>animation ticks back up 7 days just in time for ultra bara toppo

how strong will he be Sup Forums


Toppo v Vegeta, Jiren v Goku.

is toppo a former GoD?

Why he is balding?

looking like dragon ball heroes got it right

Where the Caulifriends at?

>next time

what did he mean by this?

Baldhan always thins, baby!

>Where the Caulifriends at?

No, he is a GoD apprentice under the current GoD of U11 Lord Belmond. He just tapped into his GoD powers and became a fully developed GoD.

Her Royal Sexiness is right here.

Seven days until he ruins to only interesting plot thread in this shitty tournament.

>Royal Sexiness
You're goddamn right

Damn, he looks actually threatening.

Stronger than that stupid clown I guess.

>ruining anything
Think again, C-17 or Friezafag. CHADPO is taking them both out next week, then he's going after Prince JOBBER himself, Jobgeta.


How many episodes do we have left? Are you sure Toppo won't have time to fight Freeza and 17 for a bit?

After they brought back all universes again.

It's been pointed out multiple times that the different writers for the series don't give a fuck, just want their paycheck and don't even watch other writers' episodes and communicate with each other so they don't know what happened in the previous episodes or in the next episodes so all the characters seem to have memories of goldfishes and inconsistent strengths and weaknesses and absolutely retarded mindsets when it comes to fighting

8 episodes, learn to count

Jiren the Gray?
More like, Jiren the Gay!

>Goku's stamina keeps resetting after every fight that tires him out

Inferior ningen genes.

Toppo is, and always has been, cooler than Jiren.

>Freeza's plan amounts to nothing
>Gohan's plan to achieve a new form amounts to nothing
>Vegeta's constant allusions to surpassing or taking a different path than Goku will amount to nothing

I'm happy this is ending, I'm not a x-fag of any character, I just want decent writing. This shit is some of the worst written trash I've ever seen, consistently breaking the basic rules of storytelling and writing. I hate shit like HxH and BNHA due to themes and faggot MCs, but goddamn if they're not written ten times better than DBS (even though they're still quite shit).

Everyone involved in writing this should be fired (especially the anime writers), and Toryiama should retire. A massive franchise like DB should at least have middle-school tier writers.

you wouldnt understand. initially, when you start a work out, it's super draining. after you get warmed up your stamina is basically endless until you sustain an injury with the right will power.

That's a lot more than I thought. I figured the amount of skipped weeks would pad out the episodes until march.

>bara dbz returns


> galactic Yakubovich
> cooler than Jiren


> edgy and dumb like his WAIFUU

It's calvo-jin 0.5x


Oh look an underage faggot that's 14+.


>sustain injuries
That's pretty much what Goku does all the time
>stamina is basically endless
Yeah no

>forgetting freeza also gave him a heal

>yeah no
not an argument

> liking Shitfla
Oh look an underage faggot that's 14+.

in school. Why are you skipping it?

Shut the fuck up faggots, you're both underage mexicans that shouldn't be posting on Sup Forums.

You mad, because you cannot enjoy good stuff?

..said fat fedora basement dweller from Texas and farted like a champ

Nah, he's just some butthurted spic. You should've realised that by all these "m-muh jobhan, m-muh vegita"

First, I'm not the person you replied to.

Second, Texas is fucking awesome, fuck you.

Third, we don't have basements in Texas, too much clay in the soil.

Fourth, eat shit you insane christian faggot.

>Friezas condition was to be wished back to life when they win the tournament
>they're going to lose
>all universes get wished back by Jiren
>even though Frieza put in a legitimate effort to help win the tournament they will leave him to rot in hell

Pick one

> First, I'm not the person you replied to.
then fucking kill yourself, you shit eating mong


Even by anime standards the writing is absolute trash.

How's the mashed potatoes you left on your mouth in inbred faggot?

Limestone, too.

I don't really think it's necessary to post this anymore, but I don't have anything better to do.

So this is what stockholm syndrome looks like?

Post more jobhanfags screencaps

>Texas is fucking awesome, fuck you.
> redneck county
> awesome
spotted a white trash

>Freeza's plan amounts to nothing

>legitimate effort
>The reason why Gohan is out in the first place is because he choked like a bitch

Texas is for retards. That's why hurricanes targeted it.

>stockholm syndrome
Spic, go read wiki about stockholm syndrome. You're too dumb to use that word at this point.

Enough to stall Goku for a while

So, Gohan used 17's strategy to take out Dyspo

17 is truly the MVP

>instead of teaming up with Jiren to BTFO U7 once and for all and win this he's gonna do his own thing
>still gonna get ringed out even though he just got op god powers
>finale is gonna be the obligatory goku/jiren
Good ridance, i'm glad super is ending

well I got owned. I will admit. I wont run away.

If I've only seen dbz and read the manga would I be able to keep up with super ?everyone recommends it.

After goku wins and wishes everybody back they'll make a new tournament with even more sugoi guys b-but this time they'll delete the universes for real tho :^
Get hype for dragon ball ultra

Hero Academia and HxH have a much better character cast.

Sakurada should be fired, he is the producer of the show and the main reason why the ToP became the U7 wankfest show.

Tosho is the only one that deserves to stay.

El marcianito?
More like, gay marcianito!

>everyone recommends it.

Yes. But only watch the Filler & Skip to U6 Arc and continue from there. Series is good.

If frieza gets eliminated by toppo I'm going to eat my own shit on livestream. Screencap this and keep it somewhere safe.

>I'm going to eat shit
But you're already watching Super

ill do one even better im taking a picture of this on screen with my phone

You mean Cell Arc & Gohan.

>retards still think freeza will outlast 17
The last 3 from U7 have been confirmed to be Goku,Vegeta and 17 for a long time

Why toppo’s god form looks so much mexican?

Worst offender is Jiren desu

If he ends this arc without some serious motivation/personality development outside vague bullshit like "I want to know what exists past strength.", I'm glad it's being cancelled. Most boring antagonist yet.

They know their audience

>implying Toei even remembers Jiren is supposed to have a personal wish in mind

Because he is the next Grand Padre


frieza deserves to be in the top 3 way more than fucking 17

No, he doesn't, freezafag

They're trying to wrap things up as quickly as possible now. They knew the show would be canned for at least 5 weeks. That's when they started killing of universes in one to two episodes.

What if Toppo BTFO both of them at the same time?

The problem is, even if he did and won, he's locked by the story into reviving everyone.

So the best outcomes are:

1) Goku starts to overpower him, he loses his cool and goes on a monologue about how he won't lose due to his (hopefully interesting and sympathetic) wish creating some real drama.

2) He wins and reveals his wish all along was to revive everyone anyway and this is why U11 acted like complete assholes despite the justice theme. He then declares he wants to put a stop to gods fucking shit up (tying into the hints from Goku/Freeza about this).

Yet i doubt either will happen with Toei fucking up this hard on a weekly basis.

Damn that sounds good
It’s a shame super will end with ToP, it opens to lots of good ideas

Toei sure loves giving people purple forms. First Vegeta and Zamasu now Toppo.

the utter state of gohanfags

> barely fought during whole arc
No he doesn't.

>87 replies
Did all the Pedros actually mass suicide?

>tfw not an autistic characterfag so enjoying the last episodes
Pretty sad that the show is ending, but I doubt all these new plot points and characters will just not be used anymore.
Dragonball Ultra will probably start next year and continue right where super left from.

3) Goku asspulls something, jiren is defeated, they never explain his motives, U11 gets erased, goku wishes something completely stupid, everyone goes EEEHHHH?
Timeskip to EoZ, gods are never mentioned again.

when goku masters UI hes going to IT himself and jiren to the stands so its a tie

>good guy
>quiet and doesn't talk loud like goku
>Not violent, he just wants to defeat his enemies
>Humble. He respects toppo and belmod even if he could destroy them in any moment.
>Wants to be more strong to protect his universe
>Do good things and doesn't need worshipping
>he lifts
my fav character in anime.

Is there a google drive link to Viz 32 chapter? Checked the archive but didn't find anyone posting it

One can hope


he does 17shitter. He's a major villain. 17 doesnt even come close in terms of popularity, characterization, or strength. If he really drops out with 17 they don't know what they're fucking doing.

pic related