Blend S? More Like Bland S(hit). This is the most overrated moeshit show since K-on. People only like it because of memes and it's gayboi trap.
Blend S? More Like Bland S(hit). This is the most overrated moeshit show since K-on...
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God you're so unfunny. At least use the tried and tested Bland S.
Fuck you.
But nobody praise it.
I agree. I watched it from start to finish and it was awful.
More like Bland Soy.
Can I quote you in my article?
I watched it last week, it had some funny moments, but overall it was below average.
I forgot to even finish it. I think the trap was the last straw. I like traps but this one just didn't do anything for me.
Pretty sure people just like it for what it is, a cute workplace comedy. I've never seen it highly praised as some masterpiece of it's a genre like K-On is
How long did it take you to realize that burendo S is a pun on do-S?
Save it, it's all yours my friend.
Went from below average comedy to complete shit the moment it started to force terrible romance
Yesterday. I was just driving around lost in thought and it popped into my head out of nowhere. It was kind of a startling revelation.
>not posting banana cancer
I like you user.
We are getting an S2, right? Right?
The state of the anime industry when you advertise your show with a trap "surprise".
Yep, but not so soon since 3 out of 4 vol. have been adapted into anime and the sell is good.
Is english translation out yet?
It's the quintessential ironic youtuber weeb anime.
Thank you for your opinions. They will be taken into consideration, and then stored where they belong.
the penis
Right now
cyka blyat
user is just salty his waifu is getting railed.
Just passing by and I found out there's a prostitution doujin of this show. I hope there will be a second season.
Is shit.
And yet you felt the urge to make this thread.
Hideri and Mou were the only good characters in Blend S and the show would have been a thousand times better if they were the main characters
Anime needs more straight traps
K-ON is actually good though. Peak KyoAni as well
im a proud moeshit whom enjoyed Blend-S
Fight me, faggot.
He wouldn't get any cool points with his discord friends if he didn't state publicly just how much he hates this show. Now that he did it, he's going to be rolling in ERPpussy with them.
Ho can one man be so dashing?
>a cute workplace comedy.
But it's not funny. Comedies are meant to be funny.
She's had a hard life.
Considered watching it when it was announced. Dropped the idea when I heard about the trap.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Trashiest form of traps
autistic completionist detected
>judging a character only by his/her design
Goodness that's hilarious.
you fucking mongrel how else we should judge IT if not by IT's character design ?