How does kyoani do it?
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You think I can read this?
Violet Ever Garden is 1st, compare it to the others.
>implying twitter follower count means shit
That's not total follower count though. Still I think VEG beats everything other than Pop Team Epic and Idolish7
Whether you like it or not, twitter is huge in Japan and a great platform for advertising anime.
Brand name and nothing else. It won't translate into sales.
Great animators, great marketers, great producers. Directors up for debate, but they have it all.
By crushing the contrast, desaturating everything, and lazily adding faux DoF blur.
Isn't this an edit?
>2nd - Yuru Camp
>6th - Sora Yori
Meanwhile it's sinking hard in preorders. Trigger and KyoAni crap always has tons of twitter follows because of studio wars. It matters nothing.
Evergarden is not terrible but it's completely overshadowed by other shows this season.
This looks great! You can't make out it's all CG this way
Two episodes in and it's already dead. Sasuga.
It beats @ID7_anime, though. Probably because most people follow the main IDOLiSH7 account (@iD7Mng_Ogami).
@hoshiiro_anime still has a huge lead (over 100K).
No, it just ranks who gained the most followers during a certain time period.
>ramen that high
I can't read those stupid fucking gook letters but I recognize that little comfy triangle in second place. Nips are on point this season.
I am likely wrong, but isn't this chart about followers gained in the past 12 hours? Shows that haven't had an episode recently will have gained less followers.
Nah you are exactly right.
ID7 anime caught up in one month, it will probably surpass all by the end
Gay idols are stronk
Fun fact: BAIORETTO-CHAN already gave KyoAni around 10 million dollars thanks to China.
Bilibili, which is a paid service that shares more of its profits than crunchy and nico.
Because otaku will eat up whatever KusoAnus shits on their plate.
fuck bilibili
10 fucking million dollars in 2 weeks user.
I wonder if anyone compiles data from bilibili for anime in general.
It has a female producer for self inserting, it's more of a teenage girl than a fujo thing.
Is this a pic of the anime?
VEG isn't even the most watched anime on streaming sites this season. And season barely began.
Dumbass, that's like judging how good an anime is based on how many threads on Sup Forums it gets.
This is cancer. This means they won't fire that hack Ishidate.
Moeshit is popular, what a surprise
More like "Kyoanus stood on the shoulders of giants (Fate, Madoka, and leftover Haruhi shekels) to accomplish something as fast as they could."
Bilibili isn't actually a paid service, most shows are free to watch and some have timed paywall, just like Nico
You gotta pay up to watch VEG.
Cool, I was covering my ass just in case since I could only read from Genzai onwards.
I've seen this chart three times now, first with Pop Team Epic, then with Darling, and now with Violet Evergarden on the top. Which one am I supposed to believe in?
The others worked the same way, that's why they change.
Episode 2, right now. It will not be the case next week. It's a timed paywall, episode 1 has most of the 7+million views since that one was free from the start
Blonde Hikayu is a cuuute. I like her. Just watched the first two episodes though, otomeshit is not for me
Wow, a show which recently had a new episode gained lots of followers in the past 12h?
I am shocked
Cool story, bro.
***,170位 (***,510pt) [*,**0予約] 2018年04月04日 【Amazon.co.jp限定】ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 1 (第1巻のみ特典:L版ブロマイド + 全巻購入特典:「LPサイズディスク収納ケース」引換シリアルコード付) [ VIOLET EVERGARDEN ] [Blu-ray]
That alongside Netflix release with dub on 12 languages and over 7 millions PAID Bilibili views so far.
Awful rank at the start of the season when you have the KyoAni brand and rankings are frontloaded. It's going to sink and go below KnK numbers.
I dunno, considering Violet Evergarden is one of the most boring series airing this season.
To be fair, almost kyoAni anime was on top 100 at the start of the season, even a fucking kyoukai no kanata and maid dragon.
Those views on Bilibili are not paid retard, episode 1 is free to watch and had a bit over 5.5 million before episode 2 aired. Episode 2 will also be free to watch next week.
>gained 3000 twitter followers after new episode
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
What are the pre orders for Citrus
You are an idiot, its 10 yuan to watch
Only the second episode ahead of a free viewer, will be free to watch next week
The first episode has always been free to watch
They made her adorable as fuck.
False. Fuck off.
>Yuru Camp and Pop Team Epic among top 5
This is damn fine.
My heart. Worth every single of the 10k points
Seriously, somebody put Kyoani out of their misery. It's just sad at this point. All this animation wasted on garage.
keep in mind that Yurucamp only has 2 versions and Violet has 4
Kirara is back, baby
This is how everything is. Good visuals corrupt the story. Special effects movies are always trash in the story, as an example.
For some reason Evangelion is an exception though, it was a visual marvel of an anime and also had the best content ever
>Good visuals corrupt the story. Special effects movies are always trash in the story, as an example.
Prime retardation.
>For some reason Evangelion is an exception though, it was a visual marvel of an anime and also had the best content ever
Unforgivable retardation.
Dude, at this point Yuru Camp volumes 2-3 are much higher than VEG.
And it was a show with 0 hype before it aired. VEG will only keep sinking.
Does anyone have amazon chart for Citrus?
KyoAnifag here winning every year as usual, I don't expect anybody to understand that glorious feeling
Alright, "dude", Yurucamp is being sold at a relatively cheaper price than normal, each volume includes 4 episodes, has only 2 versions, and comes out a week before Evergarden. Evergarden BDs are actually more expensive than average. I just told you to consider the different factors, I'm not telling you Evergarden will 'beat' Yurucamp, I don't think it will either.
Both are great tho
Any more Phantom Worlds and Evergardens and they might not debut at the top next time. Good reputations are more fragile than you think; 30 years ago Pierrot was one of Japan's most highly regarded studios.