Why the heck does Sup Forums love big breasts so much?
Why the heck does Sup Forums love big breasts so much?
Fertile lands
Damn, Pop Team Epic girls lookin' fine.
because they're filled with men's hopes and dreams,
breasts are life
The truth lies beyond the breast.
The straight line that contains the world, stretching out to infinity. You won't be able to see it while your gaze is trapped inside the insidious bubble. You have to look beyond to the heart.
I was breast fed for 18 months as a toddler.
Then had to fondle my mom's breast to sleep until I was like 4.
It's called not being gay
I like meat
I don't understand the question? Big breasts feel amazing, even the girls that have to carry them around all they like their boobs, the only disadvantage is underboob sweat swamp, the price of bras and the occasional creepy comments.
They look appealing and feel amazing.
>Underboobs sweat
underrated post
hopes and dreams
Men loves when women are very femine and boobs are epitome of female
Even femine boys crossdressing as girls arouse guys
back pain
Usually caused be badly fitting bra.
Fire the torpedoes
too big is nasty as fuck, big is great. best is Spirited Girl doujin-size.
Big breasts signify health and ability to feed offspring.
I don't like them too big. Shit like looks ridiculous. Anything ranging from small to medium is far more aesthetic and appealing.
You must be gay!
Not really, I like the flat chest aesthetic.
But I think a big breasted wife is probably better as a life long partner in 3D.
Because they are more aerodynamic.
most of the people here are pre-pubers kids or grow men with puber mentality.
>Why the heck does Sup Forums love big breasts so much?
What the fuck are you talking about
I like big breasts because they're more aerodynamic than flat breasts. I still like flat breasts more, but that's just one upside of big breasts.
I think it's actually the opposite.
Sup Forums preaches more about flatness or smallness than anything. Oppaifags are a minority.
>animated raita
Wait, what?