No game no life

I originally passed on this because I have zero interest in isekai and don't play vidya

What a fucking mistake that was.

I just finished ep4 and good lord this is good. Like really fucking good. Fuck me, it is terrific. This is some seriously potent escapism. I can't believe how wrong my intuition was about this anime.

I am in love with the art style in this. Also the sound production quality in this is absolutely top notch.

What did you think of No Game No Life, user?

I think is a good anime overall, I love the keikaku moments

Shit filled with the worst kind of otaku pandering.
Cute girls, boobs, cute loli, incest, cute furry, NEET '''''''''geniuses'''''''', pseud gibbering "keikakus" asspulls

>What did you think of No Game No Life, user?
It was fucking awful.

>implying there is anything wrong with this

kill yourself

I see you're here for the VEG thread my crossboarding friend

I'm sorry to see you got lost


It was trash, thankfully S2 never.

you need to go back to plebbit

>enjoying things

Lmao faggot you think I'd expose myself in such a vulnerable manner? I only watch anime behind 7 layers of irony

Are you lost?


>actively seeking escapism
>straight up dismisses all isekai

We already knew you were a faggot op u didn’t need to tell us

I'm sorry, I have extremely sophisticated taste and isekai often isn't sufficient. For this reason I tend to dismiss the genre entirely

It was pretty terrible

I read the light novel.
I fucking hated it.
Frankly i wish everyone who enjoys this dreck would kill themselves.
Vol.6 was alright though.

Madhouse only accepts good source material.

Nvm, who am I kidding lul

Really? I plan on reading the LN asap

good bait
nobody seriously likes no game no life except horny 14 year olds

I'm 26 but I'm also unironically mentally retarded and likely have a mental age of around 14

Was the movie a reboot or what? I have heard nothing about it since it was released in Japan.

Mary Sues Done Right: The Anime.
Don't let brainlets fool you, it was good.
It's one of the best reverse pleb filter.

>Was the movie a reboot or what?
movie was animation of the Vol 6 with a few changes near the end, vol 6 expain why current MC is broken,why Humanity is named Imanity, how the Thounands years old war ended and how Humans (weak without any magic) did not go extinct in a Free for all war involving Dragons,Gods, God Killers, Elemental, Elf, Dwarfs, Vampires, beastmans etc

So does it continue on from where the TV anime left off?

nah, it skips, 2 volumes, Anime is Vol 1 thru 3

So I can expect to be confused if I watch the movie as somebody who has only watched the TV anime? Why would they do this?

nah, vol 6 does not use anything from Vol 4-5, its good

Thanks user. Has the movie been subbed?

no idea, lurk

fuck off