Does being attracted to tsunderes mean you have mental problems?

does being attracted to tsunderes mean you have mental problems?


>Does being attracted to people with a bipolar disorder mean you have mental problems?
Yes it does

what about yanderes

>does being attracted to people who like to abuse the shit out of you mean you have mental problems?

I grew up with an abusive family, it can't be helped.

What if they're cute?

user, watching anime means you have mental problems


Does browsing Sup Forums mean you have mental problems?

What I do know for sure is that tsunderes are ineffective on gay people

yandere lovers are the crazy ones.

Some tsunderes just seem slow to warm up to people and have an attitude. They don't always come off as abusive

Their ridiculous behaviour comes across as weakness and vulnerability, making it easy to see them as a damsel in distress.

Be attracted by good tsunderes mean you have a great good taste

why isn't my ultimate waifu on here

Yes, it means you are a soyboy


I not saw her series by fault of a single shit, Kanae Ito

>Kanae Ito

well Sena is worst girl anyway so it's not a big deal

Ai-chan and Eriri are good tsunderes, though.

I'm going to marry Eriri, all anons are welcome to my wedding.

...god dammit, he's right

same, if a girl does not berate me 24/7 it just doesnt feel like she really loves me

>Mai waifu is in there
