Shit characters

ITT: completely unnecessary characters that only made the show worse.

>"fart jokes are so funny"



Iggy is great though. Kakyoin is a far worse character. Did literally nothing other than job the whole time. His only contribution being the time he figured out the secret of Dio's stand right after jobbing for the billionth time.


The Lovers fight was pretty much his victory, Jotaro just beat up the user afterward. But yeah, between him and Avdol they had one guy too many in the group.

He had the death 13 fight though. Avdol had even less to do after getting faked killed and coming back.

If you can't appreciate a fart joke you aren't a man

Kaks was nice but needed more development, would be nice if he survived to part 4 and helped Jotaro in the Morioh investigation. However, Avdol could be way more useful and have more personality, it's like he's a forgotten character and this makes me sad

The 7th Stand User fangame is good, and has another member of the group.

But that is less of an issue due to being an rpg instead of a manga and...other factors.

The knockoff 'Shikinami' is terrible compared to the actual Asuka

His death got to me more than Avdol's

Looks like a dog to me.

Avdol dying just for Araki to flip flop to bring him back then kill him again was retarded, really shows that the man doesn't give a shit about his writing

Also why didn't the joestars bring anti-vampire weapons like the nazis had in WW2?
A couple of sun lamps wouldn't have hurt.


JoJo is aimed at 10yo boys. If you don't find fart jokes funny, you might be invested in the wrong franchise.

>Avdol dying just for Araki to flip flop to bring him back then kill him again was retarded, really shows that the man doesn't give a shit about his writing
He had to bring Abdul back because editors and fans

That is one ugly dog.

>Still spouting this bullshit even if it is fan speculation (With no sort of basis)

Is realism, crawl back to your moe kawaiiuguu bitches.

Is Araki trying to turn 10yo Japanese boys gay?

any mascot character


He has the best fight in the part 3 tho

I bet you like post-timeskip Chopper too.

Tower, Lovers, Death, racing vidya, getting a hole punched in by Dio? Neither stands out as particularly great. Lovers was memorable, but for Jotaro beating up Steely Dan rather than for the Stand fight.

Never mind me, I'm retarded. Forgot what the OP was about and thought we were talking about Kakyoin.



frick you Iggy vs Bird and Iggy vs Black hole demon
were one of the best fights in all JoJo

That bird was probably the best stand user in whole part 3

You can draw an ugly dog in all sorts of artstyles.

Didn't get past a couple of episodes of One Piece.

They did nothing wrong.

If you are going to bring up DBS then it applies to every single new characters introduced in that pointless continuation, in particular all the 'divine' characters.

Are there more chinese cartoons with hot-blooded animal fights?

god damn that is the ugliest fucking dog I've seen. why can't Koreans draw animals?

He was just so unnecessary. He came though right around the end and didn't really do anything except make Shinji feel good for an episode, then he turned into an angel. Never understood how anyone cared about him.

He showed Shinji unconditional, boundless love.
Also gave some more insight on angels and Seele.

All male characters.

/u/ please go

Homosexuals who need boys to stare at all the time please go.

not /u/ here, but I think all boys should die

>completely unnecessary

You're meant to self-insert as the boy as he betas out and fails to confess to the girl


Iggy is first shown as an irritating dog, both to viewers and characters alike. Until he gains a new face and starts talking, then you see he wasnt just a stupid dog farting everywhere because "dog". Also: think why Joseph tought that Iggy would be useful in the party, was because of his stand? Think again, observe.


Fuck you Iggy vs Pet Shop is one of the best fights of both part 3 and Jojo as a whole
