Which currently unnamed Big Mom Pirates/Charlotte Family member are you most interested in?
Doesn't have to be from pic related.
One Piece
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are we in wano yet?
Here's a more comprehensive list.
No, but there will be an Ace flashback in Wano so I can't wait.
sengoku fight flashback when?
garp fight flashback when?
whitebeard in prime flashback when?
commander kong spotlight when?
gold roger fight flashback when?
big mom in her prime when?
i want them all.
I wanna see oda pull it off and give us designs, names and numbers of all the 85 children.
Don't care if it's sbs or databooks, but i want it.
I feel like they've been putting more effort into the anime recently, at least compared to dressrosa.
the "plot pace" is slower, but the actual pacing of things happening in the episodes is better since there's more filler/extra characters. I like it better this way, although the fanservice is extremely disappointing
ruining MY wife smoothie.
mochiman is going to look just as goofy
>garp fight flashback when?
Did you forget Don Chinjao?
>a single punch is a full fight
Could Franky have beaten Kumadori?
i think he could have
The next chapter can't come soon enough. C'MON ODA
Is it worth watching the current episode?
Absolutely. Fukuro got wrecked without much effort after Franky recharged his cola. Don't forget that Franky was keeping up with base Luffy for a while, he was pretty strong at first. I don't think he'd have struggled much with Kumadori assuming he had access to cola for that fight.
How strong would Franky be if he replaced his Cola with Perospero's pee?
Hell, it's not like Franky ever fell that far behind either. He's only strugged in big fights where the whole crew's needed to win since.
Kumadori isn't that much stronger than Fukuro Im glad the power levels didnt stay
I brought this up when this same question was asked recently but I'll throw it out there again.
Kumadori and Fukaro had similar Doriki so they weren't much different in terms of raw power. However, Kumadori can withstand Chopper's Kokutei Roseo attack, which is quite likely stronger than any of Franky's punches. Kumadori can also attack with his hair, including the use of Shigan, which means that Franky's centaur hold isn't as effective. The only thing Franky has that can definitely deal with him is Coup de Vent, and without a guaranteed way of hitting with it like the centaur grab he could struggle to land it at all.
Remember Chopper couldn't actually beat Kumadori without Monster Point.
Doriki came off as a parody of power levels more than anything. It was only relevant for one scene as a means to distinguish the power structure of all these characters and even then it was the butt of multiple jokes, like with Jabra's insecurity over being slightly below Kaku.
I think what makes it less garish is that it's just physical strength. It's like those punching games at arcades that measure how hard you hit the cushion
King of pirates?
If it took into consideration DF would Kalifa be above anyone? or are women destined to job in OP?
>Gangster Gedatsu
She didn't have a Devil Fruit when they measured.
Kalifa seemed like she'd be more dangerous than Fukuro or Kumadori. She only lost to Nami because she was memeing around getting used to her fruit rather than actually fighting.
it usually is for Garp
Interesting perspective shot here or maybe its the mirrors
>Kumadori can also attack with his hair
unless his hair is fire proof, he'd be at a disadvantage against Franky
It's kindof nice to know that when things are bad the MC of this Shonen can't just 'Nakama power' his way to victory
This looks fucking retarded even if it is the mirrors
That could be a factor, sure. I think Kumadori is more difficult to deal with than Fukuro regardless though. Fukuro could dodge fairly well with his flattening ability but his illusion technique was easily disrupted. He didn't seem as sturdy as Kumadori either. I wouldn't be surprised if Chopper could beat Fukuro without Monster Point.
If you take Devil Fruits into consideration, teawase rankings break completely because tons of Devil Fruits can't be quantifiably considered strong or weak. There's just too many weird ones.
Kalifa had really low durability as well as the lowest Doriki of CP-9.
Her ability could be dangerous in certain circumstances but she could also just get outclassed and taken down quickly before she could do much.
>tfw you havent bellamy'd in over 2 weeks
Oda, where's my faggot Zoro?
Who made this?
Oda, where's my friend Zoro?
who actually ate the chop chop fruit
Continued from the last, thread:
>Robin warned that the Buster Call would wipe out everyone on Enies Lobby, regardless of allegiance or identity
>The Buster Call ships actually evacuated all military and government personnel from the island before bombing it
Pfft, guess someone was wrong.
>that feel when One Piece will never get the Dragon Ball FighterZ treatment
Why cant we also have a 2D fighter that looks better than the anime?
because the "buster call" is literally just a call for forces to arrive, not what the forces will actually do
One of the Vice Admirals was still willing to sink a ship with Marines on it in order to ensure complete destruction of the enemy. None of the others objected.
Did Big Mom fuck a goddamn Lapahn to give birth to that big blue guy ?
>Worlds biggest terrorist training his child soldiers
She remembered what happened to those who evacuated Ohara, She knew to expect overkill
Pudding. I want Teach to kidnap her and use ber for her third eye, so that Sanji has to save her in the final arc.
In DBZ also every character uses the same basic attacks and has a few signature techniques which works great for a fighter. Trying to balance a One Piece fighter while also trying to give justice to every character's fighting styles would be a nightmare.
>are wa dare da
>dare da
>dare da
Well the weirder or less suited characters like Usopp, Nami, Robin, Kalifa, Perona etc. could be used as support type characters. At th end of the, most of big OP battles do end up in straight up brawl with some "super attacks", so a gam with M3 +Franky from SHs, top members of villain groups (like Mr. 2, Mr. 1 Crocodile as BW representatives) etc with plenty of support characters could work.
I wish to do lewd things with Carrot, such as holding hands, giving her headpats, as well as sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation!
>Watching the anime at all
Wouldn't Zoro have left the crew if he saw what happened with Sanji at Whole Cake? A hunger strike makes it seem like Luffy is a doormat towards Sanji.
yiff in hell furfag
It wouldn't. Sanji fucked up bigly, but his situation is still much closer to Robin than Usopp. By refusing to back up when Sanji was being forced to stay in WCI, Luffy has shown his strength as a captain, if he would allow Usopp to come back without acknowledging his mistake, he'd show weakness.
But Sanji didn't have faith in his captain to trust him with the truth after everything they've been through, including the events with both female crewmates that similar situations like the aforementioned Robin.
>God makes me strong
What did Carrot mean by this?
>Robin tries to protect the crew from CP9, a team of shitty jobbers that didn't even have DF powers at Water 7
>ends up making them bust through a massive tidal wave, raid the Judicial Island, and escape on the sole fact that Usopp was right about not abandoning Merry
>Zorro thinks this is fine
>Sanji tries to protect the crew from a fucking Yonko, who has already captured him, threatened innocents OUTSIDE the crew who they can't defend, and placed explosives on his hands
>Luffy goes on a hunger strike because he wants Sanji to come back
>Zorro leaves the crew
Zorro doesn't care when people are forced to leave, he cares when people decide to leave and then come back.
Though he was still being a dramatic cunt about it. If he wants to complain about not being able to trust crew, then maybe he should've trusted Merry?
Fuck off you cancer.
>more than 600 posts
wtf dude
Set fail for one piece
carrot was made to be taken from behind
>garrote can use electricity attacks
>worships eneru
God Eneru
If Sup Forums shitposters wrote One Piece, how would Zorro, Pudding, Perospero and Big Mom be like?
>remove brooks afro
>make chopper more like pre Timeskip
>bring zoros laugh back
>give robin her old looks
>less plotarmor and asspulls for luffy
>bring enel back and make him relevant
>perona or reiju joining the team (fuck garotte, Jinbei is to old for this bunch)
>ne ever bring corby back
and...... bring whole cake island to an end and show the better straw hats at wano
You're right, this is how a tasteless shitposter would write One Piece
Edgelord on the surface, but also cute guy with the most heartwarming smiles and the greatest friend].
Ugly frog as her basic persona, but a cute and femdom master. once she reveals her third eye. In a love triangle with Sanji and Nami.
Paedophile with a great relationship with his younger brother.
>Big Mom
She'd go down as the weakest Yonkou in on-on-one against Luffy. After that Sanji would kill her with a poisoned cake.
Perospero would also need to pee every 5 panels or so.
>remove brooks afro
Fuck off.
>make chopper more like pre Timeskip
>bring zoros laugh back
>give robin her old looks
Fine, whatever.
>less plotarmor and asspulls for luffy
You don't know what those are.
Let Usopp get past that shit already and make a name for himself on his own. It was a moment of weakness for him and his most powerful moments were when he ditched that mask.
>bring enel back and make him relevant
He will be.
>perona or reiju joining the team
>fuck garotte
Give reasons why she's a bad character or less eligible than Sanji's equivalent of Nojiko who'll completely throw the balance of the crew's diverse backgrounds out the window by being related to an existing crewmate and a screaming bitch who'll just fawn over Chopper all day. At least Carrot and Jimbei are both something new.
>Jinbei is to old
46. He's almost half as old as Brook.
>ne ever bring corby back
>luffy barely can beat 2 peacekeepers
>somehow beats katakuri
how? fucking hack
Nice pasta.
He wasn't starving himself during the Katakuri fight, was he? There's your answer, idiot.
>Luffy can't beat Kizaru
>somehow beats Doflamingo, who is Admiral Tier
How? Fucking hack
>dude food gives you energy
no it doesn't you fucking fatass. when will this dumb shonen trope end?
>"ugh I hate shonen tropes!"
>still reading shonen
Go read a book then, dumb faggot, or put on a trip so we can filter your retarded opinions.
>hey big mom I want to change crew
>but first you have to spin this """"wheel"""
>ok np see you later fishboi
So.... a yonko that kills everyone that want to leave her crew just let Jinbe stay simply because he refused to spin that shitty roulette?
Bravo Oda!
>giving the MC super regeneration abilities only through eating
wow hack. thats like refilling your Mana by drinking tap water
doffy is not even close to kizaru
hey i'm one of those assholes who think one piece became trash after the timeskip, is this cake arc shit any good
Does Caesar enjoy collecting stationery and notebooks?
Will we see Buggy again?
Admiral tier does not mean they are actually as strong as an Admiral. It just means they wont get completely fucked if one does show up.
it is fucking boring and luffy will beat a yonkos best fighter because hack
but it is still better many times than the fish arc
if you enjoy 73974838923819020 week arcs where in 95% of episodes nothing happens yes it's fantastic
>super regeneration
What the fuck are you talking about? Please, wherever you're from, go back.
what happened to this series
tell me the time between luffys meal and the fight against katakuri. I think that are less than 12 hrs
>anime watchers
The series is fine. You're just talking to idiots. Instead of asking Sup Forums which is a notorious breeding ground for waifu-induced idiocy, please go read a couple chapters for yourself.
Yes, read, not watch. If you complain about the pacing but only watch the anime, you're a retard.
Whole Cake is perfectly fine.
The roulette's a rigged threat to keep him and everyone else who tries to leave on "good terms" in line. It's supposed to instill fear of what the outcome will land on, which is how Linlin's powers work. If he were to spin it, he'd be going into it with fear and die. If he didn't, he'd still be a useful asset to the Big Mom Pirates, until he eventually betrayed them anyways without any fear.
neck yourself, spastic