Dragon Ball Super

>Hiroyuki Sakurada and Masatoshi Chioka (Director and Producer of Dragon Ball Super) have confirmed at the Mision Tokyo (Spain Anime/Manga Event) that March will be a key date for the franchise due to the Top Arc ending, and with it Dragon Ball Super. Nevertheless it's been confirmed the franchise will have continuity in some way or form, be it with movies or a new series.

Reminder this interview came out in November and NOBODY BELIEVED IT.


wakey wakey chadbba-san

Super might be ending but that doesn't mean the end of the Church of Cuteness! Post your cutest Cauli's to show support!

I want to lick Caulifla's feet!

First for best fight in super

i hate this gif

How come Gokek and Jiren both stole Hit's shockwave punch?

The shockwave punch existed since the Piccolo arc you retard. Goku even ringed out Chichi with it. It's just that it had been forgotten for a good while now.

>yfw no filthy half-breeds allowed in the new movie

>thread is already littered with waifufags

They will make a follow up series after the movie called Dragon Ball SuperZ or some shit, it is obvious

>Super is going to end with Vegeta stronger than Gokuck and Cuckza being brought back to do fuck all

DragonBall Spinoff with Kale, Caulifla Cabba living together and fighting crime. While also fighting over the tv remote and playing games. And at the end of every chapter/episode get tucked in by Uncle Hit.

Make it happen Sensei Toriyama.


Vegetas doki doki form is confirmed weaker than ssbk x20

>people still falling for the april fools joke


Vegeta deserves to end the series as the strongest, he's the only one at the tournament with any sort of motivation that isn't completely retarded like Goku or 17.

>april fools joke
>on january

There's no way Freeza would be brought back for nothing

I miss the old, pre digital art style.

>not looking at when super is supposedly ending



Nice headcanon retard, regular SSB Vegeta is already stronger than SSB kaiokek and Vegeta is confirmed to surpass the gods in two weeks.

Cute cult assemble!

3-0 fucking when?

It ends in March 25th, dumbfuck.


Nice headcanon.

ok, so lets see if I understand what happened here
they took buu away in favor of frieza just so he could torture some random alien and look evil and then get fucked by toppo in the end and acomplish fucking nothing?

Toyo Caulifla >>>> Toei Caulifla

It ends on April 1st you illiterate spic.



Only a Vegetard would be proud of a """"""win"""""" against Goku when he's holding back.

Should have focuses on the cutegang much, much more.

Found new bread


absolutely based

>Toyotaro was a huge failure and failed to be Toriyama's succesor just like Gohan failed to be Goku's succesor

Like pottery, Toyospics on suicide watch

ah yes, the classic gokuck argument

No, April 1st will already have it's replacement running. Last episode is in march.


They deserve it, after what they did to Gohan, unacceptable

>I beat Michael Jordan! Sure he tied both his arms behind his back, and I only won because he fouled out, but I did it!

Serious Question about Cyborg 18. Since she gave birth naturally, what was all 9 mouths of pregnancy like with her?

Did she have mood swings or food cravings?

>h-he was holding back
More like the SS3 form he wasted his time to unlock was complete shit and would make him burn through his 24 hour stay on Earth in a hurry.


Stop lying user


Reporting in

2-0, Gokek.

>actually, unironically, truly being this fucking brain retarded

Fuck no, they did THIS to Gohan, and they never gave us an actual redemption?

I will never forgive them, and right after he jobbed against Buu

>Goku = Toriyama: Limit Breaker
>Gohan = Based Successor: Survivor
It's confirmed.

It ends in March and even then, nobody makes an April Fools joke with months in advance.

H-he'll get UI anyday now

Well deserved.

Finally... Peace.

What? It's literally ending in march, you were wrong, accept it.

April 1st is when Kitaro starts, you braindead moron.

This, based Toyo is gonna fix this disaster that toei left behind.

>Caulifucks are this fucking stupid
Not even once.

>He is Blue tier at the bare minimum

>Goku vs Gohan was confirmed toei filler


>cauli boogieman out of nowhere
Won't even give you this (You), what a retard.

So what if I am?

>posts Vegeta beating up a weakened and burned up Frieza that Goku already softened up for him
>F-Frieza's n-not Blue tier! V-Vegeta s-strongest Saiyan!

>brings Caulifla into this for absolutely no reason
Concession accepted.

>b-but muh Caulifla


1/21 124話 残り6分 疾風怒涛の 猛襲!悟飯背水の陣 悟飯ディスポ脱落
1/28 125話 残り5分 威風堂々!破壊神トッポ降臨!! フリーザ17号脱落
2/04 126話 残り4分 神をも 超えろ!ベジータ捨て身の一撃!! トッポベジータ脱落
2/11 127話 残り3分 悟空対ジレン
2/18 128話 残り2分 悟空対ジレン
2/25 東京マラソン
3/04 129話 残り1分 決着
3/11 名古屋マラソン
3/18 130話 スーパードラゴンボール回 
3/25 131話 エピローグ 

1/21 124 - 6 minutes left, Gohan and Dyspo drop out.
1/28 125 - 5 minutes left, God of Destruction Toppo rings out Freeza and 17.
2/04 126 - 4 minutes left, Vegeta surpasses the GoD! Yet he and Toppo drop out.
2/11 127 - 3 minutes left, Goku faces Jiren.
2/18 128 - 2 minutes left, Goku Vs. Jiren.
2/25 Tokyo marathon - No episode
3/04 129 - The last minute, the tournament concludes.
3/11 Nagoya Marathon - No episode
3/18 130 - It's time for the Super Dragon Balls!
3/25 131 - The Epilogue

Nothing, it's just pathetic and laughable


Kill yourself.

>retarded Caulifaggots are also concessionfags
Unsurprising. Enjoy being BTFO in 12 hours.

God bless Japan.

>hurr waifufags
Stay in denial, dick sucker.

>these excuses
Vegeta himself would never say he's beaten Goku twice. He'd slap you silly for even implying those pride destroying fights were won
Try 'reasonable Vegetafriend'

Literally what the fuck does thsi post have to do with you eing wrong about when it ends? How do you get to Cauliflashit? Fucking retard.

>implying I like Caulifla

but she didn't get eliminated that week?

>Enjoy being BTFO in 12 hours.
>it's the autistic gohanfag
Episode in 30 hours, take your own life.

Please toyo bring back dbAF once super ends

Absolutely based, sorry for doubting you

>dumb waifufags damage controlling
>being this fucking stupid
12 hours, retard. I don't know how someone can be this autistic but here you are.

No problem fellow CHADhanfriend.

Let's continue falseflagging as Caulifuckers to really rub the dirt in.

Next year.

Are you upset?

Sorry for you if a children's show ending upsets you this much.


It's not even saturday yet, autismo.

I'm not the one who can't tell time, you retard.

Kill yourself.

It doesn't matter what day it is you stupid fuck. The episode airs in 12 hours and you anti-Gohan fucks will get BTFO once again.

No way slut, I'm bored of you already.

Get me Kale and maybe I'll consider a threesome. I guess...

Sorry I don't fuck retards

Except that's exactly who you are.

Enjoy being BTFO in March 25th.

Wakey wakey, Gohanpedros.

>manga Caulifla
Actual background with the gang and how she stands compared to the other u6 saiyans, Robin Hood-esque character, transformation off screened just like Toriyama would do but still addressed in the dialogue with Cabba.
>anime Caulifla
Gang only relevant for one minute, older brother part of the Sadala army but nothing is done to deepen th plot point, same with her and Cabba knowing each othe from before, protegee/anesan crap, back tingles, randomly transforms into SS2 without anyone even acknowleging it in universe (same as happened with Trunks' SS "Rage")
There is no comparison. The latest manga chapter absolutely destroyed the toeidrones. The anime's supposed ability to explore the characters in more detail thanks to having more time goes completely to waste thanks to their awful writing.