ITT: Characters that ruined the whole anime
Everyone except the detective ruined that anime.
The best part is you can pinpoint the exact moment this anime went off the rails as the precise moment this stupid cunt turned up.
Even the catfag was a better character
100% agreeing with this. Great cast of characters ruined by having a shitty OP villain that rendered all their interesting powers and stuff worthless.
She really chewed up the scenery as soon as she became a character. I think you're trolling but I also think there's some truth to this.
So closed to being a perfect series and they had to introduce this retard
if that's Kabeneri then I dropped it before he showed up, in that episode where the zombies joined together to form a GIANT zombie.
user ZnT was shit from the start.
I kinda liked it until they decided to play chess on the airport
>Isn't a psycho rapist lesbian who abuses the main character for no reason FUNNY AS FUCK!
I liked it until they changed Twelve from manipulative sociopath to generic bishie love interest.
Why does anime food look so tasty?
This gif got me hungry.
Yeah fuck you too.
She was best and hottest girl.
Umehaters can GFTO
I donĀ“t know the show was about office situations and in every team there is the guy that drags allong and causes more problems that he fix. If anything make the show more relatable.
So OP i just couldn't care anymore.
nigga, she's cool beauty. You misspelled Yukino
Chestnut Puck and regular Puck
Don't you talk shit about my glorious vampfu
that anime ruined itself
I dind't mind him until he started doing pop culture references.
absolutely this
Schrodinger-chan was the best, you philistine.
Curlyhaired forehead redhead is obligatory you plebian
o shit everybody trashtalking ZnT when it's still better than most of the moeshit and yurishit out there. also one of the few things that gave me the hardcore feels. but yeah five and her engrish ruined a lot of the feels
Yeah I didn't like her much either. Integra was way more interesting as a character.
I'm amazed how the animation looks like it was made today.
>Being this mad at a dog that has one or two lines a whole episode that usually end up being "If you go I'll follow you"
Why is she in this show again?
It's a tie.
Nah blue bitch was shit.
>Didn't do squat the entire anime except the end.
>Had a cool intro and that was it.
She was badly misused. Magane could have made a much more compelling villain with her simple powers.
Why is Karen so shit? she ruined the whole anime!
That's not lucoa
That's not rem
Autistic beta loser with shit taste
Best waifu
That's not light
Moods ban him
Calm down
He was actually right at the end
How can you dislike him? I love this dog!
The raven of death that marks the downfall of any yugioh series.
If he appears you can kiss any quality the show might have had goodbye.
He didn't ruin the show, he only sparked the first bit of drama and difficulty the protagonist had to overcome, all because of his idiocy. Hell, as the show went on, he became more and more likeable.
She and her dad literally saved season 1 and all of Slayers for me. I forced my way through the first arc and it was so fucking boring. I was getting ready to drop Slayers and write it off as a shit franchise. But then comes Amelia. She's cute, funny, and she has good chemistry with Lina. So I keep watching and everything does a 180. Plot gets interesting, stoneface becomes a compelling character, cool side characters are introduced and finally there are jokes and a real sense of fantasy adventure to this fucking fantasy adventure show. I will not tolerate anyone shit talking Amelia. She's a fucking angel and she saved Slayers for me.
I'm also available for bar mitzvahs and birthday parties.
It's funny because it went off the rails when it went off the rails.
Didn't notice that.
I must admit I laugh.
Thanks user.