>Crunchyroll Anime Awards
>Lists Tanya as a candidate for Best Villain
>Not a candidate for Best Girl
What did they mean by this?
>Crunchyroll Anime Awards
>Lists Tanya as a candidate for Best Villain
>Not a candidate for Best Girl
What did they mean by this?
Caring about the Crunchyroll Awards
>Not letting people to vote the candidates before they put up the list
Just a shitty awards list.
Please buy CrunchyRoll Premium ™ to support the industry.
Bonedad is the best.
But user, if they didn't do that, how could they put two gay manga on the list?
I mean, at least the lesbian one kinda deserves it. The gay one I've never heard of.
how come Tanya is the villain, it's war stupid american
B-but she's on the german side
Stopped reading there. Fuck off shill.
She ain't called Tanya the Evil for nothing.
Well, the true travesty of it is how wrong they got Best Girl.
There's no Satania anywhere on the list.
>(((Crunchyroll))) """Anime Awards"""
Wait is that their selection for the whole year?
Remeber to hide and report
jesus what a shitty list
Yep. Apparently this is what their "panel of judges" decided on for the nominees.
By panel of judges I mean a full on panel of literally whos.
Y'know, like a real awards show.
>hasn't heard of Tagame
Fucking newfags.
How does Sup Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
I really haven't. It just looks like bara yaoi without the actual porn from the cover.
>check best boy category
>check best girl category
>phos isn't in any of them
>phos not on both
Wow, not very progressive Crunchyroll.
They're also shilling "March Comes in Like a Lion" really hard. It's practically in every category.
Then again, so is Hero Academia.
Why hasn't this thread 404'd yet?
because Sup Forums is so bad it's good
Here's the full villain list. Doesn't seem fair to put Bonedaddy on the list when he hasn't gotten to do his arc in the anime yet. What he did to Mitty and Nanachi wasn't enough to win yet.
Because it's fun looking at how shit their taste is and laughing/barfing in disgust?
Tanya is not a girl tho, she's a salesman
He did nothing wrong, called the heroes on their bullshit and got the job done
Oy vey, Nazis are evil goy!
Made in Abyss and HnK should be he winners but I can see it not happening.
What exactly is wrong with letting people choose their favorite out of all anime aired this year? There aren't that many shows.
And here's the best hero list to compare.
There's a lot more, like "Best score" and "best CGI" but I'm too lazy to screengrab those.
I just wanted to post the character ones and AOTY since those are the most obviously fucked up.
Tagame is notorious for drawing really explicit bara eromanga. It used to get dumped on Sup Forums sometimes. That particular manga is more like a story that happens to have gay characters rather than any sort of yaoi though. It's actually pretty cute
You should check how hard they shill it on ANN, every review or article reads like
>Shit is fucking boring, but that is ok, watch it please, its a masterpiece
How the fuck is Cartaphilus on that list? He's such a shit villain.
You have to go back.
What is best hero even supposed to mean, who came up with these categories?
CRdevs holy shit fuck off.
>protagonists can't be villains
>best villain
>literally the protagonists of the show
those morons would probably list Light as a villain too
You'd be surprised how much reddit and casual anime fags like MiA.
Stop bumping this trash, newfags.
Oy vey user, don't you know that that's problematic.
It's much better to leave the nominee deciding to the totally valid and experienced panel of judges.
Seriously, are ANY of these faggots anything more than literally whos? I don't even recognize any eceleb cancer in the list.
>Best Villain
>no Satania
>Shitter Kamui
Nice try Normieroll
Really? With the loli fanservice and everything?
>best girl
Sigh. Are the normalfags doing this now, too? Honestly, if the OP isn't banned for posting banal polls from Crunchyroll, I will be very disappointed.
What a surprise, Kallie is actually good looking.
Yssa is one of the animation directors at roosterteeth. I used to watch Fanservice so I could shit on their "old school Otaku" for not knowing shit about gundam while saying he was a huge gundam fan. Fucker didn't know what the dark history was.
Seasonal vermin have been doing it forever
What did they mean with that?
It had muh feels, normalfags eat that up. It's the reason why Kimi no na wa became so popular
They soft-rhyme. No other name sounds good.
>My hero acadamiea shit everywhere
Damn this shit is funny
>being this much of a brainlet who has to use cancer words instead of inventing interesting insults
Good excuse, now fuck off.
It doesn't matter, they're competing against a shitty Jump battle shonen with production values slightly better than the average shitty battle shonen. There's literally 0 chance that BnHA doesn't win every single category it's nominated for by a landslide.
Fujoshi rigged last year's awards by botting Yuri on Ice to the top. MHA is going to sweep everything without bots. If you don't need an account I'll throw my votes away on Made in Abyss.
Sage and report garbage threads
Probably because he was a villian user.
She looked familiar and then I remembered her from a Dunkey video
>best hero
>not yuusha-sama
Man why dont people do this when studiowar threads pop up?
> Best Villian
> No Sato from Ajin
This people are just shitting around and calling it "award". Wouldnt be suprised if they didnt even watch anime that wasnt beloved by the people over the time they aired.
> Implying MHA isnt fujbait at its extreme.
Its sad user, you cant see the truth right in front of you.
Is that ironic shilling?
Protagonist can be the villain, this is not the case though.
No I did that once and got banned for abusing the report system
CR is not run by Jews. Many ANN staffers are Jewish though. They got incredibly butthurt at the first episode of Dies Irae.
It will win without them gaming it.
HnK went downhill fast after the gold arms happened.
>Crunchyroll Anime Awards
Fuck off.
>Among the most popular and highly praised anime of last year
This isn't like fucking Kabaneri last year in which most people would never rank it anywhere near a year's best list
Why would the most popular normie anime of last year need bots? People will just vote for it by virtue of it being MHA much like YOI
Fuck off and kill yourself. Why is this thread still up? They were deleted on sight last year.
Are mods died? Sage by the way
I bet they all don't ever finish watching all the nominee too.
Fuck off.
Mods have carefully planned moderation cycles. They always start the year with no moderation and slowly build it up, so that people feel more appreciative of them later in the year when they remember the cold dark winter months.
Don't forget the fake public Yotsuba bans every few months.
I don't get all the hate for CR
>notEuropean invaded notGermany first
>notGermany fought back and was winning
>notEuropean was so salty they cast notGermany and its best soldier, the MC, as the villains
Based Tanya deserves better.
wtf i love mods now?