Get off your Sup Forumssses already

Fewer and fewer translators are remaining active in the fansubbing/scanlating community, either because of internal drama or just "growing out of" or losing interest in anime. Add to that sub stealers, scummy sites like crunchy roll, the kiss offshoots, masteranime, (and yes kissanime DOES steal subs, among a myriad of other things). The western fanbase for anime is dying, and no new blood from translators is one of the final nails in the coffin. If you want to see a boom in groups like in 2006-12, we all need to step up and start learning this shit, because no one else seems to give a fuck anymore.

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kuck fissanime

You're talking about stealing anime, don't act like this is some moral crusade.

If it worries you that much then perhaps it is time to learn moonrunes.
This could be the oportunity to separate the casuals from us.

I am trying to learn, but it'll be a long time before I can translate a whole manga for you, dude.

>Wah, my subs are coming from official sources instead of fans
Literally who the fuck cares?

yep, it was warned on here before CR and the cartel rolled into town. All you'll get is meme replies. current Sup Forums just doesn't care that fandom is dying and that most of their translations are 2nd rate or worse.

> most of their translations are 2nd rate or worse
This has always been true, though.

>official sources

og you mean CR with it's speedsubbing, mistranslations, and outright meme subs?

Do we really need a discussion about the integrity of """official""" subs?

God, that's disgusting

Do they work off official scripts? Back when I was active, I dreamed of how crisp my work could be if I were working off an official source.

>The western fanbase for anime is dying

Am I supposed to feel sad?

dude, I can't speak english properly and you want me to start learning an almost useless lenguage?
fuck off

That pic has to be sarcasm ,r-right?

You’re bashing subs but that pic looks fine?

Nothing warrants fan translations. Nothing this season at least.

I translate doujins and pixiv collections for myself and don’t share them

>western fanbase for anime is dying
You guys might give a fuck less, but this is a good as indicator as any that this is true
>10k atendee drop

As opposed to what? The Incorporated Rancor and mass naked child events?

Also, why are you posting an image that's specifically highlighting how the subs are better than the dub?

Consider joining a patreon group. Get paid for doing shit. Desperate times call for jewbux.

What? Why not just read them?

Tell me more about this. I'm a poorfag translator who could use some jewbux.

I didn't waste a buttload of time learning runes just so I can translate stuff for other people. Go learn it yourself already.

I'm learning my a.i.e.o.u BITCH

Perhaps it's his private sadistic habit that he only knows about it.

I wonder how is he doing, the last video that I watched was about endorsing his personal business related to a switch/server-stuff.


Hop into irc, or shoot an email to any group with open recruiting. (Pretty much all of them will suck your dick clean off if you actually can translate), and ask if they have any patreon, or crowdfunding shit. Just make sure you have some sample work ready i guess (?). Thats how we always did it.

Do your reps.

>Learn kana
>Go a few months without practicing anything
>Forget half of everything
>need to relearn Kana
>repeat that for 4 years
And thats been my japanese learning so far.

Is it more profitable than doing commissions? I already do those and can take it easy, but I imagine that with a group it'd have a much tighter schedule.

I haven't done them in like a year now forgive me senpai.

I gave up after I lost all my progress at 4200 words.

Good. I know Moon and watch and play whatever I want without having to rely on others. Fansubs can die for all I care.

I always say that people should learn moon. Not for translation purposes, but for the sake of your own enjoyment. It makes everything 100 times better, you have no idea. The amount of things you get to enjoy increases by a fuckton. And of course you don't have to rely on translators anymore, it's liberating.

You're not supposed to keep doing them after a year or two.

I already live in Japan and have an N1 in japanese, why the fuck would I scanlate shit when I have legal access to everything I could ever want.?

Honestly, I don't even consider EOPs to be human anymore, the difference in level between us is too great.

I look at this board and I see literally no reason why I'd wanna contribute or help people.

Maybe you should... you know... not go to this board.

Get me a Japanese credit card, I need one for subscript services.

Jesus fuck. That's disgusting.

Didnt realize that I should only browse a website if I was willing to waste my time helping people whom I dont care about. Should I also stop to browse Sup Forums because I cant be bothered to be someone tech support?

No, you should stop browsing Sup Forums if you're not contributing to FOSS.

>contribute or help

Do it for the E-pen dude, like all the others, ill suck your e-pen all day if do shit according to my tastes

Probably not more profitable, as comissies always come from people who have no idea how to handle their money, but, getting with a group lends stability to a basic income. Dry spell for requests? No worries, as you'll always get a cut of jewbux. Before we disbanded, our schedule was lax as of late on chapters because there wasn't a whole lot series with enough interest. Now though, i can't say. Join a big group, they might keep you busy. Smaller groups will likely let you go at your own pace more.

>Learn Moon
>Discover all the liberties they take with the translations for everything
The Sup Forums redpill.

As I thought, you're just an asshole. Shoot yourself.

Pretty much this

>browse site filled with people you hate
>go out of your way to argue with people you hate, under no outside duress to do so

Fucking cookie cutter tsundere mother fucker, you are.

Western fans don't give a shit anymore, they go for the Mcdonald of subs, HS/CR.
Just look at seasonal anime threads without HS release, like Onihei.

The only time people give a shit and download fansub, is for batches of old shows.
Why go out of your way if nobody cares?

The true redpill is realizing that those liberties were often a good thing.

I used to do fan translations, mostly scanlation, but I helped sub SZS and a few other shows years ago. I quit because I got tired of endless bitching and arguing from people who don't actually speak Japanese but somehow think they're qualified to opine on the intricacies of translating it. So from my perspective, it was more the fans who killed fansubbing than CR or internal drama. Who would want to do mountains of unpaid work for a bunch of argumentative, ungrateful fucks?

Besides, there's not much need for fansubs anymore with quick official releases for most shows. It's not like 10 years ago where it could take 3-5 years for an English release if one happened at all.

B-but muh magic and muh loss of enjoyment due to acquired knowledge resulting in perception of faults

I made this analogy before: Why bother cooking homemade meals when the kids wants fastfood?

I'm a typesetter and I've worked with countless rookie translators. Having seen hundreds of scripts, literal translations are always the worst. It's okay to take SOME liberties.

There are about 5 shows per year worth watching at best, usually less. I really don't care if anime dies off, manga is where all the good stuff is at.

>food analogy

>learn retarded backwards archaic language
>realize I'll never understand it at a native level because it's a retarded backwards archaic language
>realize japanese novels suck and go back to watching korean kino

This is a terrible analogy because feeding your kids fast food only does have bad consequences, and as a parent you'd want to avoid causing harm to them.

>Who would want to do mountains of unpaid work for a bunch of argumentative, ungrateful fucks?
I felt exactly like this too. Then I stopped posting my work on Sup Forums altogether and now I enjoy doing it again

I've already learnt moon. If you ask me the western anime fandom could stand to shrink.

>no new blood from translators is one of the final nails in the coffin. If you want to see a boom in groups like in 2006-12
I can't speak for anime, but there are far more translators around now than there were back in 2011 which is when I came here. Redrawers are in more demand these days, at least in the circles I've seen.

>we all need to step up and start learning this shit, because no one else seems to give a fuck anymore
It's one thing to learn conversational Japanese from square one and another to translate manga competently. Guys like Hox or Jagman or Royal are in the minority.

you have to understand that working with fucking dramaqueen/autistic people with disgustingly big egos on the daily is fucking awful

you dont get paid for it

you get shit on if you mess up

the only thing i would ever consider doing is live TLs on Sup Forums with no obligations

This needs to be said more in threads like this.

>do fansub
>no one says thanks, the only feedback you get is a bunch of literal autists who are dissatisfied with your interpretation and want you to translate the literal meaning instead
yea, very rewarding when CR just subs shows without 2hrs.

I can't say I've ever experienced any noteworthy perception of faults, or at least not more than I did before. The only thing is that sometimes English translations can be funnier since the language has more curse words and shit compared to Japanese. Like with the pop team epic scanlations, it's much funnier in English than in Japanese.

I learned some basic Japanese (N4 level, so really nothing) and didn't bother continuing because everything I liked was mostly translated anyway.
Where are those troves of untranslated stuff that I could enjoy if I bothered to learn more? Don't say VNs, they are 95% shit

I'm self-assessed N5. Does anyone need a translator for their project?

absolutely subversive

Good. Anime should remain Japanese. The less western influence the better.

You probably just have shit taste or didn't look hard enough because there's mountains of good untranslated manga out there, and also doujin stuff. I guess games besides VNs too.
I personally like autobiographical manga a lot, those rarely ever get translated. Reading shit in japanese feels a lot more different too.

>page not found

At this point the only good reason to translate things is if you need your e-peen stroked or want to boost popularity for something you like.
Situations like saiki S2 are hopefully rare, but manga and the likes are still really neglected. Hell, shounen shoujo, something made by the guys behinds medaka box stopped getting translated at some point.

If you feel like you're in for the long haul for manga and anime, it really is a good idea to learn japanese. You don't have better things to do anyway.
[Spoiler]rip captcha v1[/spoiler]

Not sure where to ask this but, does anyone know where I can get subs for [VCB-Studio] Eromanga Sensei [Ma10p_1080p]?

>Nothing warrants fan translations. Nothing this season at least.
Cardcaptor Sakura - because Shaoran is supposed to be spelled with an H.

And goddamn. The rest of those scripts.

>translating for EOPs of 2018
Yuck. EOPs of 2006 was much less bitchy.

I definitely didn't look. Not sure where to pick recommendations for untranslated stuff though.

>Sup Forums collectively shits on fansub groups for years over real and imagined slights, trips over itself in trying to find ways to insult them but never even makes a token attempt at showing gratitude, and tells them they are expendable
>everyone involved in subbing his right mind gets the picture after a while and decides to go do something more productive than wasting their time on performing favors for random subhuman neckbeards on the internet for free

The only thing that surprises me about this trend is that it took as long as it did. Maybe fansubbers really are THAT stupid.

You must be the oldest fattest fuck on this board right now, grandpa

More like dedicated western fans are dying. The number of normalfag casuals have increased but they don't contribute other than forcing memes.

> everything I liked was mostly translated anyway
How much manga do you even read? I don't know Japanese at all, but the majority of things I pick up wind up with dead or severely-behind scans eventually.

Yeah, I’m actually gonna try learning sometime soon. It’ll probably be way easier to translate anime than to translate manga though, for obvious reasons.

The problem is time and money OP, people grows out of fansubbing and scanlation because they don't have time or the money to afford the job and newbies are so used to things being free that they don't care about it.
Crunchy was supposed to be our savior but it just did everythng worse.

> tells them they are expendable
They are expendable, though. They've all left, and guess what? We get subs for more stuff than ever before, faster than ever before, and (despite what retards say) with no significant drop in overall quality.

Start by looking at untranslated works of artists/authors that you like. Get a twitter and start following authors that you like and publishers that do genres that you enjoy, they'll eventually introduce you to more things.
There's always webmanga too.

Just say that you need some money for your sick mother that you've been taking care of for 15 years.

I don't know how that guy does it, even as a poorfag I really don't like to beg for shekels.

Telling a girl to change her body is body shaming.

Pretty sure it's a girl

>price goes up
>attendance drops

Serves them right.

>Cardcaptor Sakura
Shitty cashgrab reboot

Good thing I watch/read Chinese bootlegs.

I really don't get where all the "ungrateful audience" complaints are coming from when people are still reading kitanaishitcake's garbage.

Nigga I work almost 70 hours a week. I am not going use my little freetime to learn a useless language so I can poorly translate some shit manga or novel.

I wish I subscribed to viz's shonen jump manga when it was still around. I have a few issues including the very first one. Physical manga is a thing of the past.

it's a sequel

>the only thing i would ever consider doing is live TLs on Sup Forums with no obligations
I won't even do that anymore. Maybe a year ago I did a quick translation of a manga page someone posted. Misspelled a word, immediately half a dozen replies calling me an idiot. Nobody said thanks. So fuck it, not worth my time.

How many times do I have to post this? Don't post your translations on Sup Forums. You honestly think you can get honest appreciation and criticism out of a site that has been devolving more and more into pure ironic shitposting over the years?

I'm t-trying to learn

You start faggot