Characters that only you liked

Characters that only you liked

But he was cool. I feel bad for him in EoE, seeing Shinji's mom before becoming LCL.


I don't know if anyone else likes Fuyutsuki but i'm sure no one actively dislikes him


It's always Deedlit this, or maybe Pirotess that, but no one ever gives any attention to Shiris and that's a damn shame


Fuyutsuki dodged a bullet when he gave Yui up to Gendo.

Fuyutski is best girl, same goes for Comrade Sergeant Boris.

I'm pretty sure I'm the only one

what do you mean?

clearly not

Winry and Riza are garbo.

>When you have to deal with a psychotic oneitis neckbeard for more than 20 years but you know Susser Tod won't Komm for you because you survived the End of the fucking World twice already.

Fujutsuki has a hard life.

He's quite charismatic and pretty handsome.

He was definitly best boy.

Sup Forums hated best girl for being overconfident and stupid before she died, every other character in the show died for that exact same idiotic reason

if it was so bad maybe he shouldn't have joined Gendo willingly...

Why did you like him? Because he was handsome?

I liked his attitude, he seemed like a very resonable man. Also white hair.

Fair enough, here is mine unpopular logh fave (grew up liking him after Gaidens)

>You, help me resurrect Yui and save mankind from ayylmaos
20 years later
>...So that's why we are bringing a gay angel to cuddle with my son who has been trapped in space for 15 years to our secret base that happens to be in ruins and depopulated
>Just kill me already

Road to hell is paved with good intentions.