We wait for Niggastream.
Shokugeki no Souma
megumi will win
I'm gonna marry Saito.
Who needs niggerstream? We got our TL
I don't think Megishima would appreciate her swimming around in Ramen like that.
I would root for Soma and Erina's son to hook up with Megumi's daughter.
>Megumi's daughter.
From who?
what the fuck is going on with her upper body?
>keeping the NANIII
I just realized that her pinchers has grown longer now compared to this
from a sperm donor
Erina wants that dick
Souma will end up with Takumi though. Things like tits don't even phase him, he has to be gay.
I wonder if she thinks Saito's fish is cute
this pre-ahegao is quite disturbing
He lost his chance, Takumi is not gay for him anymore. He can always have Pajeet.
Eizan is always so butthurt over everything. It's funny watching him react to the fall of Central.
the head-shoulder-body anatomy seems a bit off
Done, I'm going to bed. Thanks for the TL, Royal.
>Rindo Vs Takumi
Rip sweet prince.
has this become somewhat fun or is just a lot of weak weeks?
Rindo would to be the first female to get two consecutive wins against a male member.
Nobody will win, Soma is too absorbed into his cooking to care about romance.
I want to do lewd things to Eishi!
I want takumi to win
just as an upset
Takumi isn't important enough to get 2 wins in the RDC.
I know. That's the point
a power couple finale is just boring at this point. It's obvious Isshiki and Takumi will job
>B-but Momo looks down on things she calls cute
>That means she looks up to Megumi n-now!
Confirmed that Momo thought Megumi was ugly for crying
>Souma blushing
He sure is easy to flatter. Pretty self-centered too, thinking it was about the line.
Judge the content, not the outcome.
RDC win score when it's all said and done. Second years barring Isshiki are garbage.
Soma: 3 wins
Erina: 2 wins
Rindo: 2 wins
Eishi: 2 wins
Isshiki: 1 win
Megishima: 1 win
Takumi:1 win
Saito: 1 win
Momo: 1 win
Nene: 0 wins
Kuga: 0 wins
Eizan: 0 wins
Mimasaka: 0 wins
Megumi: 0 wins
Julio: 0 wins
Pokefodder: 0 wins
>muh loose underwear
>muh 120 points
Christ, they should just cut Megumi out of this manga ready
Yah, Momo looks pretty wonky on that page.
I would be content enough if he manages to tire out Rindo. This fatigue factor applies only to Rindo and Tsukasa from what we have seen. Sure Saito was little bit fatigued too but what we saw for the top two was on another level.
>As if God has descended
I think I have read that line before
She isn't going anywhere so enjoy it while you can.
How do you think Hisako feels knowing Erina will never name a dish on her honor
Considering Souma wants to be #1, he'll surpass her at some point.
second year is full of jobbers, what the hell
lmao Souma and Erina did most of the work. Truly a power couple
>muh loose underwear
This is what I hate in Shokugeki. It's easier to predict who will win by just basing on who's the character that is more important. More so if it's team battle. I bet this is how this arc will end:
Tsukasa > Eishi
Erina > Rindou
Tsukasa > Erina
Souma > Tsukasa
Thanks to you as well typesetter, and thanks again to Royal.
And Tsukasa will have this excuse that he is tired by the time he fight Suma so he will have a good excuse on why he got rekt by a 1st year student.
>Tsukasa > Eishi
He's going to fight himself?
So I guess this means the second years are all out as any kind of challenge for future arcs. Eizan and Nene both straight up lost. Nene lost in her own specialty and Eizan lost in scheming which is basically his specialty, and neither has the exhaustion excuse. And a case could be made for Soma surpassing Kuga and Isshiki depending on how tired Tsukasa is for the final.
> Souma>Tsukasa>Isshiki
Wow user. That's a really good one.
>Tsukasa > Eishi
So this is how he removes his ego from his dishes.
Is Takumi in the least bit exhausted?
>What is plot armor
I'm going to marry Megumi!
Please don't do that
I hate shipping
but hell, these two together make so much sense
>Souma/Erina vs Tsukasa/Rindou
So unpredictable and exciting. Best shounen ever.
Probably, though it wouldn't make a difference against Rindou. Even though he was telling Soma that it'd be reckless to go back to back in the first day, I imagine Takumi also believes himself to have above average stamina since he's worked in a restaurant for most of his life.
>I think I have read that line before
>wants the dick
>spend months trying to get him expelled and hates talking to him
Souma/Isshiki vs Rindou, Erina vs Tsukasa
>be Isshikifag
>be excited for his screentime
>gets a nice match but its against fodder
>has to job against a real opponent
It's not fair, bros.
Not that guy and it's true she absolutely didn't like him and hated talking to him then, but
>>spend months trying to get him expelled
didn't happen. She tried reject his entry. Then once he got in, she wished he'd get expelled but didn't actually do anything at all to try to get him expelled.
Getting Isshiki backstory soon. I'm looking forward to it.
That's what character development is for. I don't care for Sourina nor Erina herself but I can see the chemistry way more than Somegu whom I see have more of a brother and sister type of relationship than a romantic one.
>His backstory will be a gag and he stomps
I would really like Isshiki and Takumi to get stomped.
Whilst I like them both and part of me would like them to go out in a way that somewhat allows them to shine, say either of both of them lose 2-1 and by very close margins (in terms of food/performance quality), I think that would take away a lot of tension from the final match, because once an antagonist has been "wounded" you know all there is left to them is to be taken out by the protags - which is pretty much what happened to Momo.
If Tsukasa and Rindou go to the final match in a flawless fashion, that would add plenty of tension, and would actually make you wonder how Souma and Erina will be able to beat them.
>a story follows an expected pattern
>a story goes down an unexpected path
There really is no pleasing you guys.
Also, this is a shounen manga, these types of developments are what make these type of manga what they are, and are part of their charm. If you don't like then, why are you reading this in the first place?
If you read for the tits and asses, you can find those in plenty of other works.
>family kicked him out because he started walking the streets in his naked apron attire
How on earth how would they plan such a relationship when its out of character for both?
Alice is a good sister. She understand Erina perfectly.
Power of Sorina will make them win! Central doesn't have love on their side bros
Wtf, tha shitty edition, I'll be waiting for MS
Good for you faggot.
>he has to be gay.
He IS gay, and that's what makes him good.
His backstory will probably be something about him wanting to experience a more normal childhood. I mean, he had to leave his home at like four years old and go across the country as part of his training. That's why he's always going on about "youth" and stuff like that. That said, Royal said it wasn't really clear if he left the family or if he got kicked out, so who knows.
Is the power of gay how these two failures stay enrolled?
Do you even tsundere bro?
Yep, and that's why he wont end up with Nakiri. Regardless of Senzaemon's request.
Am I the only one who's going to miss Erina's bitchy side?
It reminds me how in Umineko Beato was fucking awesome in EPs 1-4 when she was a total bitch (but you knew there was more to her), but as soon as she became good and moe, she lost that.... "strength" her character used to have, and was never the same again.
I hope Erina keeps some of her haughtiness, even if it's just for tsun and show.
>erina naming her dish after megumi
lesbian antics baby
>Soma is gay
Are SomaXMegumi shippers willing to sink this low?