Overlord S2

How does 3 more episodes of lizard sex makes you feel like Sup Forums?
Followed by the arc featuring your favorite character of all times.

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I don't know if I like or hate the tendency of Overlord to build up compelling characters solely to get them one-lined later on. Neia's dad is a pretty good example.

All that time drawing that fantastic artwork for a bunch of mooks that get wrecked

>you get to smash bot right
>but only if you smash all others too
What do?

Neia's dad bit hit me worse than vol. 7. Fucking Maruyama

What's there to hate? Would you rather all sidies that die be faceless mooks? That'd be kindergarten book then.

Don't worry, they look the part in the anime. I hope they at least bother to do some shading for the actual scenes.

>Neia's dad
Reminder that he used to rub lotion into this.

Neia's dad hit hard because of the disjunction between what he thought Neia was like vs. what Neia thought about him
Her agonizing over how she never showed how much she appreciated him really fucking hurt because of how understated it was

Well, it's because it's still not enough to make me really care about them. Look at the Six Fingers - they're built up in like three paragraphs, then killed. It just feels like wasted potential, because it's not so much "Gazef died" (he got his arc, he got his development, now the game is up) as "introduce a very interesting character, get rid of him before he has time to do anything". I get what Maruyama is doing - he's showing us that the world exists beyond the narrative we're shown - but it still hurts.

>that catwalk
In any case So-bin's art is a trillion times better

Can't we lock so-bin in a basement and force him to animate S3?

He's an artist, which means there's no guarantee he can animate anything.

>but it still hurts.
Hurts means the book is getting to you, boredom would be much worse.

I didn't say it was bad.

1984 AI-made anime and isekai novels when?

I want to spank it till it's bright red

I can't wait to see them get wrecked honestly. It will be hilarious.

Did you do your job? No? Back to work then, you dumb mutt.

Her job is to spy on young couples making love, and masturbate to them.


I want to scold the mutt

I was waiting for this!

If you tried to make me afraid of Lupu - you succeeded.


Thread theme

Will I get to see Yuri fist a loli vampire this season?

Nope. Judging by the speed, 13ep likely get us to after EE's encounter with Entoma.

That would be retarded way to end it.

Why won't it go away?

It's on the internet
It will never disappear

I like cute lizard couple

I've just finished volume 7 and got to witness Ainz being an undeniably evil bastard. Great! If a little heartbreaking.

But prior to this he's come across as a simple, modern day, friendless salaryman. Someone you could expect to see walking around today.

Now, after a little wiki browsing, I find out his original world is a bladerunner-esque dystopia. WWIII. All vegetation gone, a sun that never shines, toxic smog that necessitates gas masks. Corporations in lieu of governments. Arcologies for the rich, slums for the poor. A world where you have to work yourself to death with revolution out of reach for the oppressed. The list goes on and on and on.

But he's a normal guy? He's so unaffected by growing up in this environment that he could pass for anyone on the street today? His motivations in this new world are simply "preserve the creations of my friends".

Bullshit! How is this not brought up when he casually sweeps people aside for his goals? It would explain so much about his attitude towards inferiors and the emotional dependence he had on his guildmates. But instead we're expected to believe his human character is basically just like us emotionally and growing up, he just liked MMOs a lot.

Maybe later volumes address this, but as is, it just seems such a waste.

>lupu trying to replace yuri
not in this life time dog girl


Fuck, it was another pasta? I've been away for too long.

>copypasta from last thread
Get a life
Alternatively, start posting about how Gazef could solo Ainz or something

>Judging by the speed
They easily went over 40% of vol 4 in 2 episodes. At this rate, 13 eps will get us to the end of vol. 6.

he's the bad guy user

>Ainz reaches the child rearing section of the library
>Starts spanking anyone who misbehaves or does not do their job properly
What now?

Misbehavior increases ten-fold.
Ainz says, "Haah?!" or "Nani?!" and drops the plan because he realizes why they're messing up more often.

Spanking them while buffed, holding the staff of aog and being sitted on the throne room with his negative touch skill activated for maximum punishment.

it does nothing because ainz doesn't have the spine to actually be a tiger mom.

Despite all that Albedo and Shalltear will both mess something up at the same time and fight for who gets punished first.

Shalltear gets healed from negative touch.

That didn't happen after Ainz sat on his chair. Fear of failure outweighs desire for those sorts of things.

Yes? And? That just means Ainz can spank her longer.

>Ainz use the Sun and Moon kodachis coated in holy energy to spank Shalltear
>Ainz: this will hurt me more than you Shalltear
Whats her reaction?

>Shalltear: "Yes, probably, but do your best, Ainz-sama!" *licks lips*

>Shalltear develops a new fetish for being spanked by holy objects.

>Ainz: this will hurt me
Extreme horror and guilt.

>Shalltear: There's no need for that, Ainz-sama! I'll spank myself with them! No need to hurt yourself.

>Ainz: Umu. Somehow this is worse.
>Shalltear: Well, punishment soothes the soul. Perhaps I should spank you if that's what you want?
>Albedo: Lamprey!
>Shalltear: Gorilla! I'm just saying, if he feels guilt then I can assuage that for him. Arinsu~
>Albedo: Well, there is a certain logic to this. But I will definitely assist.
>Ainz: NANI?!

Why do you always try and turn everything into a sex thing.

What's wrong with sex?


I am concerned about the direction of this series.

I was on board with season 1 Momonga being a nice normal person who plays at being an evil overlord without ever actually doing anything evil, does hero stuff for fun in his spare time, and is primarily interested in becoming famous in order to contact other yggdrasil players who might be around.

Now we've had an entire episode dedicated to cute lizard waifu who our protagonist is apparently going to murder.

>not a new IP
>same mongoloid reddit spacing
>same 'concerns'
You need to up your game.

I really tried.

overly complex and shit for 8 fuckin mana my dude

It's good that you made an attempt not to make a stupidly broken piece of shit, but you went too far and ended up with just a regular piece of shit.

I'm sorry, it's the character, not my abilities.
I threw in double strike and menace, and she can be manipulated with her blood counters...
Not to mention summoning Einherjar when dealt damage half of her toughness.

It's the character that I'm having problems with.

>3 more episodes
it's 2 more epsisodes is more likely, with 4 episodes dedicated to each volume.
unless there's already episodes listing

Where's vol 13, Maruyama you True Cunt

Man the anime really fucked up Shalltear's true form design. She just looks like some goblin.

So being expensive, hard to work with but easy to manipulate and generally not worth it is deliberate?
That's funny, but stop bullying the poor idiot.

Ainz character feels very inconsistent at times.

What series other than overlord did so-bin illustrate anyway? His artwork is definitely a huge part of it's success.

I think they kinda missed the point we were all watching this for the girls, not the fucking "story".

oh snaps, I'm not the only one.

Well, It's more of that she's got too much shit going on.

I buffed her a bit. How does this look?

Ayy. I'm working on an Ainz and Albedo right now.

I wonder how long it takes for him to draw each artwork.

I made Shalltear, Demiurge and Cocytus, but I think I went overboard with their effects.

Hope it was worth all those tributes.

Kaiju always gave the middle finger to boss monsters.
>opponent summons Raidraptor - Ultimate Falcon
>kaiju it.
>opponent scoops.
maybe I'll add a "Cannot be Tributed" clause to it like Quintet Magician.

So if I'm reading this right the only way to remove this even temporarily is to kick it back to the hand or banish it?

Oh, or to attach it to another creature or something.

atm yeah, was too lazy to recreated it and add the "except herself" clause.

>when this card gets graveyarded, summon it back from the graveyard
Now this is a meme

oh shit, better not give konami any ideas

I remember when Jinzo was a big dea

w-with axe of despair right? Because summoned skull was also a thing.

Just Jinzo alone used to be a pretty decent card
Also DMG + Double / Triple DM used to be okay
Now we get this ridiculous shit

I mean yeah but there weren't that many
And they were straightforward, like that virus card that destroyed everything over 1400 attack or whatnot, or Thousand Eyes Restrict or whatnot

Pot of Greed is obviously nonintentional bullshit and they just didn't realize how big of a deal it was
It's been ultra-banned since forever

well DMG a cute so I'll post another one of her anyway

>characters that got nuked got letters

Funnily enough I always imagined Shalltear and Ainz son to be a less faggy version of pic related.

Make one about the Pleiades. Lastborn and Sebas as seperate enities.

Are you talking about creatures or spells?

You didn't get Satan this time, shame on you fagget

planning to.

No matter what it always does

Can someone explain me why did Aura got mad with Lupus in vol 8? I was rereading just the scolding part and I don't remember the reason of this
>“A wise king…” Lupusregina’s gasped words made Aura frown, and she took a step forward. However, Ainz stopped her, “Pay it no heed. Is that all you have to ask?”
>inb4 speedreader

Now I know how Momonga feels.

Did you even read Vol 11? Cocytus asked to also be used as a chair. Ainz probably has gotten the same request from Albedo at some point. Demiurge is the next in the Nazarick's furniture line

Because Wise King is the title of Hamsuke. And comparing Ainz to any other living creature is an insult.

Why were Albedo's horns drawn so weird in this piece of official artwork? And why do I find the picture so arousing?

As you yourself just said: Cocytus asked to be used as a chair. He did not fail in the hopes of receiving that punishment.
Shalltear has been desperately trying to improve despite the fact that she had been rewarded for it in the past.


too wordy