If Kaioken doubles your power, what does Kaioken x2 do?

If Kaioken doubles your power, what does Kaioken x2 do?

>this question
quadruples it

Double doubles

Then does x4 Double double doubles your power or double double double doubles is?

kaioken = normal power X2
kaiokenx2 =normal power x3

the skill is not that broken.

wasn't it explained in those books where also says
SS1 = normal power x50


So Kaioken X3 is really a x12 multiplier?

>Kaioken x4 makes him so buff it nearly destroys Goku's body
>Kaioken x20 does absolutely nothing

There is no Kaioken x2, there's only KK x3+

no one cares about kaioken dragon ball is drying.

because the number is actually how many times his power is multiplied.

in my headcanon this is the real cause of that hearth problem of goku.
also SSB is about ki control. kek.. that's why he said he can handle it.

The idea is that since he trained his body under 100x Earth's gravity, he can take it to that level.
It's just that during the fight with Freeza, he wasn't stupid enough to try and take it past what his body could take, because it wouldn't help in the long run.

Actually, wouldn't it start at 2 and increase from there? So KK 2 would be 3x power, KK3 would be 4x power, and so forth? Basically n+1?

From what I understand, regular KK = KKx2

That doesn't make much sense.

Why not? The alternative is KKx1 being a x2 increase, KKx2 a x3, et cetera, which is even more ridiculous.

>caring about the retarded power scaling in shit ball z
Kill yourselves. The creator doesn't care about consistency and neither should you.

the number is actually how many times his power is multiplied
that's why there's not 2.

kk = power x2
kk3 = power x3

But why would there BE a KKx1? That would just be regular you, and it wouldn't be a technique at all. The first KK should be the first effective multiplier.

it provides quads

base = 8k
kaioken = 16k
kaioken x2 = 24k
kaioken x3 = 32k

kaioken x2 doesn't exist.




it doesn't exist

Kaioken = Normal Power x K
Kaioken x2 = Normal Power x K x 2
Kaioken x3 = Normal Power x K x 3

Where K > 1 && K < 2

kaioken x2 doesn't make sense

Each one adds his power level (the first doubles, the second triples etc). IIRC King Kai explains it when he's leaving his planet and then he explains it to Ginyu in Namek.

It makes perfect sense. It is simply a scalar multiple of an existing factor, (n+1)x, where "n" is the KK level and x is your base power. It is a linear increase per level of KK. KK 0 (meaning no KK active at all) would then just be your base "x" power.

It is like a simple engine. You put fuel in and you get energy out. In this case, KK feeds off your ki, a spirit fuel, which then "combusts" it into raw energy to be used. Increasing KK levels is like pushing the accelerator pedal down a bit more. It consumes more of your fuel, but the engine produce more energy and car can go faster. Once you're out of fuel, though, you're fucked. Also, engines can be broken if they're pushed too hard.

He had more control over it. But going Kaioken x20 hurt his body as much as using x3 in a shorter amount of time which makes sense if you think about it (x10 to x20 is a bigger gap than x2 to x3)

Meh. At the time when he used KK with Blue it was an interesting concept because not only as KK finally revived, but it was useful. Now it is just numbers, because none of the power scaling makes any sense. Does KK 10 or 20 make any difference anymore? Who the hell knows.

Why doesn't Goku go blue sayan and then use Kaioken?

Was Kaioken the true start of powerlevel/transformation bullshit?

toei had to sell more toys. please understand

To compare it to something else, this is kind of the same reason why Star Trek had an arbitrary "warp 10" cap put on FTL velocity. Someone in the production team, probably Gene himself, didn't like the idea of the numbers going retarded. Warp 5000! and such (which is actually what happened in the animated TV series). There is literally no purpose behind a warp 10 limit other than that, though people have tried to explain it with little success.

KK is the same way. We're just slapping numbers on it now and it means absolutely nothing. Goku can't overcome the gap between him and Jiren with it (that's what UI is supposed to be for), and so big numbers is just big numbers.

Doesn't SSG and SSGSS/SSB give perfect auto-heal, and in a way eliminate bodily harm done by KK overuse?

no, that was freeza or super saiyan 2

no. maybe in toei fanfiction

I never bought the multiplier thing, it'd be super OP if it really made you 2, 10 or 20 times stronger. Kaioken Piccolo would have destroyed the androids even before fusing with Kami.

I like it because its limited use makes fights more interesting, so Goku has to try to finish his enemy with it before his body breaks down or use it in short bursts which is pretty awesome visually (like in the first SSB Goku vs Jiren).

Raditz already started that. KK was a technique, and was limited in that it was just a speed / strength quick burst enhancer (which it was) that you'd use in a pinch, not something to be sustained. Once scouters were removed from the equation, empirical numerical evidence of what was what went out the window as well, and next thing you know people are zenkai boosting for plot convenience. Then super Saiyan happened and it was all over. But, really, Raditz started it. The entire training arc afterward with Yamcha et al revolved around it.

The manga explained it better. Something to do with SS and KK both being inefficient fuel hogs, so combining them was deadly (SS3 was explained to be a mega hog itself). Blue either had a larger source of fuel to pull from or wasn't as big a fuel hog, or something like that.


The initial Kaioken was some multiplier between 1 and 2, something like x1.5.
Goku quickly got good enough at Kaioken that x2 became his default.

Just my take on it.