Best boi appears.
Hakyuu Houshin Engi
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And the slideshow continues.
>tfw Dakki cooking most likely cut
The scene before the OP and next episode preview are also weird. Why are they showing them this early?
Was it as bad as ep 1?
>mfw the original is better than this so far
How did this happen?
It's really weird. Why waste time showing future events, when clearly there aren't enough episodes for all the content?
These scenes should be happening in the Sennin War arc which they hinted on the PV although I still don't why they bother showing them this early.
It's just weird that first half is mostly from volume 4 while second half is from volume 2.
What the fuck am I watching?
Man, this is going to be some weird adaptation then. I hope my memory is good enough to follow through and remembers this earlier episode stuff later. The ED sounds pretty good.
Damn, sucks I still had some hope that they were gonna get back on track and stick to the source.
They are still on track so far despite some stuff being cut and a few characters reduced to background ones. I wonder if Chou Kou Mei arc will be on the anime or are they going to cut it though.
It's worse. The narrative keeps jumping around without rhyme or reason. They just needed to show Nataku. That was all there is to it. Why try to fit Hiko and Bunchuu's entire story into this episode? Why keep flashing forward at the beginning of this episode? Who the fuck is in charge of this anime?
Dakki's Dakkis are fine at least.
I want her to sit on my face
Just what happened? This was supposed to be better than the first anime? How could they have fucked up so bad?
They just want to sell manga and merch.
Because there are retarded. One flash-forward should have been all that was needed, but now it's like they are desperate to reassure you that 'no, for real. Stick with us. We are going all the way this time.' Meanwhile, they keep making a mess of the actual story.
Oh shit, I remember this, it was cool when the horse companion thing evolved.
There is a big chance they are skipping the feast and the hamburger. In the manga, Buunchu has to go away because Dakki had killed two of the four kings before he came, and one of the territories was rebelling because of that.
Here, however, not only has one execution already happened off-screen, but one of the emperor's wives is already dead. We may also be skipping the Two Princes' arc entirely, especially since we are already jumping to Hiko's rebellion either next episode or the one after that.
But if they skip hamburger what will cause Kishou to become ill?
>those map transitions every time the location changed
Seems like they just want to tickle old fans' fancy, same reason Fugen was put into the first episode and why part of Yozen's backstory seems to be in the next episode.
>remember when we first got staff info JP fans said the series was doomed
Were they right? Can the anime still save itself?
Old age or whatever. Alternatively, they can say it already happened in a very rushed way and not show it. I wouldn't put it past this anime.
I think they're just focusing heavily on the Bunchuu arc, sorta imagine if Dakki didn't exist and Bunchuu was the main antagonist and the end of the sennin war was the final climax, seems like they're building it all up for that.
Oh, definitely, but they are doing it badly. Every scene change this episode is so damn awkward, not to mention The first nine minutes of this episode are horrible. It gets better after that, but not that much.
Tfw they are probably going to cut most stories and characters which are irrelevant for Sennin War Arc.
What's with the complete lack of reaction from Western anime fans to this show? You'd think with how popular it is in Japan it would garner some interest but there's literally none. I can't even blame the bad first episode because even then I barely saw anyone watch it.
It has already shat the bed and doesn't look like it is going to get better given the preview. That's already going to hurt its potential sales. The only way of getting momentum back with anime like this is by pulling an amazing episode, and since this is essentially and still show, that's not going to happen.
It's too chinky for the west. Was the original even popular in the west back then?
I dropped this after the first episode being a rushfest.
Is the second one any better
Wish I had Sup Forums pass to drop the manga chapters for people to read along here and see how far along the trainwreck goes but we could still enjoy the manga.
Get your fortune told by Taikoubou.
The manga is not that well known outside Japan. The anime wasn't broadcast in any mainstream channels in the USA as far as I know. This anime isn't being made by any of the big studios. Also, the designs are off-putting to some people.
It's better in the sense it's not rushed. It feels kind of awkwardly put together though with the placement of scene changes.
I've accepted there will be cuts so my personal gripe is they're toning down the humorous tone, I don't think the anime has really sold the fact Taikoubou is a piece of shit with a heart of gold yet.
How would you have adapted this in 23 episodes, anons? Assume you have to go up to the Sennin War like this.
Adapt up til Chou Koumei's arc and leave the anime on a cliffhanger that Taikoubou died and start S2 with Chou Koumei's new anime.
That would be the perfect way to go
As funny as that would be it wouldn't work. I would however end an episode like that and end the season at the end of the Chou Koumei arc.
>14 posters
>dead thread
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
Why? it isn't popular in the west. A reboot won't make much difference.
At least the hippo scene is still in.
Tfw Chou Koumei isn't even on the key visual and OP animation.
They are totally going to skip him.
I wonder what are they going to with his sisters since they have a minor role in Sennin War arc.
>Skipping Chou Koumei
He's mentioned in Bunchuu's anime profile and a Ryuukitsu Koushu charm is a BD bonus.
They are also skippable to be honest. The only characters that matter in that arc are Taikoubou, his master, Bunchuu, Youzen, his master, Ou Tenkun, Kou Hiko, and Fugen. Everything else can be shifted around very easily.
What is this and why does it feel Sayuiki/ Tsubasa tier?
I was hoping that because it's a reboot it might attract new fans. It deserves attention in my opinion.
Rather than fans, I just wanted to see it get a good faithful adaption. It seriously deserves it.
Chinese setting? It's an 90s SJ title based on a classic Chinese novel. Evil empress who's actually a sennin (immortal) manipulating the emperor, so protagonist is given the task to seal her and her minions and eventually becomes the driving force behind overthrowing the whole dynasty. It's quite good and has a big cast of likable and unique characters.
hope we get this.
I am interested. I'll check it out thanks user.
Dakki did nothing wrong.
>Best boy won't be in the new anime
>best boy
He was completely useless.
Still the best.
He is clearly wasted potential
this show is really bad
Read the manga.
They should have remade Shaman King instead.
Yeah, this. Houshin Engi is a great manga that deserves better than a shit anime like this.
I think it's too early to say if this reboot is good or bad but it's left people wary, but the manga is definitely great.
>the animation is limited because they're actually not cutting anyone out and spent all the budget on the amount of seiyuu they had to get
>and the backgrounds
Just watched it. What the fuck are they seriously smoking? The art is fantastic though, I don't entirely mind if fluid animation is sacrificed for that but they're really destroying the story.
I love Dakki
We all love Dakki.
I've noticed they put a lot of detail into the environment and props, too, so I can kind of forgive the limited animation as much as I'd love for it to be more fluid. I'm holding out for the story, once they get past establishing the main cast perhaps things will get better.
If there's one thing I'm glad they're cutting out is her.
>hating Spy-san
After all these years, I still have no idea what the fuck houshin engi is about
It's not rocket science user
Read the manga.
I like him, but god this show.
Considering how much was skipped through in two eps you'd need more than 251 images I'm sure.
Who voiced Taiitsu? Sounds familiar but I can't read the moon names in the credits.
only spics and southamericans know about it because it was aired on cable tv
did you guys know that dakki and tamamo no mae are the same person?
>thread will die before it even hit 100
I saw the first 2 episodes of this, never read the manga either, and I gotta say the pacing is too rushed.
Not that I was surprised, once i heard it was a 23 episode anime for a 23 volume series I knew it was going to be.
But good god Sup Forums, the story is really all over the place, jumping from one plot point to another.
I can't get invested in anyone's motivations because there's not enough time spent on them.
I will read the manga after this is done though, it looks like a great story, just a poor adaptation.
Hirakawa Daisuke.
There's a remake of Hoshin Engi? WHY WASN'T I INFORMED!?
Is it going to burn out like the original anime or will they get to Joka this time?
I got the Soul Hunter DVD Brick, I liked the dub's take on Dakki, 4th wall breakage everywhere. 'Get my agent on the phone!'
Hopefully they don't get to Joka since it's only 23 eps.
Only 23 episodes? 2 seasons, I hope?
Unknown. The pacing seems to indicate they're doing kind of a rush job so far, but the hope is that it slows down eventually and just gets a second season.
Honestly though, even 46 episodes is probably not enough.
But would you let her eat your intestines?
That's not Dakki, that's a sexy lute. Also her sister is OP as fuck in the manga.