You made me read it, Sup Forums. I saw a threat where you were posting an athlethicc girl and I had to know where it was from.
Then I got invested in the story and read every chapter, and got mad when I noticed that there's a bunch of untranslated raws. I guess interest has waned on this series. I would do it again though.
Do you think this series could conclude at any time, or will it go on in a sense that mc-kun will never find out?
Lincoln Ortiz
I liked it but it got repetitive and shitty. I know moon and I still don't read it anymore.
Jeremiah Lee
at some point he's gonna find out
Nolan Reyes
Yeah but whatever. I am done.
Carson Perez
post the "athlethicc" girl, OP
Jordan Adams
Yeah, Ebiuno suddenly being in love with Tarou came out of nowhere.
Dominic Scott
>suddenly How do you read if you even missed all the hints from the earlier chapters?
Joseph James
96 just got released a few errors in though, being fixed right now.
James Young
Justin Rodriguez
They should've kept her a boy.
Juan Lee
So you got a new translator in the end. Good for you.
Bentley Rogers
Yep. I'll dump it when I'm done fixing it.
Brayden Smith
I like the main chick. I forgot her name but she's the one who isn't Ebino.
Landon Allen
Carson Hill
Jaxson Diaz
No, the flat chick that Eve is based off of.
Matthew Walker
eyyyy, that's
Mason Rogers
Shit taste
Ryder Lee
shit posted itself automatically while I was typing, my 4chanx is broken
Gavin Turner
I am so happy to hear this. Just don't understand all the undeserved contempt.....its a lovely manga, and entertaining as hell. Keep em coming!!!
Hudson Harris
I think it's because it hasn't ended after 100+ chapters
Daniel Diaz
Ibusuki a cute.
Justin Cooper
Because people for some reason don't equate character development to plot development. Also because they waifu'd the designated loser and are mad about it.
Thomas Nelson
This is the V2.
Ryder Garcia
Jason Clark
Brayden White
Matthew Sanders
Charles Peterson
Charles Nelson
Brayden Richardson
Henry Anderson
Alexander Brooks
Lincoln Baker
Jaxon Watson
Ethan Powell
Mason Stewart
Cheers for the upload
Lincoln Sanders
Dylan Howard
Justin Morris
Josiah Campbell
Josiah Campbell
That's it for this chapter. Tarou's funerals next. See ya someday!
Parker Howard
Well that's the end of that
Josiah Ward
I'm now guessing that he will somehow remember what happened.
Ayden Collins
It'll probably keep going since looks like it's one of the most popular romance manga in Shounen Sunday
Landon Evans
awesome, thanks!
Juan Brown
Also, credit page. It's supposed to go at the beginning, but I know you guys don't like these much.
Adrian Bell
>Welp there ya have it, that's our story, Tarou's dead. Good night.
Luis James
heh, Eve is cute
Matthew Ramirez
I wonder what the author's aim is at the end. Does he already have a conclusion in mind?
Thanks man, I missed this series (being translated).
Easton Wright
Suzuko has to be one of the worst manga characters in recent history.
Jayden Lewis
As for me, I like Ebino better. Much more impregnatable.
Austin Green
It ain't easy being a reverse trap.
William Baker
this damn girl is making things worse
Oliver Scott
Hey, I think that too. I just think that Eve is very cute too
Gabriel Robinson
Logan Carter
Landon Mitchell
btw, in the next chapters there will be a birthday chapter for the MC
Hudson Evans
Joseph Reed
I think the story is going to be set up either in a way that eve merges with ibusuki, or ibusuki checkmates herself and mc-kun has no choice but to realize
Tyler Bell
>eve merges with ibusuki You people have the dumbest fucking ideas.
Tyler Rogers
is that an areola?
Colton Flores
Seems that getting too close to a broken zombie might change/implant an idea/feel onto a person. And looks like they can fuse/dissapear with anything when the owner's love is fullfilled or let his first love go away Anyways, the ending might be a bit fucked up for Evefans
Connor Johnson
Well, at least they are resolving the portion of what happens when someone is in love but can't fulfill it. Before the only option was "they live forever with the zombie" and it was kinda shitty, implying your first love was your only true love.
Xavier Sullivan
It's actually selling worse than most of the other romcoms. It gets outsold by Komi, Dagashi, Zettai, Amano, and Tenshi to Akuto; also Maiko and Maoujou which aren't romcoms, all off the top of my head. Volumes sell a tiny bit under 7k before falling off the top 500
James Walker
Yeah, as an Eve fan, I'm trying to brace myself for a bad ending, but I've got my heart set on Eve somehow achieving tangibility
Elijah Parker
Eve fan or not, we all have to brace for a bad end except maybe ibusukifans
Joshua Murphy
Feels good to like main girl for once.
Jose Mitchell
Jesus I keep forgetting how utterly perfect Ebino is.
Eli Brown
thank you!
Ryder Edwards
Ebino didn't give him choco
Ibusuki didn't either
No one loves Tarou.
Michael Wright
They all are delusions. The guy whom they give their chocolate doesn't have a face. Tarou is imagining what the other guys are saying while Ibusuki is the one imagining that (maybe the guys are talking about Ibusuki giving Tarou some chocolates)
Jackson Peterson
>No one loves Tarou. Except Eve: the best girl
Dylan Ross
>Except Eve Well obviously, her entire existence hinges on loving him.
Anthony Murphy
For Tarou. Looks like she's adapting for Tarou's interests And she looks even prettier, according to Ibusuki
Levi Ortiz
Luke Jenkins
Will she ever stop growing? If it keeps up, she'll have serious problem with voley, if she already doesn't have them
Xavier Mitchell
Just imagine her as a MILF
Justin Roberts
CeeLo pls.
Adrian Cox
Jesus, hold me
Anthony Sanders
If her mom's anything to go buy she just gets fat.
Brody Morgan
Jordan Baker
The real question is will Ibusuki ever START growing?
Kayden Parker
she's probably grown slightly and eve probably represents how much she'll grow
Ayden Parker
Her tits will start growing when Tarou knocks her up
Robert Garcia
she is a qt
Noah Nguyen
she still have hope
Jaxon Scott
Her ass is pretty grown.
Ian Green
new translations soon?
Joshua Price
We just got one faggot.
Nathaniel Ramirez
what I meant was, does this mean translations will become regular again?
Brandon Thomas
Eve a best. A Best!
Joshua Bell
I want to slide into her asshole.
Luke Bell
Camden Rivera
she might look like a cute trap but why the fuck didn't she went to a female-only school?
Hunter Brown
So what'd those niggas say that got her so hot and bothered?