

Nice meme!

>10 billion frames of sakuga
>Norio Wakamoto

Always bet on the underdog.

Superior story will usually win

>pte fags are normalfag meme spouters
Who would've guessed.

teen genocide best day of my life

PTE isn't even going to sell 2k. I don't understand the normalfag meme.


Yes, I know what stalker is, where that info is taken from and how to read said info in japanese.

Again, PTE won't sell 2k units. Capisce?

I haven't seen the second season yet but why did it flop?

Norio was in it? Which ep?

Is Kemono Friends really THAT good?
I haven't watched yet.

Nice meme Sup Forumsedditor!

Ep 3

You think i can read chinese?

It's pleasant more than anything
Best advice is to go in with no expectations whatsoever, no good or bad, and certainly not thinking it's the best thing ever

This is a PTE thread, I know you can't. Sorry to burst your bubble buddy.

its the Shakspeare of our time

adolf hitler

I would make fun of the aspect ratio, but I'm pretty sure you did this on purpose.