Who will he end up with in the end?
he literally married crab, so I have no idea!
his sisters
He didn't married her yet scrub.
He's pretty much a siscon not that I don't mind but I really like the relationship between him and shinobu
All of them.
Shinobu, everyone else will die eventually.
Only the immortal ones will be around in the end, so Cat, Crab, Monkey, Snake, Bee, and Math are out of the question. Doll, Snail, and Phoenix were never legitimate romance options either, so the obvious answer is Bat.
With me
>everyone else will die eventually
tsukihi is a phoenix that will come back to life even if she dies
yotsugi is a doll, and naturally won't age
mayoi is a god
so he will only be left with the lolis... what a nightmare.
>so he will only be left with the lolis... what a nightmare.
You better shut your dirty mouth.
Hopefully he sticks with Hitagi because their witty banter is a joy to watch.
Crab would be happier with Kaiki
This, desu.
Crab will marry him
Araragi will outlive her
He lives with Shinobu in his shadow forever
She sees kaiki as nothing more than a con man who conned her
She is lying to herself
Kaiki kinda fucks off after he was stabbed so I don't really see how she ever gains any sort of feeling towards him. Kaiki is a miserable depressed con man, he travels from town to town to make moeny off of children
Do you want me to quote that famous sentence from Koi?
Really? All she's doing when she's around Araragi is playing a character. The only time her fragile true self shows is when she interacts with Kaiki.
Mrs. Palmer and her five daughters just like any other harem show autistic cuck.
she‘s immortal, not invulnerable.
And Hanekawa.
> she's doing when she's around Araragi is playing a character.
Not true. She plays a character with others, with Araragi she is herself. She knows he likes her banter and games and does it for him.
A nightmare for the lolis perhaps.
Second post best post.
That sentence that she obviously was joking about, yet Sup Forums can't stop posting.
About what?
About the scene where she tells Kaiki that her underwear is blue or about webm?
Because I don't know which one is the most unfaithful.
>She was joking
user, don't let the delusion control over your brain,
basketball lesbian
abused mathematician
Hitagi is the most unfaithful in the whole harem. Flirting with the Araragi hates the most.
And she was abroad when they broke up. So who knows.
>Flirting with the Araragi hates the most.