
This girl is quite cute. Will we get more of her?

she gets bug sprayed,

That's not her real face

Reminder that no one can beat the dragon cock.

dragon cuck*

Whenever I search for this on Nyaa the result never shows up. How the fuck am I supposed to spell Overload?



Kill yourself.

The only good bug is a dead bug

>getting owned by a lowly human
Worst maid.


Still just a heathen in a barbarians' world, she shames her position.

Why does she wear the mask?


I'm fucking retarded sorry

>tfw a series has a great start but turns to shit

You read the LN? Because I had the opposite impression. Overlord had a slow start, but got progressively better after vol. 5

Why does Lupu keep saying Su?

>reading when it's just easier to watch

She is so useless she needs verbal tick for people to notice her.

>being a proud animeonlyfaggot

Why do people hate Lu? She done nothing wrong.

I guess I really need to read the LN. I want to see Momonga and his crew, not an entire episode dedicated to this gay fucking lizard shit. How are the official translations?

there's more lizard stuff in the LN the anime will make it shorter, just don't watch the first 6 episodes. of overload season 2

Probably because she has one of the biggest fuck ups in Nazarick?

Everyone makes mistakes user.

I actually thought the LN really dropped off at some point.

what does she do?
all she has to do is watch a village where she's stronger than anything in the immediate surrounding area?
how could she possibly fuck that up?

That's bizarre to me. My favorite volumes are 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. 12 wasn't that great.

>fist 6
I doubt we'll have 6 episodes of lizards. We'll get 5 at most. Unless you're predicting he won't like the Climb episodes either.

to be fair its ainz fault he doesn't read the settings of his own pcs and see if they are actually suited for the job. instead of treating them like people with prejudices which they have programmed into them. he treats them like robots while simultaneously trying to imply he see's them as people while never taking it past surface level.
People can say alot about ainz as a gamer, as a ruler but he's legitimately a shit salary man. because he can perfectly see into his employees failings and essentially ignores them because it's inconvenient for him then gets mad when its a problem later.

Eh, it's not like Lupu's omission had any dire consequences. None of the important villagers died. Shalltear's mind control was a much, much bigger fuck up.

I think lizzards will take longer to wrap up, than less than 6 but he probably won't like the climb arc either.

>not transparent

>judging people for one (1) mistake

Climb is fine when hes with other people. Alone hes just boring.

I don't read the LN, but this is turning out to be your typical S2.

>S1 is great
>well liked
>people want a S2
>S2 announced
>get hyped
>S2 airs

That's it really

We don't get a whole lot of him alone, though. It's mostly him being toyed with by Renner or getting along with Gazeff,Brain and Sebas later on.

Unironically Sebas' first volume was much better than Demiurge's, even if vol 12 had way more Ainz. Neia feels even worse than Climb, because she isn't even expanding the universe or giving a new POV, she is just a joke that extends for 400 pages with a weak pay off.
There should have been at least an intermission and more Demiurge's scenes. It's supposed to be his volume and he barely appears for more than a scene.

Never read past the manga but I thought they were real physical people.

Aura is better.

I read it a while ago so I don't remember the volume numbers. Anyway in my opinion the story just loses all sense of momentum and becomes just an aimless jumble of events.

Characters are introduced who's only point is to have complicated backstories which really don't have much bearing on the plot. For example the princess and knight character who just got introduced in the anime.

Plus Ain's treatment of the NPC's becomes super inconsistent, sometimes he treats them like employees, while other times he acts like they're robot/slaves, while at other times still he treats them like they're regular people.

Lastly where I gave up reading, Ains still seemly had no overarching goals or motivations,
I'm all for reading about an overpowered dark lord spreading his influence over the world.
But it's a pretty poor writing decision to give him no reason to do so

>loli pedo shit

Honestly Lizards is a horrible starting arc, because of the completely different tone and the almost non-existent Nazarick's pressence heck, they even had to bring scenes from previous volumes to at least have some Nazarickians appear

She does have the easiest job. Her and Nabe's job seems to be the easiest.

volume 7 is still far more boring than volume 4.

So for a lizardless experience I have to skip the first 5 episodes, right? 8 episodes seems too little for the kingdom arc.

allowing narutards on this website was a mistake

Opinion dropped

Skeleton man is the only real person, everyone else in nazarick is an npc turned real but they still based all their decisions off of what their creators told them to be like.
albedo loves ainzs because he changes her personality
Sebas is a good guy because his creator was a good guy
Aura and Shalltear fight because they were designed to fight.
all of that carried over.

They might put some scenes from later volumes on the episodes like they did on the first episode.

> Neia feels even worse than Climb
>she is just a joke that extends for 400 pages with a weak pay off.
The problem is that Climb is a joke that's been extending itself for 8 chapters and will keep going until he meets his inevitably pathetic demise. He's the longest running gag in the series. Even Jirc's fate as a character is less transparent.

7 is the invaders arc. It's one of the best arcs in the whole series. The lizards is the worst one.

If invaders is one of the best arcs then I'm glad it made me stop reading the LN lol...

>It's one of the best arcs in the whole series

They can tease volume 9 since it's topic related.


>Characters are introduced who's only point is to have complicated backstories which really don't have much bearing on the plot. For example the princess and knight character who just got introduced in the anime.
They are gags. Like Sword of Darkness in vol 2, they are all build up to being generic likeable fantasy characters that meet a horrible fate because Overlord is a parody ot these. Renner is slighly less of a joke though, and has a lot of bearing on the plot if you pay attention.
>Plus Ain's treatment of the NPC's becomes super inconsistent, sometimes he treats them like employees, while other times he acts like they're robot/slaves, while at other times still he treats them like they're regular people.
Ainz behavior tward the NPC's is remarkably consistent if you're not a speedreader. He treats them like they want to be treated. He behaves like their master because they want a master-serf relationship and are very displeased with anything else. In the end, Ainz's main goal is to secure the existence of Nazarick and preserve a future for his friend's "children".
>Lastly where I gave up reading, Ains still seemly had no overarching goals or motivations, I'm all for reading about an overpowered dark lord spreading his influence over the world. But it's a pretty poor writing decision to give him no reason to do so
The writing isn't stellar but the fact that the MC is so incredibly unambitious and still ends up pushed into a path of imperialism, genocide and world domination is absolutely fascinating.


Some dogs are just that "special" user.

i'd put honestly anypost volume 7 is shit tier

You know I'm right. Unless you're into reptiles fucking and text walls of digression.

>the MC is so incredibly unambitious and still ends up pushed into a path of imperialism, genocide and world domination
Thais just it though. He isn't 'pushed' to anything.

He's an all powerful immortal with perfectly loyal, overpowered subordinates, massive amounts of money, resources and magical items which break the very fabric of reality. He has a giant, underground fortress which could withstand siege from every force in the world simultaneously (assuming he did not just kill them all with a wave of his hand).

He's not some Machiavellian ruler using underhanded methods to maintain his power. He's a god with literally any conceivable strategy available to him with no risk of failure or setbacks. And yet despite this (and despite the fact that he seemingly has zero ambition) he's a cruel, murderous tyrant.

TL;DR Ainz is a massive jerk despite not wanting to be one and having no reasons to be one.

Except the NPCs are supposed to be fanatically loyal servants. If Ainz says "do x" then the expectation is they do x to the best of their ability, not slack off and do the bare minimum because they weren't told the reason why they're doing x.

>Ainz is a massive jerk despite not wanting to be one and having no reasons to be one.
Not that user, but I thought this was the point of overlord is there actually anyone who thinks satoru the salary man is a decent person? and not what would happen if you gave a neet from Sup Forums infinite power and then isekaied him?

A lotta loyalty for a hired adventurer!

>Ainz is an evil person who kills because it is his nature
>Ainz rides a giant hamster
You see my problem here.

Lupus will be the first one to be killed by Zesshi.
Who's excited?

His character is inconsistent?
I don't know if i'd agree, ainz takes the hamster if i recall because he thinks having it will make people think he's hot shit. overlord is a story about a skeleton with no spine being dragged by other people who are naturally evil through no fault of their own.
Eventually he stops struggling and just goes with the flow much like an autstic neet from Sup Forums would if put into a position of power.

An autistic neet from Sup Forums would have just fucked all over them endlessly and never come out of hiding.


You know what Overlord really needs?
A tournament arc! Tournament arcs are the best shit ever.Have Ainz set up a tournament for adventurers to battle it out with the winner getting to fight a member of Nazerick's own forces (who then naturally completely crushes them).
Shit would be hype and fun to read.

Except they're literally people now and they've been shown to have free will several time in lines with their programming, the fact he never adjusts his plans or seems to take into consideration the npcs actually think about the jobs their doing is strange, "at first he's like oh shit what if they rebel?!"
then he's like I'l just give people with negative karma and a disposition to hate humans jobs about it. not to test to see if i can change them naturally, not to actually look at them and see how it works out, not because I'm short staffed and don't have any good npcs, not because i can't just make everyone in nazarick in GM, but because he's actually retarded.
Narb is the perfect example of this.
You are right they do want a master-serf relationship they also want a relationship where ainz hates humans becasue pretty much everyone but a dozen hates humans.

>He's an all powerful immortal with perfectly loyal, overpowered subordinates, massive amounts of money, resources and magical items which break the very fabric of reality.
> He's a god with literally any conceivable strategy available to him with no risk of failure or setbacks.
Maybe it's just me but that's exactly why I find this series so entertaining. It's basically the epitome of power fantasy, the twist being that is told from the perspective of the antagonist.

that's pretty much what happens though, demi does something evil, ainz goes what the fuck and just rolls with it to avoid looking like an idiot, and who ever demi just royally fucked over is basically dead because ainz isn't willing to say wait i actually don't want this. the running gag is all of ainz good decisions are accidents and the plot is being pushed by other people thinking they are doing what he wants and he just doesn't have the heart to them otherwise.

Its been done before. And with antagonists who aren't weak willed, mindless, self contradicting shells.

Doesn't change the fact that she fucked up.

of* not over

>You are right they do want a master-serf relationship they also want a relationship where ainz hates humans becasue pretty much everyone but a dozen hates humans.
Even when Ainz is being nice with humans, they will twist his actual intentions and think it's just a convoluted plot to get more meatshields and slaves in case of a stronger threat appears.

Is that Entoma doujin fully scanned?

I remember a fic about that. It was fun,
but sadly is dead.
It kinda annoys me that he also never bothers to actually correct most of them when they 'rebel', because they claim that they were actually respecting his will and he says that they were because they were following his programming. Main problem for Nazarick is that they don't have a common agenda besides making Ainz the ruler of the world, but for each one of them it means a different thing and will inevitably crash, without Ainz being willing to ever take sides.

Lizard book is just not worth reading.

For you.
I actually enjoyed the lizards.
It's Climb's arc that's unbearable.

Well he tells PA to stop being autistic while he's doing his job, but PA never listens to him.
That's not PA being disloyal that's PA be unable to change who was made to be.
If npcs are fanatically loyal, wouldn't it just mean they were more loyal to their programming by the one who made them and all other commands are secondary.
Sebas struggles with this and when he's left alone touch me programming takes over and ainz overpowers it by commanding him but not without sebas struggling to come to terms with it.
It could be that if left alone long enough the NPCs will just do what they feel is natural.

A nazarick tournament/olympic is better.
It’s every 5 years and the winner faces ainz.
Shalltear gets cocky and cocytus wins facing ainz.

He encourages them to think like that though.

Excuses for being incompetent are just that - excuses. Lupu is a dumb doggo and that's a fact.

>And with antagonists who aren't weak willed
His weak will makes it original. if anything it makes it more realistic. It's the perspective of an average IQ wageslaving, nerd loser who ends up becoming an all-powerful superwizard.
>mindless, self contradicting
You can say Ainz is a bad person, you can say he's an idiot, but you can't say he's self contradicting. His views are very axiomatic: he's essentially an atheist and a nihilist and all moral actions he takes are therefore consistently arbitrary.

His only true unadultered desire that he considers to be good is his loyalty for his former friends Guild and the happiness of its NPCs. He wanted them to treat him like an equal but they rejected it, so he accepts acting like their superior. He wants to treat them humanely giving them rights but they also refuse and even cry when he tries to give them vacations, so he treats them like serfs. Everything else not regarding Nazarick he does on a whim.

I thought there would be a PV by now

I think he's meant to be unlikable for a reason.
so when climb kills him people are happy

Hers is the only "lip-fang" I've seen recently that makes sense.

>in time, Ainz will know the full power of Climb
Things really don't bode well for Nazarick.

Ainz being completely unaware of how much he makes everyone suffer is why i like him.

It's a strange feeling when Climbposting is better than the rest of the thread.

I want to see Albedo fight. Almost every floor guardian got to fight someone.
Zesshi, PLD, Elf king and the dragon loli, they're all good choices.

I literally want to fuck Narb and Entoma will they let me?

Yes, Ainz-sama.

Ainz-sama lacks a genital though