Episode 3 very soon!
Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card
2 hours
Thanks for informing me, kind user. I wish you a good day.
Finally, the best time of the week is here.
I'm glad Sakura is still SUPER CUTE despite the different art style.
>different art style
It's the same?
It's not that different but Sakura and Tomoyo do look older. Interesting that they decided to do it for the anime since it's not the case in the manga. Though the manga has its own artstyle differences.
the best part about ccs is when her brother bullies this dumb brat
That's right
Cute froggo soon
Did we find a livestream yet?
Nope, it's pretty hard to find streams for premium channels.
But Sakura is a good girl, and the best girl.
Agreed. I waited all week for this
>piffle princeſſ
I've never noticed that before and it makes me irrationally angry.
It'd probably never work but I'd love it if they'd done the entire show in the style of the ED.
Piffle princess is Sakura's favorite brand
Sounds like you hate your name. It's written all over your post.
It looks like they used a long s (ſ) as both of the letters s on there.
It ought to be Piffle Princeſs if anything.
No one likes you Jerid go away.
I came here to stay
Kek Chiharu ships it
To this day I still wonder what exactly was Sakura going to do about the kiss
No bully
This outfit is too cute.
sakura is the cutest
Is this the preview? Why did they spoil the best moment?
Has the episode adapted how many chapters?
Wait so did they have two chapters this episode?
Looks like chapters 5 and 6 were for this episode and chapter 7 with Akiho's intro will be next week.
1 and a half lol
it added a lot of good original content
>new official transformation sequence
Looks like it was only chapter 5.
Chapter 6 is her with the cheerleaders and getting herself wet with the rain card or whatever it is. Which is apparently in this episode.
WHOA can't wait for the Raws!
>[Ohys-Raws] Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Hen - 03 (BSP 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4
It's different from the original anime. It's the same as the manga. The original manga had a very unique style that wasn't just shoujo. The new revival series is 100% pure shoujo.
The fact that there will never be a season 2 of Angelic Layer is the most annoying thing in all of anime.
The anime made Sakura and some other characters look older than in the Clear Card manga though. So it's not staying entirely faithful to the style.
No it isn't. I'm actually disappointed in it personally. Sakura's not quite as cute in stills.
I squealed
If Sakura was a real friend she'd let Tomoyo play with the Mirror Card.
How long until we get the OST for this series? Will it be after the series ends? I need that key-release music.
I thought that they showed the sequence last episode?
>new official transformation sequence
I was rewatching one episode from the original the other day and I kind of missed the transformation sequence with the sand and stuff swirling all around her, now I really want to see the new version
but she's super cute.
I was disappointed when they switched the transformation after she got the new staff in the original. I liked the part in the original sequence when she lifts her hands.
>that blush
to care for and protect
you're right but it was very quick
why is the new anime so pale? couldn't they have made it more colorful?
It's going for a pure shoujo style. The original anime went for a more colorful style typical of general shows aimed at kids.
It's normal for lolis to jump three stories, right?
So she got 2 cards in this episode right?
I think it's more an issue with the digital animation and nobody every takes to time to fix it. It affects nearly all anime these days.
Stupid kaiju.
Magical lolis, sure.
>4 chapters to introduce what MIGHT be the main antagonist
How many episodes will this be? is it only 12?
ETA on subs?
Kill yourself
40 minutes hopefully.
There's only 22 episodes (maybe 26, I've seen both) scheduled so far. No idea how many chapters there'll be. Even if Yuna (not Akiho I don't imagine, it'll be Yuna) is the main antagonist we still don't have him really doing much as of chapter 19 so it's not that quick. The manga is monthly so I don't know how they'll do the weekly episodes if they catch up to the manga outside of just doing filler.
8pm is usually when they're out. Thought he 480p is usually first so it'll be a little after that for 720p and 1080p.
Sakura is so cute.
pretty sure they corrected it to 22, it's the number of scripts ohkawa is confirmed to have written too
There's plenty of digital shows that still have a bright, colorful style. In this case it is the design of the show overall.
New sequence for cards, as well.
Based Tomoyo must have made her practice a new sequence that looks more cinematic kek
subs where
Five minutes.
Subs are out.
480p up
720p out
1080p is out.
>Sakura is wearing hair clips in her hair today
The OP is really growing on me
By the way, how it the HOEE count by now?
i've been wanting to start this but i haven't watched any of the seasons that came before it, is it still worth watching?
Like, a billion.