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i love stocking!

I mean, everything is getting a S2, why not this. I have the feeling Evangelion S2 is around the corner too, just wait and see 4.0.

I'm going to fap to her

Well i do believe in the Multiverse Theory so you can have you own stocking while i have mine!

Imagine the foursome

How much you wanna bet they'll just ignore the entire ending of the first season, Stocking killing Panty and being a demon will be retconned as Gainax fuckery.


Just wanna say all of you people who took the ending seriously are idiots, it was a very obvious joke ending

When God decides to love us again.

I could see them never adressing the last part of the final episode, or even one step beyond and doing the "it was all a dream shower scene" from Dallas.

Still only feels like a couple of years ago

I love panty!

Will Stocking ever date you anons? Since she went for the uggo after all.

Cute! CUTE!

>8 years ago

>2018 was 10 years ago

>3:11PM in Australia was 1 minute ago
>it's probably 2 minutes ago by the time I post this
Time just flies, bros.

Glad to see some great taste Pany will always be the best angel

Anymore of these for the other characters?

I watched the last episode on Christmas eve with my old glorious 480p torrents because my shitty netbook at the time couldn't do HD. Was a blast from the past.

Never you Imaishi faggot. P&S is nothing more than unfunny shit and dick jokes only a 13 year old boy would enjoy. It's easily one of the worst series ever created.


Stocking is best girl and did nothing wrong.


It has a best girls. It is all that are needed.


I wish I could like her. Sadly I was forced to watch the dub and she was voiced by one of the worst VA's working in the industry which ruined the character overall for me.. Don't get me wrong the show is horrendous regardless how you watch it. My experience is just especially bad.

When Gainax goes bankrupt.

'member OST hype?

'member I Want You letdown?

On a side note I couldn't find my Gainax ruined Christmas collage. If anybody could post it, that would be great.

You are way too mad about this. You should stop entering threads you don't like and do something fun.


Will the magical times ever return?

>she was voiced by one of the worst VA's working in the industry which ruined the character overall for me
I'm not autistic about subs or dubs one way or the other, but that's a pretty controversial opinion about Monica Rial.

How was Panty? Normally Jamie Marchi is very good as pure sluts, so I might visit the dub to listen.

I think so, but I don't know when. Thanks.

it's airing right now

mind blown

already happened

>YouTube tier humor

to be honest you need a IQ to understand P&S

I want to FUCK Panty.

Every healthy straight male does.

>8 years ago

>Every healthy straight male has.

>but that's a pretty controversial opinion about Monica Rial.
How? It's well known that her voice is intolerable. Generally people can't stand that nasily high pitched squeal she calls a voice. She's not meant to be a VA or have a career that involves using her voice.

No STD's

I should've been clearer about what I meant. I'm more just surprised to hear that opinion, because I thought she had meme popularity.

I'm not really fond of her work either. But enough about that.

>Manga has been posted for years
>Only just now being whined about by try hard fake oldfags

what is this

I'm not saying I Iike her voice but she does fit certain characters, in particular I think her voice fits massive losers like Tomoko, characters that arn't supposed to be attractive or pleasent in real life.

I need her

5 seconds of google searching will tell you what it is.


i am wasting my fucking life

still blowing loads to kneesocks seven years on

Me too.


where did it all go so wrong

>10 years ago was 20 years ago
It's moving too fast

fuck da bolice

>liking used goods
Good for a conversation maybe, I'm sure she has interesting stories about her exploits but I wouldn't touch that without a vaccine shot for every disease known to mankind


I prefer scanty

But then they wouldn't be healthy any more... because of all the stds

>Stocking fanarts still going strong
feels good man

you two but fucking each other as the stockings look on in contempt? quite a foursome there

In my opinion Marchi nailed the role so hard that original Panty is inferior to her in comparison

It's about as canon as them being zombies, it will never come up again, s2 or not.

You're underestimating the intelligence of the fandom.

Well thats funny that you mentioned manga
Cause it's so much better than the show


Me too

This show was so great. And all you dub faggots need to die. Dub tries too hard to be edgy,
and the VAs suck dick

>its a sheltered anons and oldfags who don't understand pop culture references attempt to shit on the vastly superior english dub of Panty and Stocking episode

>VAs suck dick
Of course, they're method actors.

How many tomato's boxes gainax will need to sell in order to make a s2?


>began with a radish
>ended on tomatoes
they were truly poets

As expected of country grown vegetables.

Oh boy. Time to find out if my body is ready.

My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck did PSG not get a sequel? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want PSG to have a sequel and save anime. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought it was hinted at really well???? This is so fucked. I just punched a hole in my wall im so fucking pissed. Are people really this stupid? You know what you deserve this. you deserve a french mecha shitshow. you deserve to all burn to the ground. You allowed trigger to do this, no one spoke up. Now they wont listen to your voices when you spoke up and chose PSG. My hand is fucking bleeding but i dont care, i dont care anymore. fuck all of you. fuck everything. when people say there moving to another board but i actually am. Im leaving this shitty board with shitty trigger bitches. Fuck all of you.

>to be continued










>show has a good ending
>show makes up dumb end-plot to make fun of standard To Be Continued trope
>Clearly has no plans to follow up on the joke they made that Stocking is evil

but yeah season 2 is coming

Thank you.