ITT: Jewish Characters
ITT: Jewish Characters
>tfw a series has a great start but it turns into shit
what is "(You)r mom"? for 500 Trebek
Actually every character
In most of the timelines in the spear hero sidestories he always shows up his jewing skills.
The incessant need to add harem after anything remotely fresh im concept will (and is) the downfall of anime now.
Aside from being a Jewish stereotype, has there actually been any character who was confirmed as being Jewish or at least Israeli?
Only person who comes to mind is that Israeli pilot from The Third Girls Aerial Squad.
>implying that's the reason why shieldbro went to shit
I'm on chapter 14, when does it really go to shit? Not usually into Isekai but this manga is pretty good so far.
I have to wonder if the reason he was cut from Apocrypha in the first place is because he was a huge stereotype
The eternal jew
>Literally puts the bad guilds in shoahs
Shiroe is aryan as fuck, Akihabara would be a dump if not for him.
And because he connected to God while they already had 2 (3 counting with the scratched George) saints and the jew powers to steal an opponent's entire arsenal.
Never go for Jewish bitches.
creator said he was based on a jews, does this count?