And plebs wonder why Sup Forums doesn't like this show
And plebs wonder why Sup Forums doesn't like this show
I like the show
I don't, fuck you.
I literally like it ironically.
I like it unironically
Sup Forums isn't one person
I genuinely like it, but somehow Ep3 was even weaker than Ep1 for me. Still need to do a rewatch though to be able to judge it well.
Ah, you are Motherfucker?
Sup Forums loves this show, get out you fucking newfag
I like it too, shut your mouf.
why are the parts in french so funny?
Did the new episode do the repeat thing again?
Are they gonna reference black mirror?
Why not?
Sup Forums is not one person.
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here, but this board has the worst taste in anime I've possibly ever seen.
Give me your top 10.
Ah yes, the perfect situation. No matter what I say here you will say it's shit.
>...right in the kokoro!
So? What are you waiting for? Are you gonna cry like a little baby if I call your favorite anime shit?
fucking pripara really
Thing you don't like
Thing you don't like 2
Thing you don't like 3
Thing you don't like 4
Thing you don't like 5
Thing you don't like 6
Thing you don't like 7
Thing you don't like 8
Jackie Chan