It's going to be a disaster next chapter
Fangfags BTFO
Mako will save the day
Or make it worse
Is Pinnaple in love with Nemo or something? Why does she want Nemo to be wholeheartedly honest to her? Why did she have a fight over such petty stuff that only married couples would care about?
Because Nemo was a plastic smiling bitch that always wanted to hang out with the losers
It will get worse and worse until finally Tomoko, wanting to end all the drama, intentionally self destructs in a way that brings all the bickering people together and against her, restoring peace and returning her to full loner status. Truly, it will be those guys' fault that she's not popular.
I can imagine the backlash when that happens
No such thing as a return to loner status. There's no way Ucchi will let her go.
Yuri showed she still wants Mako. How can she compare to Nemo?
It is going to be hilarious next chapter.
Group A: Tomoko, Nemoto, Yoshida, Katou, Pineapple
Group B: Mako, Yuri, Emily, Fangbitch
Tension is going to be high between both group without even looking at the Yuri vs Fangbitch and Nemo vs Pineapple conflict. Expect Tomoko to do something hilarious to break the tension.
I do hope her friends forgive what she is gonna do
Yoshida is pure
Katou could've slapped fanged bitch if Pineapple didn't step in her.
Makeup and Pineapple fit in with each other too well it's almost scary
Fuck off. Tomoko has no reason to care about these losers joininig in. She would never do The Lelouch for a bunch of retards.
>If I can´t have you...
Yoshida is pure
Holy fuck
Probably because it's turned into a soap opera.
Women logic. Don't try to understand.
Same reason why Yuri is upset that Tomoko has other friends besides her.
I know early WataMote was supposed to be about the cringe, but there is this strange yet sad comfiness about the loner episodes in the anime, particularly episode 10 after her secret lunch spot gets cleaned up. It's a weird melancholy that pulls you in and you end up with this weird soft feeling in your heart that you don't really dislike. I dunno how to explain it.
And dangerous. She'd sucker punch you if you cross her. You think everyone is agreeing with her just because she's cute?
Yoshida is fine with the gang because she beliebes they like the same thing, imagine what she´d do if she realize that Tomoko and Yuri think that all this is lame y Mako only do it because she doesn´t want to break her bubble?
Recent chapters does have the cringe, but in a different flavor. Hell, next chapter is going to be a Royal Rumble
She would probably feel sad like she did when she thought they weren't going back in after the school trip ended. Because she is a good girl.
I don't want Tomoko to stop liking her new friends as crazy as they are
Bullying when?
Because Nemo lied to her for years. She didn't trust her enough to tell her about her voice acting aspirations,even though she asked her about it.
Fuck off 8man. Don't you have some GENUINE to search for
I think a group like Tomoko, Yuri and Mako can use a forceful personality like Yoshida to push them out of their comfort zone sometimes. The thing is, they're going to have to learn to say no to her sometimes or else she might get used to them being pushovers.
If you were a pedophile, would you admit to your friends that little girls give you a boner?
It's just a teen drama with realistic teen issues.
The funny part about this is, Nemo probably thought she got ignored by pineapple after she revealed her powerlevel. She totally ditched and ignored Nemo to hangout with fangbitch earlier.
Are you seriously comparing a job aspiration to a paraphilia
>Have you failed to reshape?
that line is painful considering the latest chapter
I don't think Nemo cares too much about that.
She likely is concerned about getting dumped though, given what she said to Tomoko after the introductions. Maybe Nemo just figured it was going to happen eventually anyway and that's why she's now trying to buddy up with Tomoko on the trip, but her guess was off and that's part of what's irritating Pineapple.
It's always a disaster. NEXT.
Yoshida regularly bullies Tomoko with her fists. Yoshida is an asspie.
Nemo is a dear friend to Pineapple. Pineapple isn't that much of a priority to Nemo with her shifting gears to anime and Kuroki.
It hurts when you want to be with a close friend but she'd rather be busy spending her time elsewhere. A typical reponse would be to reject them first, which is what Pineapple is doing to Nemo.
Nemo is probably an emotionless robot now having spent years keeping her power level down.
Seriously Nemo has the social skills and ruthless decisiveness to be successful. She's probably the most "abnormal" one. "Ignore me? Well bye."
Yeah, and?
Can anyone tell me what's supposed to be in the background in the NemoKuro posing panel?
I've stared at it for 5 minutes now but I still have no idea what the HELL is behind them
A monster?
>Yoshida is an asspie.
Must be why she's so cute.
A monster. The same thing that Nemo is wearing as a hat.
>muh fanfiction
Katou was the one saying Pineapple went too far. She was just shocked hearing everything Minami was saying.
Who do you suppose is stronger, lusting Ucchi or jealous Yuri?
Fang did nothing wrong, she just said the true not even bad mouthing
>little gets what she deserves
>feel bad for her
Why does this happen every time?
Eh, sure what Fang said was true, but I think it's hard to argue she wasn't saying it to put them down.
>She was just shocked hearing everything Minami was saying
This is what Katou actually wants you to believe.
Well one of those isn't considered a mental disease and won't get you in jail if act on it so you comparison makes no sense,
Jealous Yuri for sure. She already crushed Ucchi on the roller coaster.
Which is probably why she wants to force herself into Tomoko