Is Fate/Zero canon?
Is Fate/Zero canon?
>Zeroは『stay nightと条件は同じだけど微妙に違う世界』
It's the only good thing to come out of Fate. If it's not canon I reject Nasu's reality and substitute my own. Only Fate/Zero is canon to the Urobuchi Fate verse, everything else is badly written fanfiction.
Yes but I wish it wasn't, then maybe it could have had a decent ending instead of being forced to conform to Stay/Night
Its the best Fate, so it ought to be.
In a Postface of Fate/Zero Vol 1 Nasu said that Zero is canon.
Nasu changes the canon according on how he feels that day tho
No, he said it was good enough to seem canon. The postface of F/SF has him declaring Zero to be non-canon.
Doesn't really matter anymore. The franchise is dead and raped, and completely corrupted now. Fate had it worse than Sakura.
I wish it wasn't so Zerofags would fuck off
Everything is canon
Yes it is. A shame Stay night is canon too.
Used to love Zero, but I think I'm alone when I say Deen F/SN is king
There's no reason to like Deen FSN, are you sure you aren't just trying to be special?
I rewatched Zero expecting to relive the good days, but everyone talks like an autist
It's the only thing worth to be cannon, even the fucking source material is shit
It's called japanese user
Well Deen's got a better murican impression
What was wrong with Zero's ending? I thought it was great.
F/GO canonizes everything in the franchise, including prisma illya.
Everyone is autistic in the Nasuverse
Something something Kaleidoscope.
Let's be honest, if Nasu actually cared about having a canon storyline in the Fateverse he wouldn't have let all the spinoff IPs happen.
Nothing, he is anime only secondary. That ending had to be exactly that except they didnt explain what happened to Gil and Kirei.
Tohsaka, Saber, Lancer 2.0, and Kiritsugu (and his sensei) are the only not autistic characters. But deen F/SN is campy goodness, and better directed
>not autistic
t. secondary
The whole point of Sabers character is she was too autistic to understand or relate to any of her people.
Yeah aight but she's more like mentally retarded since she humble af
This. They should've quit when it was still good and work in a new Tsukihime anime or the Tsukihime remake.
Everyone you named is also autistic you fucking casual
Kiritsugu's just a man with a plan, while he's xanax'd 24/7 - his sensei jus some liberal anarchist
Lancer 2.0 is just a dude
Tohsaka is just a bae
Fuck off to whatever shithole you came from.
t. never ever touched VN
That shit was dull af
How would you know if you never played it, otherwise youd knew that Emiya Kiritsugu treated himself as an object and his body as a tool or that Tohsaka has no empathy.
Zero is the star wars prequels of anime.
I started and dropped. Dgaf bout behind-scenes lore
And Tohsaka no empathy?? Wonder wat shit was pulled outside the anime then
In Zero you can see Kiritsugu´s autism first hand, i think user just doesn't know how to recognize people with mental problems
Probably the part where she tells Sakura she doesnt care about her little sister being raped everyday for ten years
Well if we're going off Zero everyone talks like an autist. But Kiritsugu was just ambitious and focused on his goal
How is that in-character?
>Rin being a bitch isn't in-character
Yeah, right
She hugs her after that so it's all daijobu user
Calling that bitchy isn't an understatement
"Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can find it really hard to focus on things that don’t interest them – for example, activities that involve shared attention, like reading a book with a carer, doing a puzzle, or even walking safely across the road. But they can keep their attention on things they like. For example, a child who’s keen on trains might be able to focus for a long time while he’s setting up his train tracks."
Rin basically gets drunk on her position as the Tohsaka heir and enforcer of the city, and uses it as an excuse to treat Sakura and Shirou like shit.
Holy shit, literally every Fate character ever
Yes, simple as that.
You seem biased. Rin was basically ruled by how she believed a magus and landlord should act. The way she acted in Heaven's Feel was exactly how an ideal magus is supposed to act; destroy anything that opposes you, maintain stability in your surroundings, face the world with cold pragmatism.
Incidentally, this is why Rin claims that Shirou has the ideal mentality for a magus. It's just that his goals don't align as well.
I had forgotten how unpleasant Rin was in HF. She always has too much protagonism, is she Nasu's ideal waifu or something?
Rin is pragmatic. She tried to toughen herself because she knew that Sakura was a threat and killing her was the easiest option.
But then she felt bad and hug her so its ok, everything forgiven.
I take wormslut over sociopath mage
Well not that focused. He had a kid and a wife he cared about. Hell him blowing up his sensei showed he also held importance on stranger's lives
>Rin was basically ruled by how she believed a magus and landlord should act. The way she acted in Heaven's Feel was exactly how an ideal magus is supposed to act; destroy anything that opposes you, maintain stability in your surroundings, face the world with cold pragmatism.
That's not really an excuse. Sakura tried her best despite literally being corrupted by all evils of the world, but Rin went full bitch out of simple daddy issues and sycophantry.towards her vague memories of him. Rin commits the exact same mistakes that makes Ciel such an insufferable and disliked character.
Wow that's completely lost in the animes (while i couldnt sit thru new UBW much)
Because he's not Shirou, you mean?
Do characters have comp diff personalities by arc or something? Assumin thats heavens feel
Again, that's just how magi are supposed to be. Not all magi are like this, but this is the "proper" path for a magus. The "ideal" magus.
I wouldn't say completly different personalities, we just see different sides of them. Like Rin in UBW didn't have to deal with having to kill her own sister.
No, as it has many contradictions with FSN.
Rin is at her very worst in Heaven's Feel, but she was a bitch to Sakura even in Fate.
Why do you talk like an underage nigger?
Rin sure didn't act like an ideal magus when it came to saving shinji, she is a fucking bitch.
>is she Nasu's ideal waifu or something?
Kind of.
This question is for Mr. Kinoko and Takashi: Out of all the Fate characters, who would you want as a bride? (Without worrying about gender)
Nasu Rin has been at the top of my list for the last ten years, since she could totally lead such a lost cause as myself. But now, as useless as I am, I would plot to make Kitsune my someone special.
Like what?
Completely different circumstances with different developments. That's the point of there being different routes you retard
That's because she was infected by Shirou throughout UBW. She admits to herself that she's not really a proper magus when all's said and then. She's not as close to Shirou in Heaven's Feel, so she doesn't get infected by his altruism and kindness.
Different stakes.
She didn't lose anything with trying to save Shinji, but leaving Sakura alive could mean the death of thousands of innocents. From Rin's point of view Sakura was a threat.
>He had a kid and a wife he cared about
>Emiya Kiritsugu
>Cared about Illya and Iris
Hold me anons.
I saw that as Rin acting like a bitch to get Sakura out of the danger-zone, but makes sense i guess
She was nice to her in the prologue.
She didn't even know that when she decided to kill Sakura. Her thought process was pretty much "Zouken using her as a meatshield would be a hassle to deal with, I'll just kill her now so I don't have to think about that possibility".
VN said Kerry left his wife and daughter behind when he came to Fuyuki for the war. Also Gil and Saber fighting in a sea of fire. Surprisingly enough, the Deen anime showed that part at the very beginning.
I mean they do end up betraying eachother, but wat?
Did you somehow miss the part where Kiritsugu is more happy to fuck his assistant than spend time with his wife?
Obviously since she cared so much about her. A lot of autists here just can't understand human behavior.
I took it as an old fling before his marriage, but he turns it down if I remember rite. And he wasn't spending time with his wife because the grail war
>She didn't even know that when she decided to kill Sakura.
Except she did.
>"Right. If Sakura can't be cured, I'll dispose of her, just like I would with any other Master gone rampant. I can't sit idly by while a magus indiscriminately attacks people. If Kirei can't treat Sakura, then I'll just have to get rid of her myself."
He continues it during the war.
Just "preping to betray his wife"
In a way, that just makes things worse. It would have been one thing if Rin was initially distant but realized Sakura had to be saved from the Matous, but instead she decides to double down and add to Sakura's suffering even more as soon as she learns about her past.
Sakura hadn't even attacked anyone, though. Also, it's funny how Rin advised Shirou to make Saber attack civilians for mana in Fate, then suddenly was against it in HF.
well fuq, idk maybe he just needed to get pumped up
Stay Night is the best part of the franchise, stupid zero secondary
>responding to bait
Rin confirmed for schizoid with multiple personalities
I do what I want.
Everyone that says F/SN is shit, is a normalfag that only watched the anime and didn't play the superb VN
>Sakura hadn't even attacked anyone
She kinda did at the school.
That was Rider acting on her own.
In the first case, the person getting their soul sucked doesn't die. In the second, entire ghost towns are formed over night.
Because she wanted to see what Shirou would do. She would have stopped him. Also, she said it in the prologue that she didn't want to sacrifice people for Archer.
>>"Right. If Sakura can't be cured, I'll dispose of her, just like I would with any other Master gone rampant. I can't sit idly by while a magus indiscriminately attacks people.
It's kinda ironic that she says this yet always let's Shinji go when he is perfectly comfortable and laughing at melting people, yet she knows Sakura in HF either one, is not at fault for Zouken's inhumane experiments and she knows the path to the greater grail on top of suspecting the Shadow is a malfunction of the system..
Or two, seeing that the blackening affects both humans and Servants, causing her unimaginable pain and agony just living, yet antagonizes her, even shutting hee down to distance herself at inappropriate moments and due to immature embarrassment, yet is hardly ever called out on it. Shirou did once, but Nasu just turned that around in the next sentence, calling her a good big sister when she was bring anything but.
Secondary or not, the ending was great.
People weren't getting killed by the shadow until the night of day 10, and Rin had no idea about Sakura's connection to it until later.
>but Sakura's attacking indiscriminately now."
Kirei warned them that a lot of people would die if Sakura was allowed to live.
Rin's twisted logic=/=fact. She's basically blaming Sakura for Rider's rogue actions there just because she's technically her master.
The Fate route with which you are supposed to start is kinda SHIT though...except for the King of Jobbers.
UBW anime is fun. The VN is honestly overrated shit, he created a cool world that lends itself greatly to make cool anime with. However the VN in and of itself is largely boring and predictable, not to mention that the art most definetly did not stand the test of time and looks like complete ass.
I would go as far and say playing the VN as a newcomer to the franchise is just a waste of time, read a short synopsis so you understand the universe then just watch the various anime.
You'll have some fun watching 80 or so episodes of canon and non canon episodes without boring yourself to tears playing the VN.