Devilman Crybaby

>there are people who legitimately hate Devilman
No, I don't mean people who have real problems with the show, I mean people who think RAPE and VIOLENCE are bad. They call it pointless, as if RAPE and VIOLENCE ever served a purpose in the first place.

What teh fuck is wrong with these people?

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If you spend time on tumblr, the problem is you

mfw another Devilman thread

devilman no uta remix > man human

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man's soul to waste
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game

fucking Griffith

No doubt about it.

>RAPE and VIOLENCE are bad.
Rape and violence ARE bad. That those people completely miss the point as of why it's been used in the show it that they need to grow a thicker skin is another matter.

>Rape and violence ARE bad.
No it's not.

I don't think anyone disagrees.


how can they be so bad if the soundtrack is so good?

My only problem was with Siren and turtleman fights, they felt so short that I didn't felt any impact, I didn't like the new stories too, but they didn't ruin the anime.

Violence is only good when used to rape

Is it just me or is the latter half of this basically just llamas with hats as an anime?

>there are people that didn't love the rappers and all their scenes
Unequivocally the highlights of the show.

Did Miki die a virgin?

Yes, she never scored.

she was a good christian girl


>yfw Devilman No Uta plays

Can someone please post the screen when Akira sees through Miki's clothes?

I really really like man human though.

It literally only plays when Taro is eating his mom IIRC


But it wouldn't work with Rorschach demons OP the same way man human worked

There's also the bit where Taro goes onto Akira's computer near the start

I can't get this song out of my head, its so fucking good

This ruins the character

It plays when Akira and Ryo are riding the bike in EP2

This might be my favourite track. But it's close, I don't thnk I've seen another series with this many good tracks besides Ping Pong.

The pause on the music in the fight with Silene and Kaim is absolute perfection

If you thought that the rape and violence was supposed to be enjoyable in Devilman, then you're completely missing the point. It doesn't even matter if you did enjoy it, fine whatever, but if you actually believe that it was put in just for the sake of fap-material then you're trying to defend the wrong facts.

Actual fucking autism. I understand where it comes from if you live in some shithole poorfag country though.

>caring what ameribaby puritans think about anime
these people think Pokemon is satanic for fuck's sake

>Pokemon is satanic
Reminds me of this

that scene where she is fucking the guy at gun point and she chops his head off but keeps riding his dick after is so hot

Why was he so overpowered? Planetbusters with FTL reactions and speed in anime make my dick wet t.powerlevelfag

I want to kinkshame you but... same.

I think everybody felt the exact same way.

I heard somewhere that the Japanese audience hated Devilman Crybaby. Is this true?

We spics are kinda at fault too


One critic shit on it because it disregarded "otaku culture". The japanese are known to have shit taste.

Wasn't that supossed to be hot? Are you implying that there's something wrong with finding that arousing?

Was it only one critic, or is the bad taste terminal?

>One critic is the same as the entirety of Japan.
Literally most of the Japanese defended Yuasa against this critic though.

If you think about it, that man has one of the happiest ending in the series. Instead of dying in the hands of some angry mob, gunned by the military or killed by some vagina monster he got to die as he came into a hot demoness.

The point was that she killed him before he came inside her. She literally had her hand over his head the entire time so that she would be able to crush it the moment he said "I'm about to cum inside!"

Is Crybaby, kino?

>The point was that she killed him before he came inside her
That's too cruel even for a demon

hey guys what are your favourite scenes?
heres some of mine
>the donkey noises played over the masturbation
>the running that looks really cool
>the rapping scenes
>the scene where they showed what assholes cops are. they didnt even do nothing!
>the close up of akiras dick
>the gay sex scene
>the scene where she fucked a hobo and bit off his head. so cool
seriously i have zero respect for anyone who likes this shit show

for anal

I mean, all I know is that I was solid as a rock the whole time.

I don´t hate, I even think it was a decent product, but it didn´t live up to it´s potential, the only thing I have ZERO complaints about is the OST.

I like it because I like the source material and it was somewhat faithful (kept all the key scenes, even if some of them changed a bit), but I think Yuasa was the wrong choice for this.

The 80s OVAs still remain the best Devilman adaptation.

>improves the character

>I mean people who think RAPE and VIOLENCE are bad.
Well they are bad, you know.
>They call it pointless, as if RAPE and >VIOLENCE ever served a purpose in the first place.'s pointless then?
It migh be shocking to you but people out there don't like violence and random sex scenes in media, and especially if it's serves no purpose othert then maybe look "shocking".
Or when story pretty much rotates around senseless violence, you are free to like it, but don't think it gives you some kind of moral ground to speak, not everyone share you fetishes and sadistic tendencies.
Also people hate an adaptation, not the devilman in general.

Did Miko like anal? She was a huge slut after all.

So why did Miko kill butterfly guy? I thought she liked him but you can see his corpse and hand at her grandmas apartment

why is her skin lighter in some areas????

Because demon rage.


Because she probably couldn't suppress her demonic urges. Runner man also killed his gay fuckbuddy when he first became a devil.

>Go to shady drug party on your first date
Damn, couldn't butterfly guy take her to the cinema or something

Butterfly guy's death made me so upset


>there are people who can't distinguish between butterfly wigger and gayboy superathlete


Rapperboys were best boys.
Well, except for the manlet and that other one, they were pieces of shit.

He was a ghetto kid, probably broke as fuck too, so no money for cinema.

She was hardly anything but a sad sack up until that point.

Thaaat's me. Took me a while to realise they're not the same dude.

In my defense, I thought Butterfly Dude became a devilman during the Sabbath

He was a divine creature, not even a demon. And he was one of the most powerful divine creatures, so of course, he was OP as fuck.

Yup it is not so that's why I will rape you and fuck you in the ass tonight. Don't worry I'll bring some lotions

I've download it didn't have time to watch it busy catching up on one piss and other shit....devilman no uta is dope though

You can rape me anonkun i dont mind at all

>Why is satan so overpowered


its their upbringing

>He was a divine creature, not even a demon
Why does he have yellow-greenish blood like them then?

Why do people praise this shit show so much? It has way too many plotholes and character inconsistencies. Why didnt Akira notice that ryou was batshit insane?
He killed people in episode one and then even killed the pervert camera guy and his mom and then he wanted to kill miki too. At this point shouldnt Akira be totally done with this dude? Then after disaster that was the sprinting competition in the stadium he should have actually killed him because at that point he was basically a serial mass murderer.
This show made no fucking sense at all. And there is no defending it.

probably because he's a filthy non-human. maybe angels have yellow-green blood

Anyone have a link to the full song on YT? Just keep getting irrelevant shit when I search "Man Human"

>why did he trust his childhood friend who's the only guy with knowledge of the demons and how to handle the situation for Man Human.

>blocked in my country
Thanks Sony, you kikes.
Try this one

Nope, blocked. Sony hates the US, I guess.

Akira was accepting Ryou's edginess because he knew he was always kinda like that and because he saw his actions as necessary evil for the greater good. The whole premise relies on him literally sacrificing his humanity because he trusts Ryou's plan. Also he didn't realize the photographer's mom was killed too, I think

it's on spotify

Well fuck America then.
Denki Groove - Man Human.

Try Spotify like said

The beam is a cumshot.

After ryo tried and actually did kill innocent people, including fucking Miki. There is a limit to reardation and it was met in episode one. Akira is a supposed to be an empathetic and emotional person yet he was totally fine with ryo killing a bunch of bystanders and innocent people. This makes no sense and is abolute shit tier script writing.

I'm not going to rape you but I send some black guys. Enjoy

>I mean people who think RAPE and VIOLENCE are bad.
Objectively speaking, as a thing you generally don't want happening to you or people you care about rape and violence is bad. That's why it is in the show, because it is bad.

He did. He was crying for her too when he realized it. Still makes no sense. Akira was trying to help humans survive not help kill them. To think that he thought ryo, who has a complete disregard for human life, was trying to save them is laughable. By the end of episode 3 when he pointed his gun at Miki, Akira should have parted ways with him.

Holy fuck guise i love this game

>killing innocent people
>innocent people
>demon fawn and conspirators

>innocent people
You mean drug addicts and whores that literally tried to kill Akira himself

If you paid attention he did try to stop Ryou, but after being beat up, possessed and being led in a war against demons I'd say his friend's questionable actions were the last of his worries

What the fuck was the deal when Akira's parents were killed at the airport? Just no one gave a shit?

Akira kept it a secret, people didn't know about demons yet