Which one, Sup Forums?

Which one, Sup Forums?



90's hair / clothing, 10's everything else.

especially because of reaction faces

"Bundle of ribbons" must be the cutest way to describe hair.

In this example, 90's
In reality 00's

90s peak

Higher mouths in 90's style is probably the part I like the least. When they get off-model, those mouths become extremely jarring.

People choosing 90s are just nostalgiafags. 10s is an improvement; less lines to draw and looks cuter.

which one?

I like cute girls.
Did that answer the question?

90's eyes, 10's everything else

Right. Death to noses.

t. Krillin

Just by looking at how the 10s relief is a lot more spooky, makes me think 90s is better

3 and 4 are peak performance
2 and 5 are ok
rest is garbage


7-9 is what most of Sup Forums likes
4-6 is for casuals
1-3 is for men of culture like myself


How come 80s looks the best?

90s is special

5-7 is great




Maybe the improvements of the TV since the 90s had an effect to this too. Color contrast and all that stuff

because the 80's to early 90's were the peak of anime

90s no doubt.


70s is sexy
80s is just the best

What would 2017 look like?

As a hair fetishist I'm disgusted by how modern style makes hair look, no not like a "bundle of ribbons", more like a head shaped cardboard that has a bunch of thin strings attached to it.
90s had perfect sexy thick poofy hair, so 80-90s for the win!

I started watching anime regularly just a few years ago and I prefer 90s face design.

I love the 60's and 70's one.

everything but 00s is good,,


But these are all from the same show..the same episode even!

3 or 5, not 4 though


That's the joke

Is about time for a Cyberteam in Akihabara remake

1 if they can manage to make it look good in motion

Aw shit, I'm on episode 6 right now. Am I in for a ride?


people always cherrypick the worst for 90s because they'd rather shill for le 8tees meme
