AOTY: Violet Evergarden Excellent: Antartica Girls Good: Yuru Camp, Ameagari Ok: Takagi Dropped: Epic Need to watch: Mitsuboshi
William Adams
Austin Bell
AOTY: Overlord.
Need not watch anything else at all.
James Moore
Thats not winter anime. Wait until Shaft delays it again, and it only (possibly) will be watchable in BD version anyway.
Aiden Phillips
Lizzard porn goes to /d/
Kevin Howard
Please back to your dragonball thread.
Liam Gray
Im so suprised killing bites got an adaptation like what the fuck it's like 8 pages long and unfinished hahahahaha It's pretty good tho, I want so sex the honey badger.
Dominic Garcia
Same. Arachnid deserved it lot more. They are both trash, but Arachnid is better.
Angel Edwards
>I want to*
Brayden Sanchez
AOTY: Darling in the Franxx
Runner up: Violet Evergarden
Pretty good: Grancrest Senki Pop team epic killing bites
So shit I have to mention it: Death March
Don't care enough to try ranking/watching yet: Everything else.
Robert Hernandez
Well if we're being honest and we had to judge on Sup Forums's reception. AOTS: Darling in the Franxx and it's not even close, only show to consitently hit bump limit no stop.
Top Tier: Koi wa amaegari Yuru Camp Sorayori
Meh Tier: Death March PTE Killing bites
Dissapointments: Violet evergarden, this was the one I expected to have the nonstop threads, the one that would captivate Sup Forums.
Instead no one really cares about it, the episodes come and go, they get no discussion, the threads can't even reach bump limit, it really wasn't all it was hyped up to be.
Juan Jackson
are you me?
Dominic Diaz
>shit >death march Opinion discarded, Sup Forums
Christian Lewis
>we had to judge on Sup Forums's reception How exactly are you doing that? Because there are things like Citrus and Colors that have threads all the time since episode 1 and get to bump limit quickly after their episodes yet you didn't mention them.
Eli Wilson
You should watch koi wa amagari and sora yori, there both much better then violet evergarden as well.
Nicholas Brown
>tumblr picture Kill yourself
Carson Smith
AOTS tier:
Koi wa Ameagari no You
Watchable tier:
Pop Team Epic
Shit tier:
everything else
Adrian Edwards
Well besides Sup Forumss general reception i took into account what i'm watching, can't stand yuri or loli shit unless it's porn.
Carson Williams
>sora yori It isn't that good, just nice and not as hyped. Overall it is not that much better than Violet Evergarden, the later was just betrayed by expectations.
Anthony Lee
Alright I'll give those a shot.
Brandon Bailey
like this
Parker Jenkins
The characters actually have varied personalities, the show has excellent directing, and it has an interesting premise, as well as fun to watch.
Hudson Cooper
I thought anichart had stopped exporting lists as images?
Hudson Cooper
Good: overlod s2, nanatsu no taizai s2, junji ito collection, PTE, babysitter school, miira no kaikata
Meh: everything else I'm not watching
Brayden Turner
Pop Team Epic is AOTY
Jose Wright
AOTS: Franxx
Okay: Killing Bites
Trash: Citrus Death March
Fucked Adaptation Tier: PTE Takagi Junji Ito
Jonathan Cox
i just save it from other thread
Jason Robinson
>can't stand yuri or loli shit unless it's porn I can understand yuri because it is only intended to make you hard, but loli? How can you not enjoy loli unless it is porn? Lolis are cute, not necessarily for lewd, and shows like Ichigo Mashiro and Colors are pretty funny because of them.
Camden Barnes
Not AOTS this season, and will not able to hold the title for best comedy of the year also since in spring this airs
Episode 2 of Franxx just blew every other show this season in terms of direction, and they're going places I thought wouldn't touch. Definitely AOTY so far.
Aaron Gutierrez
Nah, IQ is not needed at all. Just a photographic memory.
Joshua Ortiz
I love the manga, but adaptation looks like shit. Unlike the Chio-chan. So no. Hinamatsury shapes up to be as disappointing as Takagi is now or Jitsu Wa before.
Thomas Ortiz
What about Devilman Crybaby?
Michael Campbell
Just as was predicted with Binge Watching - everyone forgot about it 3 days after it was released.
Alexander Rivera
FranXX episode 2 is amazing, I love VEG too but it's kinda boring if yoy watch it weekly. I guess Netflix US was right when they decide ro release all the episodes in Spring.
So, Franxx is my AOTS. Koi wa Ameagari comes close enough, hope the story gets better.
Aiden Taylor
Disappointment: Grancest Senki Violet Evergarden Beatless
I know it's shit but I'll take it anyway: Death March Overlord
Still indifferent/no strong opinion: Darling in The FranXX Citrus
Pleasant Surprise: Killing Bites
Get recommendation but currently not in the mood for them: Koi wa Ameagari Yuru Camp Devilman Crybaby
Animated shitposts/10: Pop Team Ebin
Jonathan Ramirez
1. Devilman. 2. Hakumei to mikochi. 3. Yuru camp. 4. Poptepepic. 5. Darling in the Franxx.
Isaac Cooper
AOTS contender >Koi wa Ameagari no You >Yuru Camp >Sora Yori >Devilman Crybaby
Fun Tier >Killing Bites >Colors >Franxxx >Junji Ito
Meh Tier >VEG
I can't take person opinion seriously if VEG is above okay tier on their list. Not even baiting.
Blake Price
>choosing AOTS 2-3 episodes into the season Why would you do this?
Hunter Young
Far too early for this shit but I'll do it anyway.
>AOTS tier Franxx Hakumei to Mikochi Yuru Camp Koi wa Ameagari no You ni Sora yori mo Tooi Basho
>dropped Death March Marchen Madchen Pop team epic Beatless
Jaxon Ward
Oliver Murphy
It's average but it was hyped to hell and back and people are either shitting on it too much or putting it on a pedestal.
Bentley Fisher
Braindead MOEBLOB & Sakuga brigades still defend it somehow.
Ryan Stewart
wtf i hate anime now
Benjamin Brown
I know what you're trying to do but that doesn't make Killing Bites and Ryuuou good nor makes Yuru Camp and VEG bad.
Noah Long
This yowamushi pedal season is really great.
Landon Davis
>not dropping it every week. I want crossboarders out
Kevin Miller
Ryuuou is good though.
Samuel Robinson
Moefags/cgdctfags are all over yurucamp. Sakugafags are surprisingly praising Franxx more than Evergarden.
Anthony Peterson
>all these anons that can't comprehend Bkub's genius humor I laugh at your pathetic taste
Dominic Campbell
Maybe that's because Franxx's actual animation is years ahead of VEG's
Lucas Torres
>a naked 9 year old is jealously possessive of the teenage protagonist Why no one told me about this? Picked up.
Hudson Wilson
>Sakugafags are surprisingly praising Franxx more than Evergarden. That's a lie and you know it.
Joseph Cook
>I know what you're trying to do
I'm just posting a dumb list in a dumb list tread.
Landon Williams
It has more and better sakuga, but it isn't really years ahead, nothing mindblowing so far.
No, just go to their site or visit their accounts on twitter. They're definitely more interested in Franxx than Evergarden.
Colton James
It is top rated, contest winning LN of the year by Kadokawa so pretty much anime of the season in Japan and epitome of nihonjin creativity
Luis Jenkins
>AOTC Pop Team Epic >AOTS Darling in the Franxx Koi wa Ameagari no You ni >Good Sora yori mo Tooi Basho Hakumei to Mikochi Miira no Kaikata >Okay Ito Junji Kokkoku Violet Evergarden Killing Bites >Bad Grancrest Senki Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Mitsuboshi Colors >Irredeemable shit Pop Team Epic
Dylan Hernandez
So it's SAO except actually worse. I'd ask you to stop being cancer but you're terminal right now so it'd be wasted effort.
Caleb Cruz
what are they talking about they were saying shit like "Gender doesn't matter in battle." and all those rapists were fucking murdered first 2 minutes
Benjamin Campbell
This man fucking gets it.
Nolan Baker
Go back to whereever you came from and bring back your friends too
Houseki no Kuni and Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou were very good but this season is already godtier just for having Devilman, CCS, Junji Ito, Takagi-san and Poptepipic
Colton Russell
God Tier: Nothing
Good Tier: Yuru Camp Darling in the Franxx
Watchable: Takagi-san Citrus Ryuuou no Oshigoto
Might Try: Hakumei to Mikochi Marchen Madchen
Dropped: Pop Team Epic Violet Evergarden Slow Start Takunomi
Why Bother: Everything else
Nathan Gonzalez
>likes Yuru >doesn't bother with Yori why tho?
Jason Stewart
AOTS: Overlord 2
Great: Gakuen Babysitters, Killing Bites
Good: Colors, Sora Yori, Sanrio Danshi, Kokkoku, VIolet Evergarden, Yuru Camp, PopTeamEpic, Ryuuou no Oshigoto, Franzz, Beatless, Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens, Hakumei to Mikochi
Bad: Citrus, Slow Start, Marchen Madchen, Ito Junji, Death March,
Dropped Garbage Tier: Haykuu Houshin Engi
Camden Peterson
haven't actually watched a lot so far this season
Great: Overlord Pop team epic
Good: hakumei to mikochi jungi ito (though I've only watched the first ep so far, others might be better)
Ok: 7 deadly sins
Cooper Cooper
Caleb Gutierrez
Wasn't sold on the PV, seemed less "comfy" and more melodramatic. Plus some minor gripes like character design and Madhouse.
Would you recommend it so far?
Jack Diaz
Where's the cute mummy?
Eli Bennett
my shit attempt to be unique
Zachary White
Your list looks like it comes from someone who doesn't enjoy anime that much and only needs a fix, that's alright though