Her outfit was rather risky

Her outfit was rather risky


Speak english pierre

Yeah, her boobs could pop out at any second. pretty risky if you ask me.

I'd risque more than her outfit, if you catch my drift

wasn't she a lowkey exhibitionnist?
what would be zenkichis fetish? voeyurism?

That's english.

if i do this with my balls i'd be sent to prison. that's risk

>year 2018
>no good Ajimu doujins
>no good Homura doujins

Japs have the shittest taste of all time

she wasn't lowkey about it

other than thebreast window she only showed herself to zenkichi. that's pretty lowkey.

>all those ntr kumagawa doujins
like what in tarnations? I dont hate kuma but got dammit

canon exhibitionist

and none of them are even good

Those are some great tits.

The lack of vanilla Medaka and Zenkichi doujins really hurts. Easy cute material.

Whenever I see her I can't help but think of those plopping sounds from Manyuu Hikenchou.

I love Ajimu!

So did Kumagawa.


There's no risk as long as you keep her nipples hard

hon hon non je ne speak pas le english. Ménage à trois hon hon!

yea, exactly at that panel I knew I was gonna read it till the end. Little did I know that decision was gonna backfire.