I'm no Sup Forumsentlemen so I don't really get how this works but is it worth learning for windows? Any good tutorials?
I don't know how to feel about no frontend.
I'm no Sup Forumsentlemen so I don't really get how this works but is it worth learning for windows? Any good tutorials?
I don't know how to feel about no frontend.
Other urls found in this thread:
There's a fucking general in Sup Forums faggot.
asking the general if it's good is like asking an echo chamber.
>using gnome
>posting this on Sup Forums
And why do you need to learn windows, if you are able to use macOS or Linux you should be able to use windows too.
>read tutorial how to play videofiles
it just werks
>200 page manual for no visible increase in image quality and potential out of the box glitching
Use MPC-QT, you can at least set shit up easier and it does run smoother than MPC+MadVR on bloated videos.
Why are mods so aggressive today?
>200 page manual for no visible increase in image quality and potential out of the box glitching
Are you a retard? Or is your PC just shit?
I spent literal hours trying to fix the horrible screen tearing I was experiencing on mpv.
works fine on my machine
You got memed hard, user. To complete your training you must now install gentoo.
Yeah, but that's the thing, if it doesn't you're fucked and have to spend a retarded amount of time fixing it. And again, there's no increase in image quality over MadVR, so it's just pointless effort.
>literal hours
So are you a retard or is your PC shit? Sounds like both.
>is your PC shit
More like your meme program is shit since I can use MPC just fine.
Well yeah, no one ever said to switch from madvr, it's just better for people who don't already have a player set up to use mpv because MPC development is over.
MPC-QT is literally made to work on shit PCs, if MPC-HC+madvr or mpv aren't smooth for you your PC is shit.
>no one ever said to switch from madvr
You're not coming to these threads too often, are you?
>literal hours
so youre just a fucking baka then
There's no reason to switch from MPC-HC with madvr to mpv right now except preparing for MPC's death or leaving Windows. If anyone told you otherwise they're retards. I use mpv and love it, but at least for now madvr is on the same level from what I've been told.
asking anything in Sup Forums unless you know everything about said thing you're asking is like asking Sup Forums to talk about video games
Press spacebar for pause
Arrows [+shift] for moving forward/backward
s for screenshot
. and , for moving forward/backward a single frame
o for timebar
ubuntu looks like trash
I'd recommend looking up a sample config file and cherry picking the properties you want. The documentation it's pretty good at explaining what each thing does so toying around with options is easy. For the most part you shouldn't need to spend a lot of time ricing the player as basic settings will easily playback your Thai shadow puppets.
- madVR is proprietary software
- it uses more resources
- Directshow is a proprietary deprecated Microsoft API
- MPC-HC uses Directshow specific hacks like LAV Filters, which is hacked ffmpeg to work with DS
- MPC-HC development is dead
- mpv is made from better code
- the powerful open-source/Linux community puts it's development resources behind ffmpeg, libass, and mpv. It does not support xysubfilter, LAV Filters, MPC-HC, directshow, madVR, reclock, or any of that shit. It's either dead or developed by some lone weirdo control-freak like madshi who probably installs malware into madVR to mine crypto
>proprietary software
>proprietary software
There's that, yes. The rest falls under "preparing for MPC's death" like I said.
you have never been to Sup Forums
or you made a new thread to ask a retarded question when you should have gone to /sqt/
Join us now and share the software, Snail, you'll be free.