>Hero Academia has lively threads
>Boruto has lively threads
>Shokugeki has lively threads
>Dragon Ball Super has lively threads
Let's have a Black Clover lively thread. Do it for Henry
>Hero Academia has lively threads
>Boruto has lively threads
>Shokugeki has lively threads
>Dragon Ball Super has lively threads
Let's have a Black Clover lively thread. Do it for Henry
anime was sooo bad it didnt even bring people to read the manga
You're the only one who reads Black Clover though
is all I think when I hear Black Clover.
That was an epic fuck up.
>Not reading Black Clover for Noelle
Can somebody explain to me what happens in the picture.
New Black Bull member, Henry. A sick man whose magic is turn Black Bull's base in Mazinger Z. The crazy science glasses chick of criminal group uses a magic tool to create a huge gel salamander. Grey saves the day
Why does she wear slutty side-tie panties?
There's nothing much to actually discuss at the moment.
And what does OP means with lively? Shit-posting and shipping?
Author needs to work on his attacks. They're impossible to follow sometimes.
What does Black Clover bring to the table that hasn't already been done by better series? It's insultingly cookie-cutter. I couldn't make it past episode five.
The fights are good at actually showing the cast having to work as a team in order to win rather then having each person split up to fight someone different like most other battle shonen do
Don't fucking watch the anime.
Who is best girl and why is Mimosa?
what strange way to spell Mereoleona
>typical tsundere bitchy type
yea ok whatever you say
It's just not as good as those other series you mentoined.
Sure it's fine if you want another braindead weekly shounen, but it really doesn't bring anything to the table.
Pretty much Fairy Tail 2.0
>Hero Academia has lively threads
Hero Academia threads are shit
>Boruto has lively threads
Boruto doesn't actually have lively threads
>Dragon Ball Super has lively threads
Dragon Ball Super threads are shit
Souma reader here.
We don't have lively threads, we have threads choke full of constant shitposting and shit flinging.
Trust me, you don't want that.
I enjoy Black Clover without a shred of irony. I just don't really talk about it and lion lady is 100000/10. Great girls. Ten outta ten.
Mimosa a best. A BEST.
is this a mecha anime?
I enjoy Black Clover.
But I rather talk about it with people who enjoy stuff on other parts of the Internet rather than the bitter shitheads here.
Is Captain Yami the best new Jump character to be created in the last several years?
I'd say he's the most based Jump character right now
he makes the whole thing enjoyable
So cute
i can tell you right now, if he wasn't a thing i'd drop black clover in a heartbeat
he should have been the MC
spin off with Yami when?
He is involved enough where I don't mind him not being the MC. Black Clover does do a good job of giving a lot of focus to the side characters.
She's more than cute she's best girl.
I just started reading Black Clover and is there anything more to the lightning guys mom backstory?
From my perspective It's like the author abruptly tells you about his overbearing mom and then she dies, Asta screams NAKAMA, and then he gets over it.
What the fuck kind of pacing is this?
already have some sort of flashback with yami. doubt there will be more.
>does do a good job of giving a lot of focus to the side characters
thats the problem. it somehow made the MC looks pale in comparisson with others.
I like how Pop Team Epic seemed to kill the MHA threads, like they absorbed all the shitposting and now /bnhag/s 404 before hitting bump limit.
It's cookie cutter but the cookies it makes are still good - there's something to be said for a series that is adequate and consistent.
That is all so far, but there will probably be more later. Nearly all the flashbacks are like that.
charlotte and yami when?
What about one piece?
I want to treat Charmy to delicious food
would she eat dick??
On break so the threads are kind of light
I just fucking want Yami to show up and trash everyone while being based as fuck. He is almost single handedly carrying this manga. The only other person I read this is for the Magic Emperor, Julius. I love overpowered characters so he's fun.
Black Cloves has a lot of enjoyable characters besides Yami:
Also called quick-release-quick-action-panties
Strongly disagree. She is as fucking generic as can be, like holy shit. There is nothing interesting or unique about her character whatsoever. At least none that I can recall.
Is this a battle angel alita reference?
Even Asta has his moments even if they are with Yami. For example that banquet where he notes that the nobles could at least try to hide their hate for them.
>a list of literal whos
Face it, yami is the only good character in this mess of a series.
I enjoy Asta's character. He's funny and enjoyable. Bad thing is he's too damn loud, making anime things worse. But he's a good MC.
Hey come on, Julius is actually really great.
Thank you. I remembered there was a better shot of them in the manga, but couldn't remember where.
Various accurate depictions of nobles.
>/bnhag/s 404 before hitting bump limit
That literally never happens
The comedy, not the anime stretching the episodes by repeating joking dozens of times, but some of the jokes were really hilarious in the manga. For instance, did you read Yami VS what is essentially the big bad? the sense of humor was gold.
What more do you want? he’s just an autistic kid who wanted to win and now loves fighting.
that's actually true
not even the best girl in her own series
Asta is the worst character in this series. We know more about the character of side goons than the protagonist, and that's not so much the fault of the author's storytelling as it is the fault of the author's ability to make characters. Noelle's growth topples Asta's, Yami is more fleshed out, and even Mereolena has clearer goals than him.
There are dozens of us
You better not be talking shit about my man Zora
am i the only one noticed henry's saiyan hair in one of the earlier chapters?
i'm glad he's a long haired qt fuccboi instead of some battle hermit like Kenpachi from Bleach
I wonder who's the traitor that betrayed the Bulls?
Judging from the small line of suspect, it's either Julius aide who betray them because fuck Julius or the King himself because fuck you Magic Knights, I AM THE KING WORSHIP ME kind of deal.
It need to be someone high enough to know that Black Bulls are mostly all out of the base for missions and to sent Yami away.
>Boruto has lively threads
Only when sumire is in an episode or on panel.
>it somehow made the MC looks pale in comparisson with others.
That's still good, better than some series that have interesting side characters with lots of potential that get forgotten so MC and his love interest can always be in the spotlight.
>I like how Pop Team Epic seemed to kill the MHA threads, like they absorbed all the shitposting and now /bnhag/s 404 before hitting bump limit.
You never have been in bnha threads then, that literally never happens unless a janitor 404 us because the levels of shitposting
Was the manga nay good?
If you have the time to waste here, you have the time to read it yourself and form your own opinion.
I think the villain is interesting too. He is the type of villain where he is sort of right. His clan was slaughtered by Clover and Clover itself has a horrible system of oppression. He isn't just some evil person that want to take over for selfish reasons.
Asta is an open book, there is nothing more to his personality, the only thing left is his birth origin and why he has no mana.
It doesn't live up to became Boku no Hero Academia killer
>MHA is pretty good and has and great anime adaptation every year
>Boruto is passable and has a legacy to its name, same with Dragon Ball
>Shokugeki is great and loved by everyone
>Black Clover is shit and has a horrible anime adaptation
Gee, I wonder why
Cool idea for a power system.
I'm actually really surprised how much I enjoy it. Yeah, it's super generic but honestly, I've read way worst stuff especially from Jump. I actually love how the author know how generic the characters are and goes like 200% with it.
He's literally jiraiya
*seems to know
my bad.
The adaptation is good actually, it fills in lots of things the fast paced manga doesn’t get to do.