Goku is clearly not an Asian man
Goku is clearly not an Asian man
He is an alien you stupid fuck.
He's an alien monkey.
Who looks Caucasian
yajirobe is sexy
I haven't seen a single Caucasian with eyes the size of plates
Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.
Asians see all normal people like they have giant eyes
Another pseudoscience guy posting here again?
>we wuz anime and shit
Fun fact: Yajirobe was meant to be Momotaro and Goku and him would befriend a dog (yamcha) and pheasant (Bulma is horny because pheasants are horny) before Toriyama was told that fat guys weren't popular.
this is why toriyama never really loved dragon ball except for Yajirobe
Goku, Vegeta, Bulma, Mr Satan, Videl, The Androids 16, 17, 18, and Gero, Trunks, General Blue and Red
- White/European
Yamcha, Kuririn, Roshi, Tien, Chi Chi, Grandpa Gohan Tao Pai Pai, Yajirobe - Asian
General Black is well...black. There are native Americans too.
>No other race can have yellowish skin
>One character is literally squinting while the other has giant round eyes
Japanese see white people as being big nosed rather than big eyed. You can tell an anime character is suppose to be white if they're nose is exaggeratedly long.
Chichi is supposed to be asian and she
has the same eye size as Bulma.
Arent these fan written works? No way this came from Toriyama directly
>Vegetas dad has Brown hair canonically in Super Anime
Yeah definitely a reliable pic you got there, a lot of asians running around with BROWN HAIR
Literally the only correct thing Dragon Ball Evolution did right?
I believe this is from a translation of Daizenshuu 7.
I suppose you can argue that those aren't really canon, but this is the best thing we have.
All anime characters are greys.
You lie
It all makes sense
illegal alien. He's mexican.
except in the anime vegeta said trunk isn't a sayajin because they all have black hair.
This is like the retards that say Piccolo is black. If these characters were real they would be exactly what they are. Goku is a humanoid alien and Piccolo would be a green man.
I look exactly like Goku and I can confirm he's Filipino based on this fact.
When did he say this? When Trunks was a baby and didnt know he was his son? Trunks is clearly white, asians dont have blue eyes, and hes still half saiyan
This, I didn't even think about how it was true either, and now I just keep looking at whitey's noses.
maybe when he is a super saiyan
Goku canonically has yellow skin, black irises and jet black hair, he's either an Jomon-looking man or a very wog mediterranean-looking man, neither group is white.
Yajirobe is Yayoi-inspired.
Only when he goes super
>monkey fuck
He is clearly a brazilian
>jiren is a cute girl all along
Yajirobe exists because Toriyama was worried about Krillin’s voice actress not having a job.
At that time Vegeta didn't know Trunks came out from his loins. Also, Trunks is white, at most he has Vegeta's facial features and saiyan strength, but the rest is all Bulma.