tropes to build up the reveal.
He looks like a slightly older and manlier Ginrou.
Earth control is kill, but maybe they have some sort of AI that assist or autopilot them, as far as it looks, all electronic hardware and the software still work fine.
Now imagine if actually this series is actually related to Hotel from Boichi
He was probably in training when Senku was little.
Internet would probably work for only a week or two if there's nobody to operate power plants
Why is the art so bad?