Captain Ginyu uses Dance of Joy
Dragon Ball Super
>Goku says Gohan did a good job
>good job
So endgame is Freeza and Goku vs Jiren and UI Goku fighting Jiren in a cage isn't it?
According to the leaks, Toppo will ring 17 and Freeza out.
Vegeta will ring Toppo out but also be defeated.
The final battle will be Goku vs Jiren.
Five in a row, good going guys.
If Toppo rings out Frieza this arc is shit, after all that buildup with his ambitions you can't throw him out before the final battle.
Whatever you gohanfags do, you're not welcome to come over to watch Kamen Rider, go somewhere else
Gohan and Android 17 fighting base level Toppo, getting obliterated and putting in 0 damage.
Frieza and Android 17 fighting base level Toppo, Toppo getting Ryona'd to the point where he has no shirt on anymore and Frieza is laughing in joy.
Gohan once again proved that he was far beyond the power of SSB.
>Golden Freeza jobs to UI Dyspo.
>Gohan the Great has to save his ass from getting eliminated.
>SMARThan see's through UI Dyspo's movements.
>This is similar to when UI Goku and SSB2/UI Vegeta saw through movements, meaning that Gohan's next form is near.
>Either way, he see's through the FTLspeedhax movements and forms a plan for Golden Freeza to follow.
>CHADhan then destroys UI Dyspo.
>"But UI Dyspo is faster!" you Gohanhaters say
>As soon as Golden Freeza jobs and lets go of his beams because he choked Dyspo appears to get the upper hand
>But he doesn't
>Ultimate CHADhan is still fast enough to reverse headlock UI Dyspo despite his FTLspeedhax
>Ultimate CHADhan sacrifices himself to bring down UI Dyspo
>GODhan probably saved all of U7 as UI Dyspo would've beaten Freeza and possibly Goku/Vegeta with his speedhax
Truly a CHAD. Truly based. Even in defeat Gohan wins again.
Give it to me straight.
Is Super ending?
People are saying it is and others are saying it isn't.
Reminder that Gohan only knocked out TWO fighters by himself and had his hand held by Piccolo for most of the tournament
What a shit fighter
owari da
Super is ending, Dragon Ball is not.
A movie coming out at the end of the year and it might come back in 2019 with a new dragon ball series. It might be DB Ultra, Super 2 or something along that line.
It's ending, and this pathetic display is the last we'll ever see of Gohan
Amazing isn't it?
All we know is the anime is ending in march with a movie out in December. Nobody official has called it a hiatus. I think the show will be back next year but there is nothing official so just treat it like it's over
Frieza did absolutely nothing but spam death beams everywhere lmao
It's either that or we turn it into a general so fuck off
Why did he make this face
Cause Jobhan is finally out.
>Another 3:30 intro
>1 minute is a whole show
Holy shit I'm getting Namek flashbacks and I don't fucking like it.
Yes, Super is ending.
Power ranking
UI Goku
Vegeta new form
GoD Toppo
Golden Frieza
Frieza sucked in this arc.
Dragon Ball ended in 1995. Prove me wrong.
>manga skips this fight
toyotards will defend this
Golden frieza is definitely stronger than dyspo, dyspo was just very fast.
I'd even put him above gohan.
>Gohan DQs because the resident beam spammer couldn't spam enough beams
CUTE cult assemble.
>Goku wins the wish
Fuck. Literally fuck, should have been Gohan. He’s the only one who might actually think to wish for “I wish all of the universe back, and for them to be merged with U7”
wait was freeza just last minute pandering for freezafags to watch this shitshow?
GT remake soon. Spread the word.
Vegetacucks lost, Jobhancucks lost and Freezafags lost too. Indeed, only the Jinzoningenchads won in this tournmanent
17 and 18 are both of the strongest in all universes lad. We fucking did it. Let's rejoice, androidfriends
So what if it is? He still got further than JOBhan
Reporting in.
Posting autistic saiyan.
You did good QT
Also this episode taking place over the course of one single minute makes no fucking sense whatsoever. That means Freeza was only able to keep up his cage attack for what, like, 30 fucking seconds tops? The writers should have just gotten rid of the rest of the fighters sooner rather than taking these last few episodes one minute at a time, its worse than the namekian minutes
>17 and 18 are both of the strongest in all universes lad
Vegeta would body these fags, and they're both getting sent to the bench next week. Basically everyone except for Goku loses. This is basic Dragon Ball storylining.
What is Frieza going to do last minute to cause himself to not get ressurected but also not completely hakai'd.
what's the deal with frieza anyway. i still have no clue what they are going to do with him
It's going off-air and there are no current plans to continue it. It could return next year, sometime after that, or not at all. It's all rather open-ended at the moment.
Episode 125 Preview
Fuck my ass.
Why didn't he cover his 3rd eye?
He's going to be back in the next anime series. People who really think there isn't going to be a continuation after super are retarded. Vegeta and Goku still have to unlock UI, they still have to go up against the four universes that were exempt from this tournament, they still have to act on the buildup to challenging the gods that they've been foreshadowing ever since Champa arc, and they're obviously doing something with Freeza
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but looked like he was trying to achieve UI the same way Vegeta tried earlier.
I wonder what specifically caused this. Maybe we'll find out eventually.
>godhan is the tallest
he really is eternally /ourguy/
Lizardcuck out next week.
Yes, Super is ending because they're tired of watching it reuse ideas from better Dragonball Movies.
I've always been thinking of that, if they merge there shouldn't be any problem at all, it was the amount of universes that started this.
>Toppo limit breaker
Remember all those "Limit Breaker" edits of that Goku poster?
What the fuck, how can Freeza be such a little bitch in this episode. If anything he was the pathetic one
>why you're taking so long this is too much for me to sustain
>please end faster
>oh no I lost my grip!
>17 is going out for sure next ep
>Gohan definitely is not going out, nope, 17 is gone
>Gohan and Goku vs Jiren ending
As shitty as it's going to be for Toppo to beat Frieza and 17, I'm just glad the best 4 made it to the end. Although I'd really like all 4 to fight Jiren... one can dream.
Frieza and 17 about to interact is all a boy could wish for when he grew up on Z.
That sounds fucking awful, and the execution would surely be even worse,.
Super has terrible ratings in Japan because Toei is full blown pants on head retarded.
Most of the staff has been moved to the movie, and it would be impossible to keep producing Super at the same time.
It will surely come back next year.
This """fight""" was shit. It was just random shockwaves, then they screaming and rushing at each other and then a cross counter. They entire fight could be summarized in that pic.
Rating barely doesn't matter, all that matters is the gunpla sales
/Chadforce/ report in
Did we enjoy tonight's episode? I sure as fuck did. Gohan went out like a boss.
Ultra soon.
Hes not woke. This nigga fakin
>Goku is 5'9''
>Vegeta somehow as tall as him now
>Gohan is 5'10''
Truly the king of manlets.
Wakey Wakey DBSfags
Do you love Dyspo
The animators forget that Frieza has a multitude of techniques under his sleeve, which he could've used against Dyspo. But no, let's just have him stand there and spam beams. Gohan fighting Dyspo in a Cage Beam Match was the only good thing.
His third eye doesn't function because his brain is in the way so no optical nerves are possible.
Troubled production schedule all the way through, understaffed for the movie, manga being like a year behind the anime, and Toriyama probably has no idea what to do next.
I wonder if the movie will set something up, like some "ancient evil" that Saiyans faced in the past or something.
He was canon taller than Goku and at least 6'0" before the retcon desu.
I will love Gohan forever!
> from last night there are 11 weeks until the very end of march
> last episode took a single minute - bringing it to 7
> there's at least another 7 episodes of this back and forth shit with a potential 1-4 "post tournament" story.
Kinda, liked his moments but the way he went out was too anticlimatic
Fuck TOEI that's like something that Kubo would do (aka Zero Yammy) and not fucking Toriyama.
>Got absolutely bodied by Hit
>Lost to the fucking blue goo guy
>Was effectively capable of soloing both Gohan and Golden Frieza at the same time
Don't listen to all these people, there haven't been words saying that Super is ending, only that the Tournament Arc is coming to an end.
Sup Forums spammed the same shit of super ending when the Black Arc was ending.
>some "ancient evil" that Saiyans faced in the past
Sounds familiar.
What does the catgirl look like though
Is this cool or is it pathetic to be forced to power up by 17 and Freeza?
He was holding back
Random powerup he didn't use agaist Hit
why are you like this
Kinda... it was hard to see him get eliminated, but he did great.
>There's a rule against killing
>HOWEVER, there's no rule against destroying
>Toppo will hakai Frieza
The last part isn't true because he clearly has more ideas for movies.
Why THE FUCK is Super ending?
Are they fucking braindead?
What what
They did say that DBS is ending, though.
Hell, it's getting replaced by Kitaro in April.
>mfw the manga will continue anyways
>mfw no need to watch any more shitty animation after this is over
Holy denial
>two people with unique fighting styles
>two people who just standard punch and ki spam
The fact that Gohan managed to land several hits on Dyspo means that Dyspo couldn't see them coming or was too slow to dodge them, which means Gohan is at the very least faster than Frieza
Frieza was completely humilliated at that moment, that's why he got so angry being just the support and didn't hesitate eliminating him. It was a psychological victory for Gohan.
He held his ground and it was a high ground. Keep crying lizardcucks
well what the fuck does "stronger" mean if not some meta score of speed, power, insight, agility, and whatever other memey terms go in to winning fights?
cuz with no interference dyspo would have rung out frisbee. he performed better in a one on one situation. Does that mean he was stronger or weaker, considering he was about to win but is "only faster?"