Isn't this rape?
Isn't this rape?
Rape is a form of kinky coitus.
No penis in vagoo, not rape. Trust me, I know rape.
But why he's a perv and Natsu isn't?
>"why am I, a 25 year old man, a pervert for watching a 14 year old little girl strip in front of me while an animal isn't?"
Was he autistic?
let's not make it a murder now
He's just saying hello.
A sapient animal.
Why is he's so evil
Dumb hicks don't have human rights
Yet it wasn't the most disturbing thing about the show.
Isn't this the show that ended with the girl being mindbroken into regressing her mind to that of an infant?
I needs more lewds to confirm it.
No? How is watching a little girl strip perverted?
>You dont have to think about difficult things anymore!
why no?
No this has a happy ending
This show made me so mad that I erased it from my computer.
Were you raped as a child?
No, eso nunca paso, los de Kinema Citrus se pusieron muy pendejos y la cagaron, por eso hicieron un nuevo capitulo 12 que es el verdadero final.
Only men can be raped. You can't rape an object.
He's her fucking family, shes changed her diapers.
Explain to me how watching little girls strip makes you a pervert.
Well, she has grown a bit since then. Did your mom still washed you naked when you were a teen?
No, but I'm not going to fucking call her names if she sees me naked and act like it's the end of the world.
Do you have sex with your mom on a daily basis?
You're not a little girl either.
Would your mom be a pervert if she did? Even if we all know she is not thinking about you in a sexual way?
Gracias por su advertencia, Spanish Speaker-san. Voy a poner en mi mente NO ver el OVA.
Why would you make your protagonist such rapebait?
she wanted it
He thinks of himself as her guardian
oh yes i understand. You es una puta. Si.
Maybe not rape, but this entire series is the definition of gaslighting.
Perfect, you have a knack for this.
Nah just a little unconscious sexual assault.
That's unironically me. I one day angrily walked into my classmate changing clothes in the office (she was alone), she tried to chase me out but I just went straight to her asking why was it wrong for me to see her when she allowed other dudes to even hug her. I was like "You wouldn't chase out Paco! So it's just fair that I'm here with you!".
She thought I was crazy and told everyone I'm a perv. But I know I was right. That was justice. If someone else gets something out of her, I too will get it.
is this pasta?
You think there is a pasta for such a random thread? Nope it's true, I don't like when people deny me something they give to someone else
My wife Machi is so cute.
Didn't the author eventually come out and disown the ending in a public post? He was basically like 'I didn't do script checks because I thought the staff was professional and can handle themselves. I appreciate all their work, but the ending was fucked up, thats my thoughts.'
Even in America, it takes some balls to say anything negative about an adaptation of your work. I cant imagine how much he must have hated it to call out the anime staff and writers in Japan's culture.
user, before cops arrest you for trespassing, you shouldn't rape other people wives no matter how pretty they are and horny you are.
not rape if she enjoy it
Look at those tears, she didn't like it.
tear of joy
Does anyone have stitches of ep 3? Or any other episode where she undresses
This is canon.
Still best ending in anime history
Rape isn't real, is just a bad meme.
I never watched this show. Does it have the much loli sexualization as I've seen in these threads?
Yes ;_;
It's worse.
Do not, I repeat, do NOT sexualize the miko.
>little SoL pussyfaggots didn't like the ending
>still crying
Feels good being a bullyfag. This show was amazing.
Shiwasu no Okina is truly a miracle of the universe
Fuck him, the anime was A R T. The shitty four koma at the end of episodes where machi is retarded are retroactively explained as after the incident and everything putting a new spin on all the silly hijinks throughout the series as well.
It genuinely was an amazing production - just not for you or the author.
Why did they do this? What the actual fuck were they thinking? They even had the potential to do something cool and unique with the themes of SoL and anxiety, but instead they just put in a 'bad end' for no reason.
Did they hate the source material? The only thing I can think of is that they didn't want to adapt some stupid manga they didnt like so they fucked with it in a way they knew would trigger the author and fans of the source.
They didn't do anything clever or smart. They dont provide any commentary or message. It really just felt like they hated the entire story and wanted to say "this is the outcome of enjoying a story like this, youre enabling this horrible ending".
I agree the production was great. Everything about the way it was made was well done. I agree that their takes on the hijinks were interesting as well. The manga clearly reads like a comedy, but the anime feels like this weird dark comedy that focuses more on Machi's internal monolouge.
However, none of that explains the ending which still feels like a literal middle finger to the author. It wasnt clever or smart, or interesting, it was just there. I dont mind that they wanted have a different take on the source material, but why did they have to take a contrived dump on it?
what a cute character design and premise wasted on such a trashy, terrible series
You will bully no longer, bitch
Why did my comment got deleted though? Just saying, there's other things that should get deleted right now but are still there.
The thing is that the 2nd OVA that retconned the ending was never translated to english, just spanish, also, te la comes.
better you mean
I just said, the ending makes sense of the end card comedy. Machi was retarded in the manga and endcard stuff. The show just explained why. Which was a stroke of genius in my opinion.