Buddy Complex

What does Sup Forums think of Gundam SEED: time travel edition?
I liked it.

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Not bad, but it did lack something.

Also it's coming to SRW X, so it should get more interesting.

It was pretty fucking gay even by Gundam's standards

liked it

It's first episode is one of my favorite ep ones ever especially with the music


Not as gay as one would suspect of a show where two men become "buddies" via a "coupling" system.


I wish it got a second season and not the 2 OVAs

Much better than I thought it would be going into it. Shame it never got a proper s2.

Bizon dindu nuffin. That Aoba guy was the one who should have been killed for NTRing him.


Haven't you seen the OVA?
Aoba x Hina was predestined before the loop even began.

Should have needed 4-5 OVAs, they also could have trimmed the fat from S1 and made it work with 13 episodes.

Bizon did literally everything wrong.

Was getting cucked part of his plan?


Pretty good show.
Nothing particularly innovative, but everything is done with competence. An incredibly not annoying protagonist and good grumpy fellow with an incredibly non-gay relationship.

Good character design, great music, cool dogfights and a satisfying ending.

I would have liked a real season 2 for more Hina.
Saori Hayami should do more mecha shows.

The OVAs made it a bit hard to defend Bizon what with him pretty much trying to blow up the earth.


The VA did a great job with this, I could sense the butthurt in that scream.

The original season was bland as hell but the sequel was pretty fun. The villain especially was particularly entertaining.

Bizon did absolutely nothing wrong

I want to FUCK Hina silly until she mindbreaks and becomes my sex slave/lover. Also, I'd brutally torture Aoba for being an obnoxious fuck, heal him and then torture him again to the brink of death while I lovingly fuck Hina in front of him. Aoba worst boy.

Fuck off, Bizon.


But why do some identify with Bizon so much? I don't get. It's not like Hina was in love with him. He was clearly in friendzone since the start.




Why do people keep comparing shit thats nothing like SEED to SEED? Project Sylpheed was literally SEED without mech and nobody ever brings it up.

Because it has mechas. It's like how everything was compared to Evangelion , ten years ago.

Connect with Bizon!