Would you like to see more fat characters in anime?

Would you like to see more fat characters in anime?

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That's not fat though
But I wouldn't mind some characters being thick or even a bit chubby

is this worst official KyoAni art?

Asuka is practically obese

No, it's one of the best. Just not relevant to this thread.


this is suit

no it's Asuka


Fat Shinji with red long tsundere hair.

They're not fat you idiot.

I want fat male protagonists with harem full of chubby chaser girls - easier to self-insert.

I want to impregnate Asuka.

There's the back of the line, fellow user

It would be nice, fetishism is good for it

Not fat or chubby, you are retarded.


That, fat? That perfect

If this is fat, then hell yes! Anime needs more female characters that are fat like this.

Wow, kill yourself.

Yes, but actually fatties, not those twigs.

Yes, specially faceless fat old men fucking your waifu.

but there are already a lot of those

i don't like it. not one bit.

Dimension W is the only recent anime I remember having fat female characters, so yeah, the more the better.




Really? Harem of chubby chasers lusting for fat guys? Now you have to give me sauce. I want all of it.

Plump women are treasure. If not that then at least full figures.

Stop posting these landwhales.

I love this so much, god she's so perfect.

you love children

She is, but stop looking at her, she's for my eyes only.

I think I just love pudge.

just head over to /h/

As a physicist I must support this:

>this is fat for some anons
Low test soyboys

are you macho?

>Some men actually want to fuck fat woman
>No woman wants to fuck fat men

How come? And no doujin where the fat guy mindbreaks her in 2 seconds do not count.

Kumiko actually looked kind of plump during the lLast episode of Hibike S2

Absolutely not.

God she's perfect


> implying you won't like it if you were on the receiving end
baka senpai

Probably evolutionary. Fat men would be pretty useless since they can't do physical tasks easily.

>Kumiko and Asuka
>girls feeding each other

my penis going CRAZY atm

your tiny peepee


Leave fat shit for amerilards.


Yes. Nothing wrong with a bit on the sides and thighs.

only if they're cute boys


Kumiko and Asuka make my character fat.

you tiny peepee?

My wives.

NEET-chan is adorable

this is 100% heterosexual anime

I want to cum on Mordred's tummy.

KumiAsu is the truth.

But that picture isn't even close to fat. Not even chubby.

>Draw a normal girl
>Permavirgins thing its fat.

This. I don't know if they're being ironic, shitposting or are just into loli, so anything bigger than one is considered fat. Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating fat women in the slightest. I'd say between 20-25% body fat is perfect for women. Anything less and anything more is disgusting.

Did they stop producing the Manga? When is Chapter 4 coming out?

I want to fondle Kumiko's fat thighs.

i wish the west understood this as well as japan does

No clue but I'd love to see more of her regardless

Is she having the shits?

I think it's stomach cramps from being so nervous about going to a job interview/outside the house

Or a sudden period, she is a lady after all

>I think it's stomach cramps from being so nervous about going to a job interview/outside the house
>mfw I know the feel

Of course

>e*ropoors and third-worlders think this is fat