Is there an updated version of pic related?
Also Hunter x Hunter thread
Is there an updated version of pic related?
>chapter next week
>chapter next week
Is it really happening?
Theres an updated version somewhere but I keep forgetting to save it.
>Theres an updated version somewhere but I keep forgetting to save it.
Fuck, I hope someone posts it, also it seems I've chosen the best possible time for HxH, as I've watched the anime this month and started reading the chapters that weren't adapted.
Why is she so fucking perfect?
I miss Chrollo.
All I wanted was to see more Spiders and Qwrof fun time wrecking havoc and shit bros
All I got is Qwroff seething one panel and fodder bodyguards that no one cares about
Being a Qwroffag is suffering
I'm currently updating the picture myself
There's also a good guide for princes/queens/bodyguards I saw on Reddit before the hiatus, if anyone has it I would appreciate it
I'm currently working on the picture, I'm almost finished, in a few minutes I'll upload the updated image.
Please don't include hatsus like some previous dumb user did, they just take up space and aren't necessary
Finally done, this took quite some time. Hopefully it's an useful image.
I only included "Little Eye".
thank you user
im too brainlet for this arc
Damn, I forgot to include that Sevanti cares only about Marayam, and that one Black Whale image.
No problem, try to make the image circulate in HxH threads, as it will make it easier for people to follow the story.
I love Togashi's autism, he's going into a lot of details. I just hope we'll live to see the arc finished.
I'll probably remake the image, so that there's no empty spaces, as it looks ugly.
We have two now.
Damn, that's a much better image than the one I did, a shame it wasn't posted sooner, I made mine for nothing.
Sorry, thought someone would post it and I didn't want to see more shitposting before the new chapter is out.
No problem. Also, the image seems to be two chapters behind, I think. I hope the user who made it updates it.
It's just missing the death of Maryam's guard who died to the Silent Majority user.
It's also missing the names of certain bodyguards, and some bodyguards in general, all of which were introduced in Chapter 369.
next chapter when?
>that image
Thank you based user
There's so little porn of her, but I'm surrpised there's any at all. 3 images isn't that bad, I guess.
>that bottom mid image
You clever bastard
Does anyone know what day next week it'll come out?