Invaders of the Rokujouma

>MC literally has his life and building saved by Yurika doing magic in-front of him
>Both sees and acknowledges that she is performing magic, and that he's used it to save his life
>Literally back to "Hurr, no Magic doesn't exist. You're just an IDIOT! DUMBASS!" and treating her like the shit he's scraped off his shoe 2minutes later

So... It's garbage right?

Other urls found in this thread:

No, OP is just a dumb faggot

You'll understand later that Yurika deserves it

She absolutely deserves it. She's a dumb, stupid coward and I don't like her at all.

But that doesn't mean I want a goddamn fucking blockheaded idiot MC lumbering around a world he doesn't even understand.

>Hurrr... Yurika is just shy. So I'll get these girls to kidnap her and attack her. Then ignore her when she cries for help
>Durrr... She's causing them so many problems trying to run away from them and begging me to help her. I wish she wasn't such a bother, durhurrr.

And then a whole scene showing how sensitive and caring he is.

Can this guy even tie his own shoelaces? I'm really supposed to buy that he's this kindhearted, nice guy?

With even two seconds of thought, the entire 106 """"""dilemma"""""" could have been solved. But he was too dumb for that, so everyone just rights.

So who won?

You don't talk shit about Rokujouma in Sup Forums you fucking piece of a newshit.

Why? Go ahead and change my mind about it.

The MC is Frankenstein's monster, lumbering around a world he doesn't understand while everything happens around him that he doesn't comprehend.

The girls (besides Kiriha) are completely unlikeable, and the running joke about no-one actually accepting that Yurika can really do magic, despite her doing it in-front of them, is fucking dumb. And the only one of them without completely selfish motivations is Yurika, who's just a stupid, annoying coward.

And yet, despite all this, the entire situation could have been solved from the very start.

Or if you want to be technical, the goddess who is split into members of the harem

Next volume when?

To be fair, dude wanted to believe he was not the only normal one of the group, thus pretended not to notice.

Yurika's incompetence and low self-confidence make herself sabotage and the rule that she can't use magic for personal use doesn't help things.
Not to mention MC himself don't want her to be magical girl subconsciously because he wants her to stay with him forever instead of leaving him alone after her job is done.
Just watch the anime and read the Vol 7.5 and 8.5 before you judge.

>To be fair, dude wanted to believe he was not the only normal one of the group, thus pretended not to notice.

Which doesn't help him being a dumb stupid asshole.

If he hadn't then proceeded to fuck her over, starve her and act like an ungrateful shit that she both saved him and saved the room, I'd be cool with it. If the scene of him seeing her save him and save the room hadn't happened, I'd be cool with it.

But nope.

I sincerely wish that you read further. I am assuming you just watched the anime season, which covers Vol 1~first part of 7. Author told that 1~7 is basically prologue to true story (and it is). Everything that looks like a plot hole is all explained so on. There is reason why most Rokujouma fans are LN readers.
So, if you only watched anime and you don't like LN, then you have a point. But, series as a whole is well written.
Here is a hint though. Everything that happened in the past is caused by MC's future actions. Blue Knight Arc, aka Vol 7.5 and 8.5, is basically makes MC from powerless high student to better alpha MC.
If you like LN, give it a try. If you don't, well that is understandable.

Not even just about Yurika. Yurika is a dumb, annoying coward who just runs away all the time.

Sanae seems to exist only to cause problems and stop people from agreeing to the very thing she's trying to convince them to agree to. Theia had no issues with murdering everyone on earth for almost no reason. Shizuka had no issues with planning on murdering anyone in the room, in cold blood, if they'd disagreed with her. I've forgotten her name because she was such a boring, nothing blob of waifu-bait, but the knitting club girl is literally nothing.

Kiria wants to invade the world, but so far she's the only actually likeable character.

Relationship between Yurika and Mc changes a lot through out LN series, starting from Vol 8 and so forth. In the end, Yurika remains undependable girl, but becomes very competent when it comes into being a magical girl. She likes depending on MC though.

>basically makes MC from powerless high student to better alpha MC.

Making the MC more powerful doesn't help if I don't like the MC. I don't feel he's weak or useless? If anything he seems to fit in fine. I don't need him to be able to beat up Theia or Kiria to be relevant, that's not gonna make me like him.

I need him to stop being a dumbass mouth-breather that makes things worse for people around him while remaining oblivious to everything going on. It's the typical "Dense Harem Lead" situation, except he's so dumb I'm wondering if I'm meant to think he has brain damage. And hell, I wouldn't mind that if his stupidity wasn't fucking over everyone else.

OP is a mouthbreathing piece of newshit.
When's the new translations coming out? I still don't have 25 and 26.

It becomes complete opposite of what you said though. He realizes that he is the reason for all girls' troubles and had major role in changing each girls' lives. Since he knows everything, he has to hide truth while trying to solve the girls' problems that he frankly feels responsible for.

When I said alpha, I meant that he becomes competent, not dense and likeable MC. The MC after Vol 7 is different from MC in anime series. I will say give a Vol 7.5 and 8.5 a try, since he loses all flaws you denounce him for.

It is out. You have to pay on J-novel. It was great though.

Reminder that all girls are best girls (including Elfaria!)

I can certainly spoil things for you if you don't want to pay though.

That's why I'm waiting

I wish I can rip it, but I don't know how to.

>Actually defending generic haremshit this hard

Reminder that Alaia is gone forever. Also reminder that she is the best girl and Harumi is just too lacking.

Please don't.

Someone else obviously can but that guy hasn't ripped 25 and 26 yet. I recall something about wanting both 25 and 26 to be out before ripping but he hasn't shown up yet. It's also just my luck I chanced onto a Rokujouma thread.

Read the LN you newshit.

Is it really harem if they are all same person though? Also, it is harem series done right.

Ignore this part, I have it. Checked just now.


Has 26 spoiled anything about Harumi being given special treatment in Forthorthe?

Volume 26 is basically one huge final battle really so there is not much else. I think that would be covered in Volume 27, which is currently being translated.

It's pretty easy you just nedd to know how to use inspect element
Been short on cash this time, so I'm waiting until vol 27 done

You're an hero.

It's heartbreaking when they finally acknowledged that Yurika is not a cosplayer.

You don't even need the inspect element, you can literally save the page and then edit the saved HTML to delete all the extraneous bits. Their DRM is basically nonexistent.

I'm just hoping someone rips volume 26.

You can always do it yourself user

I know how to rip the the part that is accessable to everyone, but how do you rip the other parts without having a j-novel account?

You can't.

And that is why I'm waiting for someone who is actually able to rip it.

Where I can get the LN?

Thanks user!

That torrent is missing volumes 7.5, 8, and 8.5 by the way. It's pretty out of date.

>not linking mega folder

Mega has the old translations, there is actually a noticeable difference.

They ran that joke into the ground. It's pretty ridiculous that he's fine with ghosts and other magic users, but then goes "hurr, magical girls can't exist!" after he sees her use magic.

Ah Rokujouma, one of the few harems out there where every girl is best girl and every user is a gentleman of culture who willingly embrace such a miracle.

>Rokujouma friends take over OP's shitty thread
Excellent work brothers, Yurika straight to page 10!

Not on my watch. Yurika on the front page!

Wasn't Koutarou in willful denial? He doesn't want Yurika to be a magical girl, he wants her to be normal because he's happy to have a normal person to hang around and doesn't want to lose that.

>doing magic

That level of chuuni delusion isn't healthy, Yurika. Enjoy your cosplay but please maintain a barrier between reality and fiction!

he strives to maintain up the kayfabe as long as possible while there is no magical-science adventuring

he just wants his girls to have happy fulfilling lives as the normal wonderful young ladies they are

meanwhile they want the D, ALL OF THEM, and they are slowly working on getting him to take responsibility... it will happen,

Exactly, he definitely knows that she's a magical girl. But he vehemently denies it because of that.


That just means that he's mentally ill. Denying something that's blatantly true, especially when he accepts other supernatural entities with no problem, makes no sense otherwise.

Saving Yurika from page 10!

Yes, his reasoning is pretty retarded. It's something like this: "you don't act like a 'magic girl', therefore i refuse to acknowledge you as a magic girl." Not to mention all the resentment and abuse poor girl get from the cast. And it's downplayed as 'lulz'. Anime honestly handles it better, LN is too poorly written.

Will the Mega get updated with the newer versions at some point?

>Not to mention all abuse poor girl get from the cast.
That's more of her neet lifestyle which in reality, would also net you the same kind of abuse.
Towards Yurika? kek

>one of the few harems out there where every girl is best girl
The secret to this is simple. Nobody is annoying. You'd think the high pitched chatterbox hungry for attention would be one but Sanae never came off that way to me.
Even if the twist to them being one girl wasn't around, it'd still be one of the best harems.

The only other serie that also deserves such description is GJ-BU, if only that had a translation

>Neet lifestyle
Give her a break, magic is hard work.

where are my doujins? this need more doujins

Yurika going from page 10 to page 1 using the power of magic!


Best girl

I wish Elle was my mom.

Probably not.

>the power of cosplay


Physical release when?

Most likely never unless ebook sales pick up,

Any reason why not?

I think your a little confused.