Other urls found in this thread:
>Not even a kiss
What a waste.
Too lewd.
>show is called delta
>the pilots don't fly the delta wing variant of the hero fighter jet
Do you remember? WHOA WHOA whoa whao whao
>name character Mirage
>fades away halfway into show
i love this video
whoops, meant this one:
>Loving the show
>having fun with pretty much everything of it
>it fucking dies completely during the 2nd half
Im still sad.
There were a couple good episodes but the entire second half was so directionless it was absurd.
Freyja best girl. A cute.
If only the second cour didn't suck.
I have hopes for the movie.
Macross' movies never fail to deliver.
Freyja a best.
I mean, there were like... 2 fights during the whole fucking 2nd half? how would ANY pilot stay relevant?
It was obvious it was only planned for 12. And then possibly movies tacked on. But, that's over now. No movies for you! Hopefully no other macross either, unless someone else takes the reins. This one was a disaster.
I enjoyed it the whole time because of miragefags. They were SO hard in denial it was insane.
>Have the old veterans work on their classic IPs
>Get Delta
>Let new blood have a shot at the classic IPs
>Get IBO
There's just no wining, is it?
It's gonna suck watching Messer die again in the movie.
Hopefully they pull a Michel on him, but then he would be in the friendzone forever.
man I legit thought this could be the best maccros instalment by the end of episode 5.
I like it, but many does it have some major plot.
>by the end of episode 5
the first half is really good desu, beat frontier first half for me
the second half is all over the place, one episode it felt like a filler episode and then on the next they suddenly start cramming a bunch of plots
I saw the pacifism ending right from the start cause
so it doesn't really surprise me, still would have preferred a conclusive dogfight battle between hayate and keith, guess the dogfight during the first half would have to do
Bet you can't tri-force
There's a delta movie coming up in like two weeks. There's even a nationwide live viewing on cinemas for the next concert.
Oh no. It's retarded.
you are a stupid fuck for not realizing it was shit much sooner
This, it was crap even during the first half.
So Windermere got glassed right after the ending right?
That's what happened at the end of our not!macross campaign at least.
It hurts remembering how they threw away dancing robots and tactical idol deployment from EP1
NUNS got the finger and the entire galaxy knows Windermere dindu nuffin
Though on the off side their king is a crusty old man at the ripe old age of 10, and their backup is dead
Because Kawamori is a hack.
Well, Fafner is still consistent.
At least we got mikumo out of it, that was the show's saving grace
You mean Makina
She was a plot device.
A shitty one at that.
I'd take Delta over IBO any day. It was fun at the very least and had likeable characters. IBO was plain shit.
This works really well too
Delta's second half was a mistake
Never watched this show, but the music is ridiculously good.
Should be a classic at this point.
>1st half good 2nd half shit
This is every anime series ever.
>1st half good 2nd half shit
>This is every anime series ever.
>tfw can't actually refute that
The movies are focusing on the Windniggers. All hope is lost.
Why did they do that. Like it was fully established that Hayate can put out fold waves with his dancing and they threw it out in favor of singing powerups. Fucking hell there was so much potential here that was wasted.
>The movies are focusing on the Windniggers
Great. Can't wait for more:
>muh sky
>muh wind
Well at least the threads are going to be fun
>Freyja dies young
>Mirage gets sloppy second
They could have gone for 3some end
Forced cuteness