Searching for new anime to watch

>searching for new anime to watch
>check what Sup Forums is watching right now
>watch episode 1
>another betacuck MC who is awkward about everything
>stop watching, go back to step 1

What the hell Sup Forums! Where are the Alpha Chads of Anime? I mean fuck are there any new and interesting Anime with an MC who isnt some fucking soyboy?! For fuck sakes I remember growing up with Anime with MC who were alpha males just like me. It's getting harder and harder to find a good Alpha in anime this days!

Did you stop your squatting regiment at the gym just to post this?

>not having your own gym in your garage

>chooses the beta looking one first
I’m sorry user but deep down you are the betacuck.

Watch Devilman Crybaby

Could you please stop using slangs from other boards on Sup Forums? It just shows how new you are.

Also watch the movies/read the manga, HnK anime is crowded with filler episodes.

Already did son, already did. I was already a fan of the original Devilman so while Crybaby being good it wasnt a completely new experience for me.

Kiddo I read Hokuto no Ken manga years ago. Also are you triggered by those insults? Are you a betacuck soyboy that feels threatened by this words?

I'm pretty sure OP's being ironic or trolling or something. I mean, if he grew up watching HnK he'd be like 40 years old. What would a 40 year old alpha male be doing on Sup Forums?

Anyway, OP have you tried watching comedies, SoLs, or shows with fem protags? Some of them can be pretty alpha.

Japan is probably the most soy nation on Earth, why would you expect them to produce quality high test entertainment?

Watch Legend of the galactic heroes, if you don't enjoy it you're just a brainlet homofaggot.

They make you look retarded, given that most of the people who talk with terms like alpha/beta/soyboy/cuck/chad/normie are misguided individuals who can only think with memes.
Now, asking your question: Pic related.

I watched LotGH and it's pretty good, but after Yang died it never felt the same. But yeah that's a good Anime indeed.

yeah i feel you dude
i too want to touch myself while watching MAN anime, no twinky shit for me, son

And of fucking course I didn't post the picture.
Sorry, configured this shit to autopost once the captcha is filled and forgot about that.

Jojo is the only good manime left

>people still think LoGH is intellectual

Watch Garo Vanishing Line.
And no, you don't need to watch the previous seasons.

Maybe you'd like Outlaw star?
>people still think LOGH is not intellectual
psh fuck off kiddo

Why is his right arm so huge?

Fuck off back to Sup Forumsddit The_Donald, cringe cancer.

>shitty rec thread
>people suggest things
Just tell the faggot to fuck off.
Fuck off OP.



holy shit I didn't notice that