I want to _____ chimame!

I want to _____ chimame!


have sex with


Watch another season of

by (You)

I just had sex with my cute wife Cocoa-chan!


That's funny, I just had sex with my average looking husband user.

harvest and then sell on the Chinese black market the organs of


You better not.



impregnate then give abortions to



If by "DJ Night" they mean sexual favors, then yes.

I am going to MARRY my girlfriend Sharo-chan!


A common problem with Asians trying to write sentences in a language that uses an alphabet. Clearly they meant to write BJ night.


C J P™

Why is Maya so much sexier than the others?

Cute lolibutt

She's not, Megu is.

>right panel

Looks like Megu can't get married anymore


>Start thread with Rize
>no replies
>start thread with Chino
>300+ replies
Why do you hate Rize? What did she do to you?

She dared to die on me.

Can I has sauce?

But she revived from the dead.

>start thread with Chino

You mean Chimame, which was clearly the most popular part of this show.




When are they gonna graduate and get to Highschool with the other rabbits?

She's not real.

Rize is my favorite

And Chino is?

Because no one cares about her.



>Sharo is the most expensive
What did they mean by This?

She will be fat for 9 months.

cum inside Chino, a member of the

That's wrong tho.

I'd like some more kafuu chino.


Hoodie skirts are amazing

They're okay

Dont do lewd sxxt to em. they can’t wear bikini unlike other 4,wearing dowdy one pieced swimsuit instead.anyone fapping over the one pieced swimsuit???

My Wife Chino is so cute.

Excuse me, she's MY wife, not yours.

She's anons wife chino

I can't believe shovel is dead.

Do other people exist in Fleur du lapin/Ama usa an besides the rabbits and the two girls fucking like rabbits?
They must feel pretty fucking lonely.

Since when has this become 'by me' meme?

Since Syarp was raped as a child. By the guy who posted it first, I assume.
Nowadays, pictures don't have that blood stain under Syarp.


Since .

Suspicions were first raised by .
I also note Chino's husband is still there, and has been going at it for more than two years (844 days) since with more than 1200 posts.

>2 and 3 years ago respectively
what the fuck, we've been shitposting for that long?

I'm surely it's older than that I remember It started with someguy posted this image or similar image on some thread, but the the post content was she was regret she shouldn't go out alone on that day that user implied she got gandbanged, but somehow it turned out to sexually abuse as a child several thread later.

Since 2015 I believe, the killyourself spammer started this shit to me and we just couldn't stop response to him.

No, but people don't get depressed that she isn't.



Imagine the various sex positions you could get these three into.