Yuru Camp

6 days, how are you holding up?

I've already rewatched every episode about 20 times each
I don't plan on stopping until the new episode comes out
wish me luck

Yurucamp isn't something that should be marathoned and I love it for that.


show inspired me to live more comfy

I already miss Rin.

Has anyone seen One Off? It's great countryside feel to it.

>Rin Shima
Absolutely disgusting.

I camp in front of my laptop

pic rel is where I go camping, 10 km from home

it's not mount Fuji, but it's still ok



I don't understand it either. Why do they have to move the names around? I know the Japanese naming convention is the opposite of the west, but localizing their names?
This way nicknames like Shimarin woudn't make any sense for the viewers.

I camp on the beach while watching all the other great shows this season.

Thank god they didn't fucking stack all the series on Friday and Saturday like last season.

It's fucking wrong and I hate you.


My wife Rin is beautiful!

I don't understand how the Japanese can respect our name order but we can't respect theirs.

Rin has the cutest pubes.


Wait, so which is her family name?




It's going to cost me at least 400 usd to get the csmping gear I need, but winter's in July so I'm good


Why aren't Japs egocentric?

Because they're not westerners. Or, more realistically, because localization isn't as big there (which I guess ties back into being not egocentric). Really, localization doesn't seem to be big in Asia in general.

Rin is strong!

Post it.

As an expect in little girl bodies I can assure you that because Rin is so tiny and underdeveloped, she's actually perfectly smooth down there.


>you will never be this comfy

but can she beat the Fujiko?

Don't ever use the auto-select wand tool or whatever the fuck it's called. It may look fine with bright backgrounds, and it may be created in a matter of seconds, but if somebody ever uses a dark theme or attempts to do a collage it's only an eyesore.
pic related

I miss Pinecone-kun, will we ever see him again?
Where could he have went?

woop woop



Pine-kun is in every episode with a campfire, user.

I'll try salvaging it, hold on.

We better.

Make a fractal webm

hand over that HQ pinecone-kun png


i love yuru

I couldnt find it so I cut it out from this, sorry lad


>using a dark background
someone who willingly fucks up their eyes to be edgy isn't worthy of consideration

I want to eat Nadeshiko's hot pot

Comfy as fuck.

if you catch my meaning

>dark theme is bad for eyes on computer screens
How did literal brainlet retards find this show? How did you manage to avoid all the shounen shows with PUNCHY PUNCHY MANINME

>dark mode
>fucks up their eyes

How much Yuri is in this yuru?

Here's a full-size one, you can cut it down to your liking.
Are people supposed to use white themes in the middle of the night.

new and improved

you're not supposed to be looking at a screen in a dark room

what the fuck am i reading

Goggle friendly.

That's much better than my silly attempt. Thanks.

After this anime is over, I'm going to read the manga with google translate.

Why does the anime overdramatize this so much. Nadeshiko sounds like too much of a cliche airhead and Rin is too melodramatic and lonely, why can't they just keep the tone laid back like the manga.

Read the manga now, it's better.

Fair enough, but even with the lights on it's a better idea to use a dark theme. Staring at something dark, even in a brightly illuminated room is better than staring at something bright, am I right?
And even now it's rough around the edges since I lost progress twice.

What? this is Yuru Camp, not VEG.


Underage are not allowed to post here.

I agree, I especially don't like how they changed the music and the voices from the manga.

Some shitty OC.

>this argument again
>"hurr anime can't get the tone wrong because manga has no sound lolol anything is ok"
Do you realize how retarded you sound?

>he doens't blndyl shitpost

>ruining your eyesight is "mature"
You sound a little retarded, user


bottom 2 panels need an orange tint

You should probably just lower your monitor brightness. If it's somewhat recent (LED backlight), you're probably doing something wrong if the brightness is over 50%.

thats not the impression i got at all, the dialogue feels a lot more natural to me than a lot of other anime
the way that they all express emotions seems more real

It's not. But being forced to stare at a computer screen even in the dark because of uni/work obligation is.
You will understand once you finish high school and have to deal with actual studying/work instead of "homework".

do you think everyone has the exact same voices in their head when they read something?

Neat, couldnt find it in the archive for some reason

>even the bear has buns
That's some next level shit.

Why would you go out into the wilderness to learn coding?

>But being forced to stare at a computer screen even in the dark because of uni/work obligation is
Why can't you turn on the lights? Are you sitting outside in the night for your "studies"? Or can't you afford elecricity?

I use flux, it turns the screen a bit orange.so it doesn't hurm my eyes.

It's at the lowest brightness, even during the day. And at night I use F.lux at a toasty ember 1900K.
Now, I'm not claiming that this is actively saving my eyes, but combined with a dark theme it's not bad.

south-west Poland, unfortunately


No, I live with other people since I can't afford to rent apartment on my own, and keeping my light on until 3-4am would disturb them, when they need to wake up at 5-6 and go to work.

>accuses people of being underage
>still lives with parents or with roommates
kek every single time

silly bait user
this is a thread about yuru camp
please post about yuru camp

You don't even have your own room? kek



Sounds like you should partition your computer corner somehow. Curtain or cardboard.

You know you're making it really obvious that you're underage when you show just how oblivious you are when it comes to rent prices, right?


you know only students and drop-outs can't afford to live on their own, right? maybe you should look into additional sources of revenue instead of shitposting on Sup Forums

Skinfangs are a gift from God.


please stop this user
i know you arent actually that stupid