The king of Liones is informed of the return of the people and receives the Sins and Elizaeth. He is told that Gowther is recovering, that Ban and Meliodas are on their own. Gilthunder's group returns along with Arbus and Solaseed. He then talks to Ludociel, thinking it's Margaret but Elizaeth tells him otherwise. Ludociel discusses with Elizabeth and sees that the curse the Supreme Deity placed on her is still present. He introduces himself, with Arbus saying he's Tarmiel and Solaseed saying he's Sariel. Hendrickson says Zeldris' attack is but a child's play for Ludociel, that the Archangels' strength will be indispensable for the new Holy War. Ludociel says they will pactise with the kingdom, that they will borrow the strength of the soldiers as well as that of the Sins. He mentions Meliodas and assumes that he betrayed his group. Elizabeth disagrees and Ludociel does the same, saying that he is up to something with Zeldris and Estarossa. He then says the black lineage and the white leading hand are to kill each other He then offers to dispel the curse on her but Elizabeth says she isn't interested, that they are to stop Meliodas, not kill him. The two Goddesses then establish an alliance. Title of next chapter is "Old score".
Nanatsu no Taizai 251 Spoiler
…here and now,
Q271: Escageta-san (Saudi Arabia): Where was Denzel when Zaratras was murdered?
Nakaba: He was on a different mission so he wasn't in Liones.
That's it.
let us form an alliance between the Seven Deadly Sins and Stigma.
Center text: The Sins and the wound have intersected!! Go to the master of darkness under the name of the new light!!
Margin text: The beliefs may be different but the strength isn't false!! Aiming for Meliodas, the pact with the Four Archangels has been formed!!
Bottom text: To be continued in chapter 252 / Old score.
Loving that scene change to a faraway shot, with both beams visible in the night sky while Mel looks on. Suzuki's sense for "cinematography" is still top notch.
d-dead thread
Man they even got similar hairstyles
>Joining hands with the angels
What could possibly go wrong?
>Ludociel ray is bigger
Show off
Looking cool there Sariel.
Wonder when we will see the 4th archangel though.
I hope Escanor dies. What does he have left? He's a lonely old man, all his friends are immortal or have stupidly long lives that spans thousands of years while he'll be dead in a few decades, the woman he loves will never return his affection and is more concerned with Arthur, and his gimmick is getting old. Just have him make some big heroic sacrifice, the Sins need a death in their group and he's the best candidate.
Wtf I love Ruediciel.
Elizabeth is perfect I want to love her forever
Eat shit Meliodas
>come to thread to praise Elizabeth like I always do
>someone else does it for me
Who are you, impostor? I will literally fight you for her.
Estarossa vs Mel is looking great.
I didn't expect the goddess clan to ally with the Sins. Everyone can tell that they're going to become antagonists in the future so I assumed Nakaba would just start off with that right off the bat. This is a pretty interesting direction though, especially when you take into account the mention about goddess brainwashing. I hope the "practice with the kingdom" implies some sort of training for the knights.
Also it's interesting how Nakaba seems to be pacing the manga in a way that it would be easy to animate. Every 50 chapters or so is a brief downtime with some kind of new developments brewing
>chapter 50 is the end of the Vaizel tournament, which involved Mel using his demon powers for the first time and lead to the holy knights stealing the sword handle
>chapter 100 is when Hendy is defeated and the kingdom is saved, but the commandments are about to be released from the seal
>chapter 150 is when Escanor joins the Sins again and involves the first time the commandments suffer significant losses
>chapter 200 is roughly when the siege of Liones ends with Mel resurrected and most of the commandments defeated
>chapter 250 is when the goddess clan has resurrected and the Sins turn their attention to getting their captain back
Since the pacing of the anime is around 4 chapters per episode all these events occur at the end of a cour, so the midpoints or endpoints of seasons.
>Ludo offers to dispel Elizabeth's curse
>neither Zeldris or assault Mel had enough power to do it unless they gathered all the commandments
Demon manlets eternally BTFO. On a more serious note, is Ludo able to dispel the curse because he's stronger than assault Mel(extremely unlikely), because the goddess clan has an affinity for that kind of magic(healing in RPG games is often bundled together with dispelling debuffs) or because his personal magic is something that involves curses or canceling out magic?
Hey, Ruedociel doesn't look like a total asshole for once
Oh god damn it. It's another "manga artist copies a 90's X-Men design" character.
Look at the guy in the lower right. Now look at this pic. Fucking spot on.
They look nothing alike. Go back to Sup Forums you sperg
At least pick out the one that looks like it to make your bs point faggot.
Please. He's got the Cyclops visor, the Cyclops hood, the Cyclops "belt up one side of his chest with a cross strap high up".
It's not a Liefeld level ripoff, but it's distractingly obvious what the inspiration was.
You seem agitated. Where's the problem? If it's really inspired by Cyclops, then good on him. Seems just like a nice bit of trivia if true.
90s Cyclops looks cool, so why not
>Ruediciel was the only one to possess a girl.
Are the other two gay or what?
More an energetic facepalm than anything else. I got a bit sick of the X-Men expy characters back in Rurouni Kenshin, and that still lingers.
>the parties don't agree on anything
>it's established that both have conflicting interests (saving Meliodas vs killing Meliodas)
>still forge an alliance
The spoilers make the exchange look ridiculous.
Good for you, since the sadistic priest is nothing like Cyclops, unless Cyclops loves beating living things to death with a staff.
>the Sins leave on their journey sometime during the day, could be morning or could be noon
>Elizabeth starts getting her memories back and finally regains all of them a few hours later(still daytime, let's say roughly 6 PM) and the 3-day timer starts (72 hours left)
>they arrive in Corand at noon the next day (54 hours left)
>Mera fight, Escanor vs Mel fight, Chandler fight (Chandler brings the night so it's hard to pinpoint the time, but there's a panel when Ban leaves to Purgatory that suggests it's not quite night yet, maybe 7-8 PM)
>when Zeldris shows up to get Mera's commandment Escanor can't transform because it was no longer daytime (already dark outside so let's say 9-10 PM, 47 hours left)
>now the Sins and everyone else have gathered in Liones and judging by it's maybe midnight or so
Elizabeth doesn't have much time left. Accounting for the uncertainty in the exact time the curse was triggered, she currently has somewhere between 40 and 45 hours left. And the kingdom will presumably have to sleep so that's another 8 hours gone.
In other news Ban has now been gone for at least a few hours. If we assume he left at 20 PM and we expect him to show up at the last possible moment, he will have been in Purgatory for almost 46 hours which is 2760 minutes which is the same number of Purgatory years assuming the passage of time there remains constant. Outside of those that have been somehow dormant(demons, goddesses, Gowther, probably the deities) he'll be the 4th(5th if you count Elizabeth) oldest known character at that point, behind only Gerheade, Mel and Merlin.
Margaret's is longer, Elizabeth's is thicker. And you know what they say about girl's holy light beams.
>To be continued in chapter 252 / Old score
What could this be referring to? Just a general nod to the beef between the demons and the goddesses or something specific about say Mel and Ludo or Mon&Derri and the archangels?
>Last angel still not revealed
Where is he hiding?
Ruedo might have the supreme goddess's power the same way Zel has the demon king's. He may not have had it during the fight with ass girl. That along with the magical affinity could be the reason.
>Ruedo didn't fuck Nerobasta
He's the gayest of them all
He was apparently a pretty big shot so Nakaba is hiding him for the eventual reveal. There's a chance he could be in Excalibur which Arthur might be about to pull out of the stone again, but I'd prefer if Arthur participated in the war as himself rather than as Mael. Maybe Mael will come into play when the goddess clan as a whole regains their bodies.
inb4 it's the cat
There is definitely something up with the cat considering it has the highest spirit stat out of all the characters, at 5000. For comparison Estarossa is 2nd with 4000, Zeldris is 3rd with 3800 and Drole 4th with 3500. Next one is Mel at 3000 and the commandments as a whole are between 2-3k while people like Merlin and Arthur are only slightly above 1k. That's quite a big power gap between demon royalty and some ball of fur.
He was just blueballing her for a few thousand years.
What cat?
Anyways, Mael is supposed to be a powerhouse. So he is either possessing Arthur soon or something else will happen. He might be kind of a massive dick even by Godesses standars judging by everyones reactions when Ludociel threatened calling him.
Reminder that the body she inhabited died in Liones and the destroyed horn was also located in Liones. If their souls are still floating around now would be a good time to come back.
>Nero's soul possesses Janko and gives her an upgrade
A man can dream.
>She possesses Vivian and we get Margaret/Ludo lust and Gil lust in one body.
The wiki is a bit crude but it'll answer your question
Also him being a powerhouse doesn't necessarily mean the body he possesses has to be a powerhourse. I mean look at Margaret.
>spoilers come out
>new episode in an hour
>thread is dead
What happened? I thought an airing anime was supposed to boost threads instead of killing them.
People are sleep
Maybe when it actually airs.
when does it? can find any info besides 2018
The anime is shit.
I think it's about to air right now in Japan and the raws come out a bit later.
Just be glad the threads didn't metastasize like My Hero Academia did
That's cool and all, but is the alliance even gonna be useful? The one thing that matters there is Bang getting back Mel's emotions. Nobody can fight 10C Meliodas, but at the same time they just need to wait for noon to get THE ONE to one shot him.
> we're gonna hear the commandments voices this episode
can't wait for Mera's.
Gloxinia looks a lot less girlish in the anime
Was it ever explained why meliodas' wanted poster had estarossa instead of him?
Looks like we're getting Ban and King arriving at the forest, commandment intro, Gowther and Diane drama and then ending with Ban being declared the fairy king. Pretty fast pace but at least they're getting the setup out of the way quickly.
>no new Elaine
It's not just him, Escanor also appeared completely different. We can surmise that this is because the Sins were last seen 10 years ago so they expected the Sins to have aged. The real question is why does Estarossa look like an older Mel if he's younger? It's not the curse either since Mel was cursed around the same time as the holy war ended and the demons were sealed. Estarossa was absent from the holy war flashback so maybe he was actually still a kid back then but somehow got sealed a couple hundred years later?
>Ainz reaches the child rearing section of the library
>Starts spanking anyone who misbehaves or does not do their job properly
What now?
What a cute. I think we should call her octololi.
Best girl
>Nobody can fight 10C Meliodas
Realistically yes but I'm not so sure about that. I mean he knows Elizabeth is in Liones so why doesn't he just go grab her right now? There's less than 2 days left and Chandler wants to kill her. Maybe the archangels have something in store that could fuck him up. Or maybe what he's really afraid of is Merlin perfect cubing him.
Come on, it clearly looks like a dude in the Anime. The major difference in Gloxinia's design was the blushing and the hairstyle.
I guess it was about time we got a bad shot of Mera, she looks terrible there compared to the ones we got until now.
The pace seems to be fast enough.
Not really. You still can easily fall for his design. don't know about his VA though.
Full version of the OP is out btw
Well, I'm talking for myself I guess. The octololi shots in the manga still are 100% a girl for me, while I see a dude in those anime shots, it's just Gloxinia hiding in the tentacles.
The six deadly sins sounds like a nice title
What a fucking waste of a godly loli design.
Monspiet is such a lucky dude.
Super cute ending
post it updated at least
Arthur looks constipated