>it's CG thus it's bad
>it's hand-drawn thus it's good
It's CG thus it's bad
But the left is a good anime and the right is not, user.
Indeed. Thanks very much confirming this, faggot.
If kyoani had made HnK the same people who shit on it for being CGI would be talking about how Kyoani has redefined the medium.
They bring their mindless console war BS here from Sup Forums and think it matters which studio made what.
So left is CG and right is hand drawn? I'm assuming your memetext was sarcasm because right looks like absolute garbage.
Stop being so fucking new, it hurts.
the irony is that CG anime had more comfy threads than hand drawn, while it was airing.
Both are shit
LotL and Kemono Friends were comfy, I agree.
Frame Arms Girls is currently still better than VA
maybe kemono friends too, i still need to watch that.
>Having this much of a shit taste
Very lighthearted. CG is very crude but it's a comfy show regardless.
>Having this much of a great taste
If you see only shit you should wash your eyes.
Right people, right place
>Protecting this much of a shit taste
>having this wrong of an opinon
>Having this much
You could do more with less pretentious art fans.
Houseki no Kuni is shit regardless
Shitty CG is probably chaper than a shitty animation.
That's about it.
Unironically, please don't bring Houseki no Kuni into this.
Where's VEG thread when I need one?
>This much taste
Kuni at least have a thread and it's been one season.
>posting a still shot to make hnk look better
Hahaha. It's called "animation." CG anime is all shit in this regard. Floaty, shitty animation with no regard for rules of animation whatsoever. You'll notice that people who defend this shit won't post examples of good animation, they'll only post single frames. It's fine to like what you like, but you don't have to pretend it pushes the medium or anything.
>having this
There's nothing inherently bad about CG or hand-drawn animation.
He's not comparing shots in that image.
reminder that violet wants to know what is love
HoK is shit and I will literally kill you if you say otherwise
so is violet
So were Etotama and FAG threads.
>having taste
Do it faggot.
as any other anime, that not popular.
>Possessing an a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge that is presumed to be above 2 standard deviations of the average bell curve.
>Taste great shit having
is this post a meme?
Why are you samefagging on the first post?
i can't watch CG because it offends my eyeballs. i'm sure there are good shows in CG, but i just can't get past the way it looks.
>>it's hand-drawn thus it's good
Literally no one has said that.