Can we talk about Utawarerumono? Sup Forums and /vn/ don't seem to care about it.
What did you think about Mask of Truth's ending?
Will we get another shitty anime adaptation?
Can we talk about Utawarerumono? Sup Forums and /vn/ don't seem to care about it.
What did you think about Mask of Truth's ending?
Will we get another shitty anime adaptation?
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I want to sexually FUCK these two girls.
I want to hold Kuon's hand.
isn't this shit about a guy in a mask with AMNESIA who wakes up and is suddenly a brilliant general who fights with the faggiest weapon around but beats master swordsmen and soldiers alike and for plot reasons is really a giant mech sized monster from outer space?
Filthy pervert.
They win the Hakubowl in the end
Kuon was nice, but I prefer Nosuri and Munechika
Nah, he probably still refuses them like always. And he's a god now so they can't really try to drug him anymore.
Seriously though it was so shitty how they mirrored the first game's ending. We better not have to wait 15 years again for some new protagonist to sacrifice himself to set Haku free all over again.
No that's the first part. Part 2-3 are with superior MC.
Also the reason he's stronger than everyone is because the mask's power which made him a god.
As for his ultimate conclusion
He has his powers stripped away and becomes a regular weak human while MC 2 becomes a nonfaggot god
They overdid it with the melodrama and forced bittersweet ending.
You have this loveable, quirky cast and fantastic SoL moments and they go and ruin it by making it absolutely depressing.
When I finished Mask of Deception, I was super hype to start Mask of Truth. That cliffhanger ending was great. But now I've had Mask of Truth sitting in it's box for month as I barely have time to play my Vita. True suffering.
>Refusing them when they're the only ones who can walk by him in godhood.
He'll give in, he's been traveling the world with them for a year
Also There really is nothing to set him free from unlike Hakuoro. He doesn't have some crazy dark side destroying the world because his waifu and daughteru got turned into parts. Hell he seems content as fuck with his new god power which he can use with no monkey paw type drawback unlike Hakuoro
Haku is definitely superior to Hakuowlo. He has an actual personality.
True suffering is what awaits you when you play Mask of Truth. Seriously, don't play it if you're in any negative emotional state. I haven't had anything make me feel so many feels as this in years.
Play it, it's great and wraps up the story nicely
Is there a sequel planned to the 3rd game?
>True suffering is what awaits you when you play Mask of Truth.
Wot Any suffering was beautifully done like Raiko and the trap that loved him or When Haku opens the final gate
All of the emotional scenes were really great
There are 3 Utawarerumono games in development right now.
The first is a remake of the original slated for April, coming with an OVA about Kuon's childhood.
The second is an action game spinoff that will be officially announced in Spring.
The third is a new game by the scenario writers of 2 and 3, with a much larger budget and a graphical upgrade. Could be a sequel to the third game, or a prequel to the first game.
I agree it was beautiful but it was still emotionally heavy stuff.
Hell, even the scene where Oshtor's mother tells him she knew all along wrecked me.
It really is a shame these aren't more popular. Great story, great characters, fantastic soundtrack.
>Kuuya absent in 2nd and 3rd game
>probably still mentally regressed to the level of a toddler
Why is this franchise taking off so hard now? The first one has been out for so long and no one seemed to care about it.
Same for me, one of the most emotional scenes and it's good because the it's not that "insert sad music to make sad scene" like the end.
AquaPlus and the director had planned to make a sequel for some time it just took way longer than expected and now they're milking the newfound popularity.
The first game has long been considered a classic. It took them 14 years, but they heavily pushed the second game with a stellar voice cast, an immediate anime adaptation to promote it, and they moved away from the ero parts of the first game to make it more mainstream. First game was also popular with fujos for some reason and they gave them a lot of fanservice in the new games.
It was a pretty big risk but it worked, and they released the third game and it was another hit. Atlus also did a very good translation bringing it to western audiences.
I think Haku being such a great protag plays a big part.
I feel sorry for Kiwru. He was pretty much the only one who didn't have a clue, and he doesn't get the girl. Well, not the one he wanted anyway.
best boi
He was a stupid cunt who could've perfectly and easily accomplished his goals without rebelling and ended up being manipulated by Woshis and his shota minion instead.
On the plus side I bet Shinonon will be quite the looker when she grows up. Also he's become one of Anju's most trusted companions so there's that.
>and it's good because the it's not that "insert sad music to make sad scene"
But I love those types too. It shows good sound directing on top of a well done scene, it only makes it better
Like Tears to Tiara 2 when Hamilcar sees the truth about Izebel right as he strikes a fatalblow and starts crying. The scene was pretty emotional seeing how much she suffered and went through and how she had to shoulder the burden alone for so long Combined with the song and I couldn't stop my own tears
He wasn't behind the assassination or anything. He just took the opportunity to lead the country to the future. Woshis would have gotten rid of him either way since he feared his intellect
If anything I bet he'll be the protagonist of the next game. They explicitly name him as the successor, of Oshtor and Haku's will. And there's a whole bunch of seeds sown aside from Haku's godhood, like the stuff going on in Jachdwaldt and Shinonon's homeland, Entua (and Vurai's mask probably) being in Nakoku, and Hakuoro being free.
This caught me off-guard so much.
>becomes best girl
>leaf will never make an 18+ game again
feels bad
I can understand wanting to make more money by making non 18+ games, but why must they decide they can't make 18+ ones as well with all that money?
The original Utawarerumono's ero scenes were shit and you know it.
That doesn't mean they couldn't try to do better in the future.
For as meandering as Mask of Deception was, Mask of Truth was balls to the walls amazing and kept fucking going. Not only were there so many "FUCK YEAH" scenes, there were also fucking hilarious scenes.
That this scene will never be animated hurts me:
Why is she so perfect? I'd kill for some more Haku and Hakuoro shenanigans. But at least 1 is getting a remake and we might have something like a Musou soon.
I want to go on dorky adventures with Kuon. Seriously, she is the best.
I'd also like to bring Nosuri as well. She is a good woman.
It's fine when an eroge becomes mainstream but going back to eroge after becoming mainstream is just not a very smart financial move.
She's just a cute fucking dork who dorks on about things. I loved when she was fucking around with the robots or walking through town going "Yes, no one knows who I am" all while everyone was just playing along.
She's an adorable fucking dork and I love her.
Playing it right now and just completed this part. I was hoping Deko and Boko would be the boss fight and not some random monster.
Yeah that scene just annihilated my sides. 3 did comedy so well as much as it did punching me in the gut and bringing my favorite gag from 1 was just the best.
It's about time Haku accept the pussy everyone is offering him
In a way they did end up with haku
Haku's comeback was pure gold.
And the fwip and the music starting. I actually laughed out loud. That's hard to get me to do.
Didn't he say that one of the reasons he kept on rejecting them was that if he crossed that line then things between him and his friends wouldn't be the same and the happy fun times would end? Well he doesn't have to worry about that anymore.
The third game had so many emotional scenes it killed me every time, from the scene with Oshtor's mother to Haku death were all pretty well done
I mean he pretty much accepted Kuon as his love in the third game. By that point though he was so busy trying to stop apocalypse after apocalypse that he had no time for boning.
He never did really, he was so focused on the mission giving to him by his brother and to fulfill his role as Oshtoru, he had shot with all the girls in the party but he took none of them in the end even though he had feelings for Kuon
She feels so different from the usual main girls in otome games/anime.
Scratch that, she feels unique in general, I don't think she corresponds to a particular archetype.
That's what I hate about the lack of sex scenes. Not the sex scenes themselves, but that all relations have to be frozen in place because apparently even implying they have sex or some really take scene that just says "and then they fuck" is too much.
Yeah I was talking about the 2nd game. But really none of that matters anymore now that he gets to spend eternity with his meat slaves and even if he is reunited with Kuon I'm sure she'll forgive him.
She's the only one he kissed aside from Atuy, and with Kuon the initiative came from him.
I actually read that wrong, I thought you wrote "he accepted her as his lover" which never happened. but yeah he actually love her and she's the second girl to kiss him no deny on that part
Different user but yes. Also the whole awkwardness after that scene. Too bad it was right before the ending too.
this is not otome game though...
I don't know why I typed that, brain derp on my part.
You don't need sex scene to develop relationships on tv screen game\show only reason company even bother with it is because of money from thirsty otakus
First game had terrible sex scene
>Risa Taneda still on hiatus after throat health issues
I sure hope this doesn't mean any delays for a sequel in the long run.
>utawarerumono thread
>no underwater ray romano
Let's fix this
Is there anything left to do in the plot besides solving the human's issue?
There is an entire universe beloved by many to milk and milk it they shall. I just hope it doesn't become another Fate.
Vurai's Akuruka, probably still in Entua's possession. Jachdwaldt and Shinonon's homeland.
Uitsalnemitea is still a big mystery, and we don't really know how Haku's godhood works. He made a wish, and while that should mean a monkey's paw type price should be paid, unlike Hakuoro he's able to move throughout Yamato and use his powers in benevolent ways rather than being confined to the location of the seal.
Then again it wasn't him who was sealed, but Kuon's manifestation of Uitsalnemitea.
Honestly none of it makes a lot of sense. He's wearing Uitsalnemitea's mask, essentially becoming its avatar instead of Hakuoro, but Uitsalnemitea was sealed at the capital.
According to the CD Drama he already has. She basically catches him not soon after the game's end.
According to ANN she's slowly returning:
Now granted a VN's amount of dialog might be too much, but they could do it slowly.
Aren't CD Dramas assumed to be non-canon unless explicitly stated? I'm pretty sure that was just another one of those "what if" scenarios like most CD Dramas.
From what i get uitsa is just a very powerfull thing that people can use if they found a way to connect to it (like all the mask) but when they do they develop their own manifestation of uitsa that ask for the price for each wish.
The one sealed was hakuoro only the true uitsa is pretty much in other dimension or something (like the place were haku went when he died or the one that kuon saw when she makes her wish) the mask is just a way to connect the avatar to uitsa probably.
We dont really know how haku is paying his wish though, in first place he isnt really saving the humans he is just killing them without pain so probably the price is something related to that.
Also are we really sure that hakuoro is totally human now? dude doenst have godpowers anymore but probably is still inmortal and doesnt have a totally human body i mean his very first wish was to live and for that he fused with the rock god
>totally human now?
Yep says so himself
Loved that
Is the CD drama even canon? Most of the time those are just side stories what IF type of thing
On scale of 10 what would you give Haku's harem
8/10. Munechika and the twins really bring it up but Fumirul and no Shis sort of bring it down.
The new franchise had no H scene despite being a VN so i don't like it.
Reminder that there are now 3 (three) artbooks with utawarerumono stuff. Get on that shit, fags.
A lot of fujos latched to the series and to Oshutoru/Haku.
>tfw finished Mask of Deception last week, and started Mask of Truth
The beginning is gutwrenchingly emotional. But now things are looking up now that I'm just past the point where Tokifusa is killed and Nosuri takes over the clans
They didn't forget about the bunnies either. Kuon's empress robes are the same style.
OP1 from the first show > all
ED2 from the second show > all
these are facts
Suara has such a beautiful voice
The anime had a nice ost at least...
Fujos have disappointed me with their lack of fanart for the brothers and their traps
Does anyone know if the evenkuruga that taught Jachwaldt swordsmanship is anyone from Utawarerumono or someone related to Touka?
>MFW a Suara song plays
Playing favorites from Suara is tough, Musouka is a kami tier OP BUT Kimi Dake no Tabiji or Amakakeru Hoshi are better. Also the scenes when those 2 played in 3 were some the best scenes of the game. Not to forget that Nuedori is one of the hypest VN OPs. Ending wise To Wani is better, but Hoshi Furu is my second choice.
You won't be able to top this.
sweet jesus my ears just came buckets
is this available in the game soundtrack or somewhere else lossless? youtube butchers audio
That bandit getting screwed over repeatedly was the best joke.
Also loved how the brothers both unintentionally looked evil/menacing whenever they smiled
This song does it for me.
>combine the two best girls from the first part
>get an amazing girl
It's not that hard to figure out.
Atui ended up being awesome as well.
It is on this album if you don't want to download the whole OST. It is really unfair to other vn/eroge how much production value went into Utawarerumo 2nd half of its trilogy. All the tracks are top tier and fit so well.
The scene where Kuon came marching in with all the old characters from ep1 was hype as fuck.
There are soundtracks on nyaa and the vocal songs are even on Spotify.
Using this song just wasn't fucking fair. I accidentally spoiled myself by grabbing a soundtrack and was an emotional wreck for an hour after listening to it.
Who else cried at the mother scene? You know the one.
That one hurt my soul. For as much shit as people give Haku for being lazy or uninterested... when he decides to do something, he doesn't do half measures.
Most hype OP or most hype OP
Oh don't even get me started on that fucking OP. It's incredible, especially for what it shows. When these scenes happen in the game they are fucking incredible. Like when she gets the sword. My god man.
Fucking OP. I went into the game thinking Aruru and Kamyu were playable.
>look up the games
>ps3/ps4 exclusives
well fuck